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If masks are so critical to stopping the epidemic ...


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How can anyone give Fauci a pass for lying to the public about masks not helping when he admitted he was lying?  He says PPE was short for health workers, but that did not prevent people from using homemade masks as they are now.  And using masks earlier, if effective, would have been far more beneficial than starting later.  How many dead New Yorkers and Jerseyites should be laid at Fauci’s feet?

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18 minutes ago, Bormio said:

How can anyone give Fauci a pass for lying to the public about masks not helping when he admitted he was lying?  He says PPE was short for health workers, but that did not prevent people from using homemade masks as they are now.  And using masks earlier, if effective, would have been far more beneficial than starting later.  How many dead New Yorkers and Jerseyites should be laid at Fauci's  Trump's feet.


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19 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

There's just something ironic about people calling Fauci a liar and crucifying him for Everything he does... 

But then clap for Trump like he's a hero... 

I just don't get it... 

Lol!!! Of course you don’t get it. You’re “woke” like the rest of the retarded, idiot socialist, leftist, anarchist, anti/American values on this board. You are who you are. I’m okay with that. But...Trump IS WITHOUT A DOUBT a hero to, you’ll see in Nov, to about 60-70% of America. I’ll go out in a limb and say that you “don’t get that” either. Dems are going to lose and lose big all along the ticket. Enjoy being miserable in the meantime and afterward. 🤣🤣🤣

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Just now, Blueliner said:

Lol!!! Of course you don’t get it. You’re “woke” like the rest of the idiot socialist, leftist, anarchist, anti/American values on this board. You are who you are. I’m okay with that. But...Trump IS WITHOUT A DOUBT a hero to, you’ll see in Nov, to about 60-70% of America. I’ll go out in a limb and say that you “don’t get that” either. Dems are going to lose and lose big all along the ticket. Enjoy being miserable in the meantime and afterward. 🤣🤣🤣



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^^^^^^^What a great to be in the Great Volunteer State of Tennessee 😎🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

...sitting here with a bunch of real Americans enjoying a fucking mask-free afternoon.


A “woke” former d’crap-People’s Republic of California(n). 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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1 minute ago, Blueliner said:

Lol!!! Of course you don’t get it. You’re “woke” like the rest of the idiot socialist, leftist, anarchist, anti/American values on this board. You are who you are. I’m okay with that. But...Trump IS WITHOUT A DOUBT a hero to, you’ll see in Nov, to about 60-70% of America. I’ll go out in a limb and say that you “don’t get that” either. Dems are going to lose and lose big all along the ticket. Enjoy being miserable in the meantime and afterward. 🤣🤣🤣

you lost you frustrated mind Blueballs..LOL….he's down to the 5th Ave. Trumpers now...the clowns that would support him if he "shot someone on 5th Ave."...hero's don't lie several times a day and only fools would worship a certified liar...good luck Blueballs!...you're going to need it...a LOT of it!..O.o

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2 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

you lost you frustrated mind Blueballs..LOL….he's down to the 5th Ave. Trumpers now...the clowns that would support him if he "shot someone on 5th Ave."...hero's don't lie several times a day and only fools would worship a certified liar...good luck Blueballs!...you're going to need it...a LOT of it!..O.o

Geez clown. Just shut up already. You’re a fucking retard of epic proportion...everyone sees it (other than you’re retard “friends” here). Your indoctrination went well. Can’t help you with that. Seriously...You are a fringe minority. You’re gonna be shit on after Trump wins. All of their bullshit rioting crap....FUCKING GONE on 11/4. 👍

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25 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Lol!!! Of course you don’t get it. You’re “woke” like the rest of the retarded, idiot socialist, leftist, anarchist, anti/American values on this board. You are who you are. I’m okay with that. But...Trump IS WITHOUT A DOUBT a hero to, you’ll see in Nov, to about 60-70% of America. I’ll go out in a limb and say that you “don’t get that” either. Dems are going to lose and lose big all along the ticket. Enjoy being miserable in the meantime and afterward. 🤣🤣🤣


So now I'm a retarded leftist anarchist because I don't agree with Chump...  

My bingo card is full... But undoubtedly this would've been another bingo

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10 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:


So now I'm a retarded leftist anarchist because I don't agree with Chump...  

My bingo card is full... But undoubtedly this would've been another bingo

No. You’re a “retarded leftist” because you go against the American values they Trump is trying to protect. Good and bad. Are you good with the Constitution? I only ask because anyone that you vote for on the blue side of the ticket is NOT. Do you like basic human rights? That’s what the Constitution provides. Are you good with a fundamental change of the structure of our country? You want socialism? I’ve been around  the block for a decade or two or three....or4. You are witnessing, aiding and abetting the destruction of the most human-friendly country God has ever established. Be FUCKING careful what you asked for. Be critical, realistic, and not emotional (which you are). And don’t buy into the Bullshit you were taught in HS and college...if you went. 

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12 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:


So now I'm a retarded leftist anarchist because I don't agree with Chump...  

My bingo card is full... But undoubtedly this would've been another bingo

....as I’ve said...I’ve been around the block once or twice....YOU ARE BEING LIED TO and EXPLOITED. 

