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Thoughts On How To Deal With Our Problems


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If one takes the time to look back and read the newspapers from the early twenties of last century on... one thing becomes very clear. The rules of behavior, established when our country was founded, were set in stone and the power establishment have never allowed mainstream society as a whole, to stray too far away from them. The same problems we face today are similar to those from the early 1900's. ... just potentially more dangerous because our population is substantially larger and IMO. we are not logically coping, from a social or strategic standpoint, with the advancements in technology.

For years, every election for "high public office" has had its participants spew the same utter bullshit that continues today... Dealing with healthcare, abortion, education, etc, endlessly pontificating with the same crafted BS from highly paid speechwriters. One would think that within 100 plus years, those who supposedly are wise enough to outline real solutions would have done so... a great example being how the Republicans while continuously denouncing Obama Care, had EIGHT YEARS to come up with an alternative yet did not do so and It does not take a Rocket Scientist to understand why... so the question now becomes, how badly do we want to repair our American society and are we willing to take the time to attempt to make that happen.

IMO, we can start by focusing on the upcoming elections at both the state and federal levels. Its really not a question of who will win the presidency as to whether we can reverse the societal downfall we are now experiencing. It instead becomes a question of which candidate will actually have the balls to face head on, the real causes that have led up to what we face now and at least start the potential decades long process of cleaning it up. 

It is understood that what I will propose will be like facing a hurricane on a life boat as we are tribalized to the point that powerful interests and the lobby's representing them will fight hard to keep things the way they are but the fact is: the only way to beat a Cancer, is to eliminate its cause as treating the symptoms after it gets you, does not often end well. Society: not just here but all over the world is like that Cancer. Its time that we as voters along with other talents we may have, start to force our lawmakers into doing whats best for the country. My vote will go to he first candidate that will talk about what we really need... to start the corrective process and bypass the usual BS that stays in the safe zone, focusing on what really needs to happen such as:

Tort Reform: Our justice system appears to be infested with corruption and dysfunction. A good start in the civil arena would be "winner take all". It can possibly be the catalyst to start the process of healthcare reform. Frivolous law suites are one of those Cancers. My company just went through on of those and while we prevailed, it still cost us thousands in legal fees. The suit was so ridiculous that had WTA been in effect, it would have never been filed. The justice system the way it is now, clearly favors the rich and that really needs to be dealt with.

Corporate Accountability: Corporate executives have a free pass for the most part. It is ridiculous that a CEO along with others can run a company into the ground, lawfully or otherwise and get a golden parachute. Those whom are corrupt and get caught, need to face hard time and not the country club sentences that are so prevalent to white collar crime.

Constitutional Reform: Our Constitution, which for the most part was an effective blueprint for what a society of 20 or so million in the late 1700s could live by, needs practical amendments to allow it to work with almost 350 million. IMO it currently does not. One can argue all day long about the 1st amendment but in many cases it is abused to the point of utter dis-logic.

Meaning Full Tax Reform: Tax laws crafted to allow mega corporations ( the real force behind the far right ) to accumulate huge sums of money and pay a disproportionately low amount of tax, is to me, not good for the country. We have not seen meaningful tax reform in decades, if ever, and its time that issue is dealt with. Same with corporate finances. If Apple wants to park their money over seas, that is fine... as long as they get the hell out of here and move over there. If its an American company and if its executives want to live here, than get the money over here where it can be used advantageously for Americans.

The above are just four of what could be dozens of other items that if dealt with, could make all of our lives better. I'm interested in hearing what other ideas you guys may have.

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4 hours ago, Gospeeder said:

If one takes the time to look back and read the newspapers from the early twenties of last century on... one thing becomes very clear. The rules of behavior, established when our country was founded, were set in stone and the power establishment have never allowed mainstream society as a whole, to stray too far away from them. The same problems we face today are similar to those from the early 1900's. ... just potentially more dangerous because our population is substantially larger and IMO. we are not logically coping, from a social or strategic standpoint, with the advancements in technology.


For years, every election for "high public office" has had its participants spew the same utter bullshit that continues today... Dealing with healthcare, abortion, education, etc, endlessly pontificating with the same crafted BS from highly paid speechwriters. One would think that within 100 plus years, those who supposedly are wise enough to outline real solutions would have done so... a great example being how the Republicans while continuously denouncing Obama Care, had EIGHT YEARS to come up with an alternative yet did not do so and It does not take a Rocket Scientist to understand why... so the question now becomes, how badly do we want to repair our American society and are we willing to take the time to attempt to make that happen.


