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Letter that sums up current state of affairs


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2 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Can't let that go....Happens in my life....In the Army....In my health....No blame in my game.......and we all must look n the mirror to find most of our trouble....

I'm talking the reality that all are being treated the same "noncompliance you go,to jail" 

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1 hour ago, Sportsnut said:

White supremacy is a result of the left losing politically.

How stupid can one be.


I don't want to put words into concha's mouth, but I'm pretty sure you missed the point.

His point (I think) was that the left is exaggerating the amount of white racism in this country as a political stratagem to sway voters to their side.

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1 minute ago, Belly Bob said:

I don't want to put words into concha's mouth, but I'm pretty sure you missed the point.

His point (I think) was that the left is exaggerating the amount of white racism in this country as a political stratagem to sway voters to their side.

You didn't put words in my mouth. That was clearly my point.

Sportsnut is such a fukwit it almost defies belief.

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3 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

I see you embrace your whiteness.

No love for self

I spend 2-3 weeks out of the year in Greenwood, Mississippi to visit my father’s family. Go look up Greenwood and get back to me about what I embrace you idiot racist. 

...and thanks Dr. Phil ....I mean Dr. Louis....I’ve got plenty of love for myself and my fellow man of all colors and creed. I just don’t like YOU and what you stand for. But I’d still give you a sandwich if you were hungry. 


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Just now, Horsefly said:

Best to keep him from churches,  trump probably would think parishioners are there to worship him. After all he thought the playing of militaryTAPs was in his honor.  Lol


You mean he can't stop the rising of the waters? That sucks. The last guy could, right?

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Just now, Horsefly said:

Not so much for white opiate abusers, they get treatment.

As they should!  The crack epidemic and the current opiate problem are apples and oranges. The pushers are thrown in jail in both cases. Looks at the situation with crack. Kids...young kids on every street corner selling shit and killing each other over it. We’re xkmw a LONG way socially since then if you want to accept hat or not. He opiate epidemic is still demobilized. Nobody supports hat shit. The opiate situation is a different situation altogether. And who’s more likely going to stay in treatrment? The white kid from the burbs or th black kid from the ghetto? I assure you that everyone who gets poppped for USING drugs and not selling them gets a shot at rehab. I see it everyday. So please stop with comparing crack to opiates. Not the same at all. 

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1 hour ago, Drummer61 said:

Democrats started this horror...


1 hour ago, Sportsnut said:

How about white man started this horror.

Violence, bigotry, and racism weren't started by Democrats or white men. Those are human dispositions shared by people of all kinds.

Consider the Muslim Berbers of Northern Africa who enslaved millions of non-Muslim sub-Saharan Africans. Consider the near constant civil wars in Africa to this day, which are almost always driven by ethnic differences, where black people hack each other to pieces with machetes because they happen to belong to different tribes. Or consider how black people treat each other in Chicago right now.

Consider what the Japanese did to the Chinese during the Sino-Japanese war, or how the Germans treated the Jews in the 30s and 40s.

Consider how men have treated women, or how human beings treat animals.

It's a stupid waste of time to point fingers at each other in this way, to say "they're like that, but we aren't". That's a parochial, myopic, and ultimately childish way to understand the world. 

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24 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

As they should!  The crack epidemic and the current opiate problem are apples and oranges. The pushers are thrown in jail in both cases. Looks at the situation with crack. Kids...young kids on every street corner selling shit and killing each other over it. We’re xkmw a LONG way socially since then if you want to accept hat or not. He opiate epidemic is still demobilized. Nobody supports hat shit. The opiate situation is a different situation altogether. And who’s more likely going to stay in treatrment? The white kid from the burbs or th black kid from the ghetto? I assure you that everyone who gets poppped for USING drugs and not selling them gets a shot at rehab. I see it everyday. So please stop with comparing crack to opiates. Not the same at all. 

Why is it different and while you’re at it explain the difference in incarceration rates for marijuana.  You know I’m gonna post actual stats for both so don’t just throw out some crap and think it will stick 

and you already stepped on one land mine with the statement highlighted.  Not sure why we would base who gets treatment based on socioeconomic status.  This statement stinks of classism.