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1 minute ago, Blueliner said:

No. You’re a “retarded leftist” because you go against the American values they Trump is trying to protect. Good and bad. Are you good with the Constitution? I only ask because anyone that you vote for on the blue side of the ticket is NOT. Do you like basic human rights? That’s what the Constitution provides. Are you good with a fundamental change of the structure of our country? You want socialism? I’ve been around  the block for a decade or two or three....or4. You are witnessing, aiding and abetting the destruction of the most human-friendly country God has ever established. Be FUCKING careful what you asked for. Be critical, realistic, and not emotional (which you are). And don’t buy into the Bullshit you were taught in HS and college...if you went. 

What even are American Values under Trump? 

Constitution and Trump... In the same sentence? 

Ok so uh gassing those protestors for that photo op was defending the constitution and American Values? 

So I'm a "Retarded leftist" again because I think Trump isn't a good leader. So I must be a Democrat... 

I mean you're free to believe what you want so is everyone else... 




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All my life I've been taught that you have to work for what you want. Work to keep yourself afloat and your family... Unfortunately it's just me right now I'm working for myself I do what I have to... 

I do believe hardwork pays off but I also believe in being smart and using my God given brain... 

And with that being said don't ever make the mistake that I'm some political Left/Right puppet...  I do believe there's some genuinely good politicians who have the peoples interest at heart... 

But Trump and his Carney Clowns Aint it... 

I'm not the one being brainwashed... 

Trump's tampering with the USPS before the next election for a reason... 

He's acting like a child... 

"Draining the swamp" my ass... 

Defending the Confederate flag 

Enabling ignorance... Weak leadership...  

I didn't vote for Trump I don't like Trump but I am a firm believer in giving everyone a fair chance to prove themselves even if I don't agree with their message... 

And he blew it fast... 

The ones being suckered are y'all... 

Mexico's sure paying for that wall ain't they? 

Hey How's Hillary's prison sentence looking? 

Don't worry... 

Soon y'all will have your Suburban Dream life... 

And Ridiculous Health Insurance prices... 

Oh and No USPS isn't that great!? 

He's Making America Great Again?! 

We got a Pandemic going on but hey fuck that let's pick petty fights with the Chinese! Because I'm Donald J Trump and I need to Stroke my own ego every 10 minutes or else I'll have a pissy fit... 

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2 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Lol!!! Of course you don’t get it. You’re “woke” like the rest of the retarded, idiot socialist, leftist, anarchist, anti/American values on this board. You are who you are. I’m okay with that. But...Trump IS WITHOUT A DOUBT a hero to, you’ll see in Nov, to about 60-70% of America. I’ll go out in a limb and say that you “don’t get that” either. Dems are going to lose and lose big all along the ticket. Enjoy being miserable in the meantime and afterward. 🤣🤣🤣

i told you to seek a professional, clearly you have to listen 

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1 hour ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

What even are American Values under Trump? 

Constitution and Trump... In the same sentence? 

Ok so uh gassing those protestors for that photo op was defending the constitution and American Values? 

So I'm a "Retarded leftist" again because I think Trump isn't a good leader. So I must be a Democrat... 

I mean you're free to believe what you want so is everyone else... 




I could list all of the American values. But him on my phone...hard to type. Why don’t YOU tell me what YOUR interpretation of American values is and I’ll respond accordingly. Do you even know what “American values” are? Did your indoctrination teach you those concepts and beliefs? In doubt it. 

Photo op? Let me guess. You’re next gonna tell me about almond his lies? 🤣 I have ZERO problem with Trump doing what he needed to get that “photo op”. Those weren’t peaceful protesters...WE ALL know that. Those clowns got pepper sprayed to show that, despite their legal right to riot using loopholes and tolerance of our free society...I mean protest...Trump as the CiC showed the rest of the civilized America that he was in charge a the end of the day. After he wins, this shit will end 11/4. As it should. They made their point (I think...they’ve never really laid claim to their end game). 

Yes. I am free to believe what I want. As you are: As a life king democrat, I see what has become of the party. YOU are a product of the anti-American party that it has become. What are you? 23-25?  You’ve been indoctrinate well. I went college fairly recently....and I know what goes there. 

Hope this helps. 

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1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

Geez clown. Just shut up already. You’re a fucking retard of epic proportion...everyone sees it (other than you’re retard “friends” here). Your indoctrination went well. Can’t help you with that. Seriously...You are a fringe minority. You’re gonna be shit on after Trump wins. All of their bullshit rioting crap....FUCKING GONE on 11/4. 👍

you really cant see you have a serious condition?

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3 hours ago, Bormio said:

How can anyone give Fauci a pass for lying to the public about masks not helping when he admitted he was lying?  He says PPE was short for health workers, but that did not prevent people from using homemade masks as they are now.  And using masks earlier, if effective, would have been far more beneficial than starting later.  How many dead New Yorkers and Jerseyites should be laid at Fauci’s feet?

All of them.


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3 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

My only “condition” is the stress of not being able to punch liberal woke pukes in the face when they get all their unethical pussyness going and all. Hope this helps. 

wait until my septoplasty is healed, if you can reach 6'11", past my 40" sleeves, you're in great shape bluey.

hockey players ain't shit, fighting on skates with refs.


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1 minute ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

sandwich looks great...what's in the glass? trump piss?

whassup blueballs, cya raging per usual.

larry the woke

I had to have two sandwiches. Best chopped ribeye sandwiches ever. The beer was a locally brewed double IPA. Absolutely slammin’. Had two of those as well. 

...raging...as usual because you guys are fu king up my country. This annoys the helm out of me...apparently you’ve noticed. This isn’t rocket science. 


Former...now TRULY  “woke”’dem. 

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