IMO, we can start by focusing on the upcoming elections at both the state and federal levels. Its really not a question of who will win the presidency as to whether we can reverse the societal downfall we are now experiencing. It instead becomes a question of which candidate will actually have the balls to face head on, the real causes that have led up to what we face now and at least start the potential decades long process of cleaning it up. 


It is understood that what I will propose will be like facing a hurricane on a life boat as we are tribalized to the point that powerful interests and the lobby's representing them will fight hard to keep things the way they are but the fact is: the only way to beat a Cancer, is to eliminate its cause as treating the symptoms after it gets you, does not often end well. Society: not just here but all over the world is like that Cancer. Its time that we as voters along with other talents we may have, start to force our lawmakers into doing whats best for the country. My vote will go to he first candidate that will talk about what we really need... to start the corrective process and bypass the usual BS that stays in the safe zone, focusing on what really needs to happen such as:


Tort Reform: Our justice system appears to be infested with corruption and dysfunction. A good start in the civil arena would be "winner take all". It can possibly be the catalyst to start the process of healthcare reform. Frivolous law suites are one of those Cancers. My company just went through on of those and while we prevailed, it still cost us thousands in legal fees. The suit was so ridiculous that had WTA been in effect, it would have never been filed. The justice system the way it is now, clearly favors the rich and that really needs to be dealt with.


Corporate Accountability: Corporate executives have a free pass for the most part. It is ridiculous that a CEO along with others can run a company into the ground, lawfully or otherwise and get a golden parachute. Those whom are corrupt and get caught, need to face hard time and not the country club sentences that are so prevalent to white collar crime.


Constitutional Reform: Our Constitution, which for the most part was an effective blueprint for what a society of 20 or so million in the late 1700s could live by, needs practical amendments to allow it to work with almost 350 million. IMO it currently does not. One can argue all day long about the 1st amendment but in many cases it is abused to the point of utter dis-logic.


Meaning Full Tax Reform: Tax laws crafted to allow mega corporations ( the real force behind the far right ) to accumulate huge sums of money and pay a disproportionately low amount of tax, is to me, not good for the country. We have not seen meaningful tax reform in decades, if ever, and its time that issue is dealt with. Same with corporate finances. If Apple wants to park their money over seas, that is fine... as long as they get the hell out of here and move over there. If its an American company and if its executives want to live here, than get the money over here where it can be used advantageously for Americans.


The above are just four of what could be dozens of other items that if dealt with, could make all of our lives better. I'm interested in hearing what other ideas you guys may have.




Let’s not forget the 100 or so stadiums built on the back of taxpayers and the shitting out a ton of cash for Bezos to relocate. 


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4 hours ago, Gospeeder said:

If one takes the time to look back and read the newspapers from the early twenties of last century on... one thing becomes very clear. The rules of behavior, established when our country was founded, were set in stone and the power establishment have never allowed mainstream society as a whole, to stray too far away from them. The same problems we face today are similar to those from the early 1900's. ... just potentially more dangerous because our population is substantially larger and IMO. we are not logically coping, from a social or strategic standpoint, with the advancements in technology.


For years, every election for "high public office" has had its participants spew the same utter bullshit that continues today... Dealing with healthcare, abortion, education, etc, endlessly pontificating with the same crafted BS from highly paid speechwriters. One would think that within 100 plus years, those who supposedly are wise enough to outline real solutions would have done so... a great example being how the Republicans while continuously denouncing Obama Care, had EIGHT YEARS to come up with an alternative yet did not do so and It does not take a Rocket Scientist to understand why... so the question now becomes, how badly do we want to repair our American society and are we willing to take the time to attempt to make that happen.


IMO, we can start by focusing on the upcoming elections at both the state and federal levels. Its really not a question of who will win the presidency as to whether we can reverse the societal downfall we are now experiencing. It instead becomes a question of which candidate will actually have the balls to face head on, the real causes that have led up to what we face now and at least start the potential decades long process of cleaning it up. 


It is understood that what I will propose will be like facing a hurricane on a life boat as we are tribalized to the point that powerful interests and the lobby's representing them will fight hard to keep things the way they are but the fact is: the only way to beat a Cancer, is to eliminate its cause as treating the symptoms after it gets you, does not often end well. Society: not just here but all over the world is like that Cancer. Its time that we as voters along with other talents we may have, start to force our lawmakers into doing whats best for the country. My vote will go to he first candidate that will talk about what we really need... to start the corrective process and bypass the usual BS that stays in the safe zone, focusing on what really needs to happen such as:


Tort Reform: Our justice system appears to be infested with corruption and dysfunction. A good start in the civil arena would be "winner take all". It can possibly be the catalyst to start the process of healthcare reform. Frivolous law suites are one of those Cancers. My company just went through on of those and while we prevailed, it still cost us thousands in legal fees. The suit was so ridiculous that had WTA been in effect, it would have never been filed. The justice system the way it is now, clearly favors the rich and that really needs to be dealt with.


