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The red wave....


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4 minutes ago, Rufus69 said:

I was told that the red wave turned out to be ketchup on the wall....




It’s all fun in games until no one has money anymore because government cares more about people from overseas then it cares about its own citizens 


and that’s gospel, I better not hear shit from you lefties and weekend at Bernie’s supporters  when a dozen eggs and gallon of milk costs $20  next week

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34 minutes ago, FreeBird said:

It’s all fun in games until no one has money anymore because government cares more about people from overseas then it cares about its own citizens 


and that’s gospel, I better not hear shit from you lefties and weekend at Bernie’s supporters  when a dozen eggs and gallon of milk costs $20  next week

Were you alive in the 80's?

You think this is our first rodeo?

Either pay the fucking money or don't buy the eggs.




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Yahoo News

'Young voters delivered for Democrats': How the youth vote blocked a 'red wave' in midterms

Jayla Whitfield-Anderson
Jayla Whitfield-Anderson
·National Reporter
Mon, November 14, 2022 at 2:53 PM

In the 2022 midterm elections, more than 8 million young people were eligible to vote for the first time, including Jack Lobel, an 18-year-old in New York City.

Lobel, the communications director of Voters of Tomorrow, a nonprofit organization that organizes the youth vote nationwide, says young people were energized and eager to show up to the polls.

“We felt that energy amongst our peers to get involved in the political process. We felt that sense of hope, and that sense of fear that was driving young people to the polls,” he told Yahoo News.

In a preliminary report, the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) estimates that 27% of voters between the ages 18 and 29 cast ballots in this year's midterms.

“We see that young people turned out at the second-highest rate in midterm elections that we've seen over the past [50] years, and that’s second to 2018, which saw the highest youth voter turnout that we've seen since the early '70s,” Abby Kiesa, deputy director of CIRCLE, told Yahoo News.

Voters fill out their ballots in voting booths at a polling location in Columbus, Ohio.
Voters at a polling location in Columbus, Ohio, on Election Day. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

In the 2018 midterm elections, 36% of 18- to 29-year-olds voted, a huge increase from the 20% who voted in the 2014 midterms.

According to the Edison Research National Election Pool exit poll, the national youth vote this year leaned heavily Democratic, with 63% voting for Democrats and 35% for Republicans. Experts say young voters prevented a “red wave” — the big wins for the GOP that Sen. Ted Cruz and other Republicans predicted before Election Day.

“Young voters delivered for Democrats because Democrats delivered for young voters,” Lobel said. “President Joe Biden listened to us. He made promises on the campaign trail that he's absolutely followed through with.”

On Thursday, Biden acknowledged and thanked young voters for turning out in historic numbers. “They voted to continue addressing the climate crisis, gun violence, their personal rights and freedoms and the student debt relief,” he said.

Dozens of states had key ballot measures for voters to consider on issues including abortion, marijuana and forced prison labor. “We know that when you put ballot measures like the legalization of marijuana or abortion rights on the ballot, that those affect the voter turnout equation,” Scot Schraufnagel, a political science professor at Northern Illinois University, told Yahoo News. “And presumably, those ballot measures resonated with young voters, and more turned out because of them.”

President Biden, smiling broadly, speaks at a Democratic National Committee rally.
President Biden speaks at a Democratic National Committee rally in Washington on Nov. 10, two days after the midterms. (Nathan Posner/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

While the youth vote was partisan-leaning, that has not always been the case, according to Schraufnagel. The largest margin for Democrats was in 2018, when the youth vote was 67% for Democrats to 32% for Republicans.

“You go back into the '80s, [and] young people were voting Republican at a high rate,” Schraufnagel said. “It's not a given that young people will vote Democrat. It's incumbent upon the parties to appeal to young voters, [and] Democrats are currently doing a better job of that.”

Mindy Romero, director of the Center for Inclusive Democracy at the University of Southern California, says there was a lack of outreach to young voters, but despite that they proved their power in key races across the country.

“Overall, both Republicans and Democrats do a really bad job at outreaching to young people,” Romero told Yahoo News. “I think the president very strategically is recognizing young people because he sees the challenges ahead, and he wants to make sure that young people who are Democrats are gonna stay Democrats and stay enthusiastic.”

Last week the youth vote impacted key races in battleground states.

Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., speaks to supporters, some of whom hold signs reading: One More Time Georgia.
Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., speaks to supporters in Atlanta on Nov. 10. (Demetrius Freeman/Washington Post via Getty Images)

For instance, in Georgia, “the number of votes between Sen. [Raphael] Warnock and his opponent in Georgia were less than 50,000 votes,” said Kiesa. “But if you look at the estimated number of votes cast from young people, Sen. Warnock [received roughly over] 100,000 votes from young people in the state of Georgia.”

And in the Arizona governor’s race, the only gubernatorial race where votes are still being counted, the youth vote is also a factor. “If you look at the margins in the Arizona governor's race, those are below 25,000 votes. Our current estimates — and votes are still being counted there — are that young people passed at least 50,000 votes there,” Kiesa said.

Furthermore, the youth vote “influenced the race in Pennsylvania with John Fetterman’s win,” Schraufnagel said. “But also [Maggie] Hassan in New Hampshire and Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan and even Tony Evers in Wisconsin.”

With historic wins across the country, Democrats maintained control of the Senate for another two years, but control of the House is still undecided.

Voters standing at voting booths fill out their ballots.
Voters fill out their ballots in Frederick, Md., on Election Day. (Ricky Carioti/Washington Post via Getty Images)

“The far right would have won on Tuesday if it were not for young voters,” Lobel said. “Young voters showed up in key districts where it really mattered and tipped the scale in favor of democracy.”

In a tweet last week, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., praised young voters. “The role of young people in this election cannot be understated. Turnout delivered on many of these races. By 2024, Millennials & Gen Z voters will outnumber voters who are Baby Boomers and older, 45/25. We are beginning to see the political impacts of that generational shift.”

But even though young voters showed up to the polls, experts say it was not the breakthrough it could be, “because 27% is historic and we can do so much better,” Kiesa explained.

“Just imagine what we can do in 2024 if Democrats truly invest in the youth vote,” Lobel said.

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Kari Lake has finally met her match: Arizona voters who reject her

Elvia Díaz, Arizona Republic
Mon, November 14, 2022 at 1:34 PM

Kari Lake, the leading lady of the Make America Great Again movement, has finally met her match: Arizona voters.

Lake’s hopes of becoming Arizona’s MAGA governor are evaporating with every drop of new vote counts.

Lake still is hanging by a thread, but her chances of pulling off a victory against Democrat Katie Hobbs seem more like an illusion than a realistic possibility, given the number of remaining votes in key Maricopa County.

As of Monday afternoon, she was losing by 24,772 votes – about 1 percentage . If the final margin is a half a percentage point or less, there would be an automatic recount. That would mean dragging out this whole drama for weeks.


But the voters who turned on Lake must pat themselves on the back. These voters are the defenders of democracy, who successfully built a wall to hold off the MAGA restrictionists’ scheme.

None of Lake's or other MAGA claims are sticking

Kari Lake gives a press conference on the sidewalk outside of the Downtown Phoenix Post Office after casting her ballot on Nov. 8, 2022.
Kari Lake gives a press conference on the sidewalk outside of the Downtown Phoenix Post Office after casting her ballot on Nov. 8, 2022.

For days now, we’ve seen and heard voters’ powerful message. None of the MAGA candidates’ tantrums are sticking, and that’s a great thing.

On Election Day, they huffed and puffed over a computer glitch that affected some vote-counting machines. They screamed voter fraud.

That was a serious glitch, but it didn’t keep voters from casting their ballots. And so, it didn’t stick with Arizonans who are tired of hearing conspiracy theories and the lies of a stolen election.

In the midterm: Arizona's politically purple credentials are hard to top

Lake and other MAGA candidates later accused Maricopa County election officials of purposefully “dragging their feet” in counting votes – conveniently forgetting those overseeing the vote count are mostly Republicans merely following state law set by a Republican-controlled government.

That didn’t stick, either.

Cue Donald Trump. The former president was fuming to see that his hand-picked candidates, including Lake, were losing. Predictably, he fired off accusations of a stolen election.

That didn’t stick, either.

Their reaction is reassurance: You voted wisely

Over the weekend, some of Lake’s supporters called for military intervention because she’s losing.

“We the people are requesting the military to step in and redo our election,” a protester outside the Maricopa County ballot counting center said.

I kid you not. Lake’s supporters want the U.S. military to take over elections and presumably make sure she wins.

Don’t dismay, though. That call isn’t sticking, either.

If anything, those few protesters calling for military intervention make Lake look like a dictator wanna be – reassuring the Arizona voters who rejected her of their decision.

The slow vote count is exasperating, but that’s also giving us – the people – a real sense of normalcy.

