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Next Week's Coach Q&A is...


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1 hour ago, PrepGridiron said:

Justin Alumbaugh, head coach at De La Salle. Q&A will be next Tuesday at 5PM PDT. As usual, please list your proposed questions here.

Coach Ladouceur leaves a tremendous shadow and keeping him on the staff makes the shadow even darker; has he ever considered ask coach lad to take more of an off the field consultant/ambassador  job instead of the on the field assistant coach he currently has?


also does DLS run track?

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2 hours ago, PrepGridiron said:

Justin Alumbaugh, head coach at De La Salle. Q&A will be next Tuesday at 5PM PDT. As usual, please list your proposed questions here.

Dude you gotta lock the this thread down so only you can ask the questions and then after you can let it go.  I have a feeling a block sighting will happen.

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33 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Looking at game video, it appears that your offensive line moves before the snap almost every play. 

How do you answer the critics that say your team has an unfair advantage due to this not being called?

I can answer this one-

Pay the refs more than we do.



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14 hours ago, PrepGridiron said:

Justin Alumbaugh, head coach at De La Salle. Q&A will be next Tuesday at 5PM PDT. As usual, please list your proposed questions here.

Coach Alumbaugh, great program and culture at DLS.

After ya'll crush our dearly departed Block's spirit and resolve, will there be a moment of silence and a candlelit vigil for the individual aka "Block" that supposedly, maybe, could've, would've through all sorts of Machiavellian machinations put this match up together?

Asking for a friend I barely like.

Also won't you join me and my drunken forum friends in Talladega? Weekend of 29th....



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12 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

This is the pre-Q&A thread. The night of, a new one will be posted minutes before we start. Posters like RedZone will be put on IGNORE the second the coach's account is created.  

I know this is the pre thread. Lol. But when the real ones go only prep should be able to ask. Instead of others chiming in during the prearranged questions. Just my 2 pennies. 

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