Corporate Accountability: Corporate executives have a free pass for the most part. It is ridiculous that a CEO along with others can run a company into the ground, lawfully or otherwise and get a golden parachute. Those whom are corrupt and get caught, need to face hard time and not the country club sentences that are so prevalent to white collar crime.


Constitutional Reform: Our Constitution, which for the most part was an effective blueprint for what a society of 20 or so million in the late 1700s could live by, needs practical amendments to allow it to work with almost 350 million. IMO it currently does not. One can argue all day long about the 1st amendment but in many cases it is abused to the point of utter dis-logic.


Meaning Full Tax Reform: Tax laws crafted to allow mega corporations ( the real force behind the far right ) to accumulate huge sums of money and pay a disproportionately low amount of tax, is to me, not good for the country. We have not seen meaningful tax reform in decades, if ever, and its time that issue is dealt with. Same with corporate finances. If Apple wants to park their money over seas, that is fine... as long as they get the hell out of here and move over there. If its an American company and if its executives want to live here, than get the money over here where it can be used advantageously for Americans.


The above are just four of what could be dozens of other items that if dealt with, could make all of our lives better. I'm interested in hearing what other ideas you guys may have.




We really don't have as many problems as people think we do 

But btw the 24/7 media and such blowing up every single little incident it makes it worse than it really is 

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I'd love to hear more about how the mega-corporations support the "far right".

For starters, who do the following support?


Apple (market cap $2.2 trillion)

Amazon (market cap $1.7 trillion)

Alphabet (market cap $1.1 trillion)

Microsoft (market cap $1.6 trillion)

Facebook (market cap $773 billion)


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4 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

I find this post far more palatable than the one you made about the case for Trump. 

You may have misinterpreted the purpose of that post as I think others did.

Its purpose was to show the link exposing a more composed side of him... especially when talking about China and not to win people over to him. I have as many problems with this guy as anyone else but I have a bigger problem with the fact that the Republicans cannot come up with an alternative that can execute the office in a skillful and professional way.

As you know the real problem we face is dealing with China and all of the prior administrations both Dem and Rep, whether knowing or not, have sold our souls to China and Trump seems to be the only one who will talk about it... hence that prior post.


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10 minutes ago, Gospeeder said:

You may have misinterpreted the purpose of that post as I think others did.

Its purpose was to show the link exposing a more composed side of him... especially when talking about China and not to win people over to him. I have as many problems with this guy as anyone else but I have a bigger problem with the fact that the Republicans cannot come up with an alternative that can execute the office in a skillful and professional way.

As you know the real problem we face is dealing with China and all of the prior administrations both Dem and Rep, whether knowing or not, have sold our souls to China and Trump seems to be the only one who will talk about it... hence that prior post.


I personally don't want a suit and tie kiss ass president I like the one we have

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26 minutes ago, Gospeeder said:

As you know the real problem we face is dealing with China and all of the prior administrations both Dem and Rep, whether knowing or not, have sold our souls to China and Trump seems to be the only one who will talk about it... hence that prior post.

The issue with China and how to deal with them is complex. American companies thought it was a great idea to outsource American jobs to China to reduce their cost. China has taken full advantage of this to build what was, at the beginning of the 1990s largely a third world economy, into an advanced industrial society with significant headway in cutting edge technology as well. From a pure infrastructure standpoint, China, at least its big cities, looks much more like a first world country today than does the USA. But this is what happens when in order to cut costs, your industry largely outsources its manufacturing to foreign shores.

Unlike the Soviet Union of old, China would much rather compete with the USA not in  military sense, but purely in an economic sense. It sees Asia and Africa as its domain and thinks it has advantages over the USA in both geographic regions. I think China, as much as the USA wants to decouple, at least to a degree, from dependence on trade and business with us. It wants to create its own economic sphere of influence, if you will. We would be well advised to recognize this and bring a lot of our supply chain activities back on shore. However, I am not sure US companies favor this. Their top executives have become spoiled on the excess profits generated from the existing system, which has enabled many CEO's to accumulate hundreds of millions worth of wealth. I don't necessarily begrudge true innovators such as a Steve Jobs, type, from gaining such wealth. I do have a problem with the common or garden CEO doing so, as his claim to success has rested far more on corporate politics and the exploitation of cheap labor abroad, than on any genius on his or her part. 

It is a story that will play out in this century. I probably won't be around for much of it, but to onlookers it should be very interesting.  