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30 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

Why is it different and while you’re at it explain the difference in incarceration rates for marijuana.  You know I’m gonna post actual stats for both so don’t just throw out some crap and think it will stick 

Opiates, although admittedly a problem, the distribution didn’t take over whole neighborhoods and subject a large amounts of its citizens to the abuse and killing that came with it like crack did. Neighborhoods that were already lower on the socioeconomic scale suffered greatly which of course effected all tax paying citizens. The opiate epidemic is peanuts compared to the damage that the distribution and abuse of crack instilled upon black neighborhoods. There were PLENTY of white, Mexican, men, and women addicted to crack. 

Are you telling me that a black dude who is stoned on weed is put in jail and the key is tossed just for being high?  Our jails are filled with brothas who just wanted to smoke a blunt? Paaaaalease. Black People are NOT thrown in jail for being high. If your selling weed or you’ve got 15 priors, you’re in you’re own and deserve to be in jail. It’s that whole accountability thing that the left refuses to acknowledge. I walk around downtown Oakland on business, and the damn downtown smells like weed. Just stop with that black people are thrown in jail “because of marijuana”.  Accountability!!!! Is that so hard? 

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3 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Opiates, although admittedly a problem, the distribution didn’t take over whole neighborhoods and subject a large amounts of its citizens to the abuse and killing that came with it like crack did. Neighborhoods that were already lower on the socioeconomic scale suffered greatly which of course effected all tax paying citizens. The opiate epidemic is peanuts compared to the damage that the distribution and abuse of crack instilled upon black neighborhoods. There were PLENTY of white, Mexican, men, and women addicted to crack. 

Are you telling me that a black dude who is stoned on weed is put in jail and the key is tossed just for being high?  Paaaaalease. Black People are NOT thrown in jail for being high. If your selling weed or you’ve got 15 priors, you’re in you’re own and deserve to be in jail. It’s that whole accountability thing that the left refuses to acknowledge. I walk around downtown Oakland on business, and the damn downtown smells like weed. Just stop with that black people are thrown in jail “because of marijuana”.  Accountability!!!! Is that so hard? 

I’ll get to your opiate use in just a minute.  Please explain the attached charts in why there is such a large gap between arrests made for marijuana use even though actual useage overall was less for AA than whites?  


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10 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

I’ll get to your opiate use in just a minute.  Please explain the attached charts in why there is such a large gap between arrests made for marijuana use even though actual useage overall was less for AA than whites?  


In 2015 44,700 people were in state prison whose most serious offense was drug possession.  So, yes, we incarcerate a lot of folks for just having drugs. 

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3 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

I’ll get to your opiate use in just a minute.  Please explain the attached charts in why there is such a large gap between arrests made for marijuana use even though actual useage overall was less for AA than whites?  


I couldn’t tell you. Stats are stats. But I would ask Did the blacks have priors? How much did they have on them? Were they dealing. Are they smoking right out in the open like I see all the time? I see blacks smoking in their cars all the time at stop lights. Blowing smoke out of the window like they own the street. Not even trying to be discreet with the music all blaring.  It’s funny  how I don’t see white people doing that. Entitlement from the last 8 years of our prior administration maybe? Are the areas where these arrests are made policed more regularly? ...because the crime rate is so high. What are the circumstances of the encounters? Are they being dicks? Throwing out the race card?  Did they not comply and run? We can go on all day. 

Accountability. Accountability. Accountability.

....and I would get my mortgage that the majority of blacks incarcerated “for weed” had priors and the current possession was just the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back that landed em in jail. 

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2 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

In 2015 44,700 people were in state prison whose most serious offense was drug possession.  So, yes, we incarcerate a lot of folks for just having drugs. 

We can thank your boy Bill Clinton’ for his 3 strikes law for that. Slick Willy has already admitted that this ill-advised law contributed significantly to the increased incarceration rates for seemingly minor offenses. 3 convictions for possession gets you locked up for a long time. M guessing all of those kids selling crack back in the day hit the 3 strikes pretty quickly.