There’s actual excitement and gasps with every vote count revealed. That’s because we, the people, are hungry for mutual respect at the ballot box.

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Katie Hobbs winning a week after Election Day is the exact process democrats push for to be successful. This was the blueprint. That’s why they fight so hard for mail in ballots. It’s too hard to vet. Like I said. Election Day is just meant to find out how many ballots democrats need to create to win. 

Florida was done in an hour and has more than twice the population of Arizona and Nevada combined. It’s corruption and republicans are gonna need to go roll around in the mud with the dems if they ever want to be serious about gaining any type of power 

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3 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Katie Hobbs winning a week after Election Day is the exact process democrats push for to be successful. This was the blueprint. That’s why they fight so hard for mail in ballots. It’s too hard to vet. Like I said. Election Day is just meant to find out how many ballots democrats need to create to win. 

Florida was done in an hour and has more than twice the population of Arizona and Nevada combined. It’s corruption and republicans are gonna need to go roll around in the mud with the dems if they ever want to be serious about gaining any type of power 

Those people in Arizona made their own rules on elections. It is not a nationwide thing. 

Are you accepting that more people are voting and it is not in your favor?

That is what's happening. America is tiring of the bullschitt from the Repubes.

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33 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Katie Hobbs winning a week after Election Day is the exact process democrats push for to be successful. This was the blueprint. That’s why they fight so hard for mail in ballots. It’s too hard to vet. Like I said. Election Day is just meant to find out how many ballots democrats need to create to win. 

Florida was done in an hour and has more than twice the population of Arizona and Nevada combined. It’s corruption and republicans are gonna need to go roll around in the mud with the dems if they ever want to be serious about gaining any type of power 

It’s simply the law in Zona, followed correctly and without fraud.   

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36 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Katie Hobbs winning a week after Election Day is the exact process democrats push for to be successful. This was the blueprint. That’s why they fight so hard for mail in ballots. It’s too hard to vet. Like I said. Election Day is just meant to find out how many ballots democrats need to create to win. 

Florida was done in an hour and has more than twice the population of Arizona and Nevada combined. It’s corruption and republicans are gonna need to go roll around in the mud with the dems if they ever want to be serious about gaining any type of power 

or they not let Trump pick his own clowns to run....😉

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Liz Cheney, Other Republicans Brutally Troll Kari Lake After Arizona Loss

Ed Mazza
Mon, November 14, 2022 at 11:14 PM

Donald Trump-backed conspiracy theorist Kari Lake on Monday night lost her bid for governor in Arizona ― and some members of her own party couldn’t be happier.

Lake frequently attacked other Republicans and last month even mockingly thanked anti-Trump Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) for endorsing her Democratic opponent, Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs.

On Monday, after the race was called for Hobbs, Cheney returned the favor to Lake:

Cheney was hardly alone.

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Rolling Stone

MAGA Media Is Melting Down Over Kari Lake’s Loss

Nikki McCann Ramirez
Tue, November 15, 2022 at 10:23 AM
kari-lake-right-wing-media.jpg US-VOTE-ELECTION-ARIZONA-LAKE - Credit: Olivier Touron/AFP/Getty Images
kari-lake-right-wing-media.jpg US-VOTE-ELECTION-ARIZONA-LAKE - Credit: Olivier Touron/AFP/Getty Images

Kari Lake lost her bid to become Arizona’s governor to Democrat Katie Hobbs, reiterating the national rebuke Republicans received from voters in last Tuesday’s midterms. Despite a poor showing by conservatives in Arizona, Lake, an avowed election denier, is insinuating foul play is responsible for her loss, and MAGA pundits are following suit.

“Arizonans know BS when they see it.” Lake tweeted shortly after major news outlets called the race against her.

Former President Donald Trump, a particularly huge fan of Lake’s campaign, took to Truth Social early Tuesday morning to insinuate that the election had been wrongfully decided. “Wow,” he wrote, “They just took the election away from Kari Lake. It’s really bad out there!”

When announcing Fox News’ decision to call the Arizona governor’s race in favor of Hobbes, a less-than-pleased Sean Hannity quipped that Hobbs should have “recused herself” from her position as secretary of state. Fox & Friends was none too pleased the following morning, scoffing at the result while agreeing with Lake’s tweet that Arizonans “know BS when they see it.”

Lake made similar statements on Fox News shortly before the race was called, wondering how it would be possible for Hobbs to “certify her own election” despite the electoral process being “botched.”