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You are absolutely correct but I fear we are closer to what they want to accomplish than you alluded to.

We have operated as a "Short Term" driven country augmented by our corruption and greed. While we cannibalize ourselves, China is focused on their endgame with the precision of a chess grand master. While I agree they have designs on Africa, it may turn out to be their one "miss play" toward their endgame. The SC Sea is another matter.

They understand that the world's real currency is natural resources of which the entire area around the South China Sea is abundant... hence their attempts to reclaim and impose their will in areas held by smaller countries. For the most part they have accomplished that. Their next step will be to overrun Hong Kong ( my home for several years and later Shenzhen )  violating their agreement to leave it as a separate entity until 2047. Taiwan will be next on their agenda and short of nuclear war, we are powerless to stop it just as Russia will be when they start to make their play for Siberia where the border is shared. The game is on!

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4 hours ago, Gospeeder said:

You may have misinterpreted the purpose of that post as I think others did.

Its purpose was to show the link exposing a more composed side of him... especially when talking about China and not to win people over to him. I have as many problems with this guy as anyone else but I have a bigger problem with the fact that the Republicans cannot come up with an alternative that can execute the office in a skillful and professional way.

As you know the real problem we face is dealing with China and all of the prior administrations both Dem and Rep, whether knowing or not, have sold our souls to China and Trump seems to be the only one who will talk about it... hence that prior post.


Trump does not have the ability to deal with other countries or individuals without thinking of how it affects him.  Everything is a transaction and that, IMO, is not a good way to deal with China or any other country.  He doesn't think strategically because he can't.  It is a liability with him.  And there have been many Presidents that have talked about China and not just Trump.  If you mean Trump talking about how bad previous administrations were concerning China, then I agree because Trump regularly talks bad about previous Presidents on the world stage.

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6 hours ago, Trixter said:

Our black communities need to take responsibilities for what has NOTHING to do with the system, and everything to do with the culture that we continue to perpetuate. Time to stand up. 

You actually post something of merit, but mostly post bullshit. 

It needs to be “we” and not just the Black community, the silence on the things that matter makes “us” complicit.

Too much symptomatic issue “waving” and never enough “drilling” down.


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11 hours ago, Trixter said:

Our black communities need to take responsibilities for what has NOTHING to do with the system, and everything to do with the culture that we continue to perpetuate. Time to stand up. 

I was just gonna post something like this

The black population needs to change what they do. They can't be less than 10% of the population or so but over 30% of the jail population 

I truly will never understand what is so hard to stay out of trouble with the law. 

You get up go to work go home go to bed. Stop hanging out in the hood

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6 hours ago, HSFBfan said:

I was just gonna post something like this

The black population needs to change what they do. They can't be less than 10% of the population or so but over 30% of the jail population 

I truly will never understand what is so hard to stay out of trouble with the law. 

You get up go to work go home go to bed. Stop hanging out in the hood

Lots of rap music glorifying the thug life

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8 hours ago, HSFBfan said:

I was just gonna post something like this

The black population needs to change what they do. They can't be less than 10% of the population or so but over 30% of the jail population 

I truly will never understand what is so hard to stay out of trouble with the law. 

You get up go to work go home go to bed. Stop hanging out in the hood

Unfortunately its not quite that simple.

The hood as most like to call it is a developed system of survival spawned from even before the beginning of last century. If one was from Italy or Ireland among others the ghettos were just as pervasive as what we experience today. I'll skip the cultural development of neighborhood control through each ethnicity via violence and force due to economics and get right to what we have today.

For the black communities, they followed the pattern established by the Mafia and Organization ( who ruled their own specific hoods ) starting in the 30's. This kicked into high gear in the 60's when prejudice grew into overt racism and the strictly segregated communities in the NY, Boston, and Chicago areas defined where one could go. The South had issues even worse.

Every hood is its own territory for economics and the majority is based on drugs. The drug business is mostly accepted by local governments as it provides an economy within the economy. Those running the businesses are often well connected with their city counsel or aldermen because it keeps money flowing into legitimate local businesses which in turn, keeps them in office.

Many of the kids from the time they are born are indoctrinated with what used to be called "The Life" and now is called "The Game". From the time they first see the streets ( some as early as 4yrs old ) they are exposed to their situation and it embeds into them as much as most strong religious beliefs embed those who are Islamic, Jewish or Catholic etc. Eventually, a sizable number of kids get swallowed up by it. The Game becomes more important than going to school as it provides the means to survive as the money that filters down through the ranks is significant the them.