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16 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

I couldn’t tell you. Stats are stats. But I would ask Did the blacks have priors? How much did they have on them? Were they dealing. Are they smoking right out in the open like I see all the time? I see blacks smoking in their cars all the time at stop lights. Blowing smoke out of the window like they own the street. Not even trying to be discreet with the music all blaring.  It’s funny  how I don’t see white people doing that. Entitlement from the last 8 years of our prior administration maybe? Are the areas where these arrests are made policed more regularly? ...because the crime rate is so high. What are the circumstances of the encounters? Are they being dicks? Throwing out the race card?  Did they not comply and run? We can go on all day. 

Accountability. Accountability. Accountability.

....and I would get my mortgage that the majority of blacks incarcerated “for weed” had priors and the current possession was just the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back that landed em in jail. 

You love to stereotype to explain away disparities. You’ve done it by saying whites will stay in rehab longer than blacks so they deserve rehab while blacks deserve jail.  You’ve explained away differences in arrests rates based on useage by betting your house blacks had priors. (Even though arrests should have no bearing on prior convictions)  I see why there is a problem with judicial reform. 

Your attempt to explain is unsatisfactory as you rely on rhetoric and emotion. 

You say opiate has minimal impact on communities, in 2016 there were over 63K opiate overdose deaths and a spike in overall crime (11%) , some attribute to dealers and users going to the black market to curb their supply and addiction. So if has become criminalized. 

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2 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

We can thank your boy Bill Clinton’ for his 3 strikes law for that. Slick Willy has already admitted that this ill-advised law contributed significantly to the increased incarceration rates for seemingly minor offenses. 3 convictions for possession gets you locked up for a long time. M guessing all of those kids selling crack back in the day hit the 3 strikes pretty quickly.

I don’t love liberals, it created a problem as POC were the target.  No different from Nixon that specifically stated their war on drugs was to target black communities and hippies.  Confirmed in testimony by his domestic policy chief several decades ago in an interview.  

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3 hours ago, Drummer61 said:

Democrats started this horror...

look real hard at the participants and tell me how I can tell which are Republicans and which are Democrats.  Let that marinate for a moment.  You want me to believe that crowd of Joy seekers are a bunch of Democrats. Funny they all share one trait that is indistinguishable and it isn't their political affiliation.  If they were all dressed in Blue and riding a bunch of Jackasses I would appease to your attempt at revision.   But dammit you get a A for effort. 😋

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24 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

You love to stereotype to explain away disparities. You’ve done it by saying whites will stay in rehab longer than blacks so they deserve rehab while blacks deserve jail.  You’ve explained away differences in arrests rates based on useage by betting your house blacks had priors. (Even though arrests should have no bearing on prior convictions)  I see why there is a problem with judicial reform. 

Your attempt to explain is unsatisfactory as you rely on rhetoric and emotion. 

You say opiate has minimal impact on communities, in 2016 there were over 63K opiate overdose deaths and a spike in overall crime (11%) , some attribute to dealers and users going to the black market to curb their supply and addiction. So if has become criminalized. 

Stereotypes and rhetoric huh? You act as though I just fell of turnip truck. It’s life experiences that form my beliefs and values. I assure you that I’ve seen more and experienced more than most people. I appreciate your passion, but Your rhetoric will not ever change what I’ve experienced. 

The opiate epidemic has become what it is. Now it’s a big deal for the reasons you mentioned. Dealers and doctors are in the crosshairs. It is every bit as demonized as crack. And if you’re dealing it, black or white, you go to jail. If you are high, black or white, you’ll get rehab if you want it. 

Questiion. At what point does accountability become the responsibility of the addict, the criminal, and drug dealer?

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35 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

I don’t love liberals, it created a problem as POC were the target.  No different from Nixon that specifically stated their war on drugs was to target black communities and hippies.  Confirmed in testimony by his domestic policy chief several decades ago in an interview.  

I don't know how many times both you and I keep telling these people that DemonKrats and Republikkkans are all the same and we don't give a damn about either.  I keep reading you expressing this and every retort to you is about some damn Redneck Democrat. 

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