The Washington Post reported that former Trump adviser and Big Lie bullhorn Steve Bannon was “clear eyed” about Lake’s diminishing prospects in his communications with the campaign, but insisted publicly to viewers of his broadcast that Election Day issues with ballot scanning in a subset of Maricopa county voting centers were indicative of “active disenfranchisement of voters in Arizona,” despite various in-person voting alternatives being available. Bannon declared it necessary to “stop the certification.”

Looking beyond the certification to the impending swearing in of a new governor, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk asked guests on his show what the process for recalling Governor- elect Hobbs would be in Arizona.

Several commentators claimed that it made “no mathematical sense” for Lake to have lost when incumbent GOP state Treasurer Kimberly Yee handidly won her reelection campaign. Lee emerged as an outlier among the conservative performance in Arizona, where candidates floundered in major races. Most notably, U.S. Senate candidate Blake Masters lost his bid to unseat incumbent Democrat Mark Kelly, and Trump-loving secretary of state candidate Mark Finchem was also summarily defeated.

Early Tuesday morning, the words “DO NOT CONCEDE” trended on Twitter. The tag was populated with advice from conservative pundits to Lake imploring her to hold out on accepting the results of the election. As awareness of the tag spread, it was taken over by users pointing out that election denialism and a “heads I win, tails you lose” approach to voting outcomes was likely a factor in the poor outcomes for Arizona Republicans.

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6 hours ago, DBP66 said:
Rolling Stone

MAGA Media Is Melting Down Over Kari Lake’s Loss

Nikki McCann Ramirez
Tue, November 15, 2022 at 10:23 AM
kari-lake-right-wing-media.jpg US-VOTE-ELECTION-ARIZONA-LAKE - Credit: Olivier Touron/AFP/Getty Images
kari-lake-right-wing-media.jpg US-VOTE-ELECTION-ARIZONA-LAKE - Credit: Olivier Touron/AFP/Getty Images

Kari Lake lost her bid to become Arizona’s governor to Democrat Katie Hobbs, reiterating the national rebuke Republicans received from voters in last Tuesday’s midterms. Despite a poor showing by conservatives in Arizona, Lake, an avowed election denier, is insinuating foul play is responsible for her loss, and MAGA pundits are following suit.

“Arizonans know BS when they see it.” Lake tweeted shortly after major news outlets called the race against her.

Former President Donald Trump, a particularly huge fan of Lake’s campaign, took to Truth Social early Tuesday morning to insinuate that the election had been wrongfully decided. “Wow,” he wrote, “They just took the election away from Kari Lake. It’s really bad out there!”

When announcing Fox News’ decision to call the Arizona governor’s race in favor of Hobbes, a less-than-pleased Sean Hannity quipped that Hobbs should have “recused herself” from her position as secretary of state. Fox & Friends was none too pleased the following morning, scoffing at the result while agreeing with Lake’s tweet that Arizonans “know BS when they see it.”

Lake made similar statements on Fox News shortly before the race was called, wondering how it would be possible for Hobbs to “certify her own election” despite the electoral process being “botched.”

The Washington Post reported that former Trump adviser and Big Lie bullhorn Steve Bannon was “clear eyed” about Lake’s diminishing prospects in his communications with the campaign, but insisted publicly to viewers of his broadcast that Election Day issues with ballot scanning in a subset of Maricopa county voting centers were indicative of “active disenfranchisement of voters in Arizona,” despite various in-person voting alternatives being available. Bannon declared it necessary to “stop the certification.”

Looking beyond the certification to the impending swearing in of a new governor, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk asked guests on his show what the process for recalling Governor- elect Hobbs would be in Arizona.

Several commentators claimed that it made “no mathematical sense” for Lake to have lost when incumbent GOP state Treasurer Kimberly Yee handidly won her reelection campaign. Lee emerged as an outlier among the conservative performance in Arizona, where candidates floundered in major races. Most notably, U.S. Senate candidate Blake Masters lost his bid to unseat incumbent Democrat Mark Kelly, and Trump-loving secretary of state candidate Mark Finchem was also summarily defeated.

Early Tuesday morning, the words “DO NOT CONCEDE” trended on Twitter. The tag was populated with advice from conservative pundits to Lake imploring her to hold out on accepting the results of the election. As awareness of the tag spread, it was taken over by users pointing out that election denialism and a “heads I win, tails you lose” approach to voting outcomes was likely a factor in the poor outcomes for Arizona Republicans.

Rolling Stone. Ahhhh ha ha ha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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