The way our society works today unless a kid in the inner city has a very special talent that society as a whole responds to, it's difficult to escape because the money rules. As competition for the money within the neighborhood increased due to population growth more violence follows has followed.

Often when a kid or even a seasoned veteran of The Game wants to get out, he may not be allowed to... and even if he can, without a reasonably good education or skilled training, very few, if any will want to give him an opportunity... especially if he has a record. Many of the inner city school systems are decimated to the point that Charter Schools are a better alternative but again, it all gets down to the money.

One of more imposing experiences I can refer to is when i was a counselor for a group of kids from Dett public school on Chicago's west side and at least half of them did not expect to live beyond 20 years.



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1 hour ago, Gospeeder said:

Unfortunately its not quite that simple.

The hood as most like to call it is a developed system of survival spawned from even before the beginning of last century. If one was from Italy or Ireland among others the ghettos were just as pervasive as what we experience today. I'll skip the cultural development of neighborhood control through each ethnicity via violence and force due to economics and get right to what we have today.

For the black communities, they followed the pattern established by the Mafia and Organization ( who ruled their own specific hoods ) starting in the 30's. This kicked into high gear in the 60's when prejudice grew into overt racism and the strictly segregated communities in the NY, Boston, and Chicago areas defined where one could go. The South had issues even worse.

Every hood is its own territory for economics and the majority is based on drugs. The drug business is mostly accepted by local governments as it provides an economy within the economy. Those running the businesses are often well connected with their city counsel or aldermen because it keeps money flowing into legitimate local businesses which in turn, keeps them in office.

Many of the kids from the time they are born are indoctrinated with what used to be called "The Life" and now is called "The Game". From the time they first see the streets ( some as early as 4yrs old ) they are exposed to their situation and it embeds into them as much as most strong religious beliefs embed those who are Islamic, Jewish or Catholic etc. Eventually, a sizable number of kids get swallowed up by it. The Game becomes more important than going to school as it provides the means to survive as the money that filters down through the ranks is significant the them.

The way our society works today unless a kid in the inner city has a very special talent that society as a whole responds to, it's difficult to escape because the money rules. As competition for the money within the neighborhood increased due to population growth more violence follows has followed.

Often when a kid or even a seasoned veteran of The Game wants to get out, he may not be allowed to... and even if he can, without a reasonably good education or skilled training, very few, if any will want to give him an opportunity... especially if he has a record. Many of the inner city school systems are decimated to the point that Charter Schools are a better alternative but again, it all gets down to the money.

One of more imposing experiences I can refer to is when i was a counselor for a group of kids from Dett public school on Chicago's west side and at least half of them did not expect to live beyond 20 years.



The Irish had their tenements esp here in NYC where there was plenty of violence and gangs but over time they went to work and joined the military and found better ways to live lives than to just kill each other in the streets. The irish were hated here in NY by the people already here. The Irish were considered dumb and a burden on society.

The mafia is an extremely organized and was very good at what they do esp on the extortion part. They ran drugs and such but there was honor among them and when you disrespected the family you went to swim with the fishes. Case in point go find Jimmy Hoffa. You never will. Now as I say that 30 years later nobody knows who killed Biggie or Tupac and Tupac was killed after a Mike Tyson fight on the Vegas Strip.

 I dont believe blacks are dumb but they need to realize being dependent on the government while pushing drugs on the streets is not the answer. Voting in the same people who let the inner cities look the way they do isnt the answer either. The people in office do not care about anyone in the inner cities. The politicians use the blacks every 4 years for vote and than drop them like a hot potato where they destroy their neighborhoods run jobs out of the city etc.

Maybe just maybe one day they were stop voting in the D party and try something else. Since the D party has destroyed NYC Det SF Chicago New Orleans etc etc. I dont want to go on a political rant but if i was living in inner cities and every year it got worse and every time i look up its being run by the same party I would make sure to start a movement where that party would not be in charge anymore.

But at the end of the day staying out of the eye of law enforcement should not be that hard if you have a good head on your shoulders and avoid the BS on the streets. Blacks in the 300 years of this country for many of them have never left the plantation. They have their master just by being dependent on the government.

Like at it today the democrats have to open the schools this fall during a pandemic which is fine by me but the reason why the schools have to open is because of the minorities were they have kids they cant afford to feed so they have to send them to school just to get food. They make it harder for themselves by having kids at a young age in many aspects throwing their lives away

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5 hours ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

Lots of rap music glorifying the thug life

See i dont blame music as I feel like thats a lazy excuse

It was like the media blaming Marilyn Manson for the columbine shooting. It was a stupid argument.

If millions of people in this country who listen to rap or heavy metal starting killing people in the words of Charlie Manson there would be none of us left

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