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Vice president debate


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9 minutes ago, DownSouth said:

Long-running trend that concha absolutely HATES women, especially Democratic women - this guy spews poison whenever talking about them.

Always something about looks, being a slut, being stupid, etc.

He must be fun at parties.

His woman dumped him a few years ago. He is bitter. It probably had to do with performance. 

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1 hour ago, Bormio said:

So the Court overturns Roe (also unpopular).  You think Biden would stand in the way of a firestorm to pack the Court among Democrats.  You’re whistling Dixie.

As much as I want him to seat Garland (if Dems take the Senate), it's probably wishful thinking on my part.

Ask yourself what's likelier:

He avoids the question so that goofs like you won't get mad? You're not voting for him no matter what, and there's enough independents already voting against Trump for 10 reasons before you get to the courts. I's care about the economy, virus, stimulus, school safety and getting kids back to full time learning, healthcare, etc. before the courts come up.

Or, he avoids the question because he will not pack the court and by saying that would immediately piss off basically his entire base.

Democrats have no spine, more than likely they'll fuck their own party over.

And in terms of court packing, Mitch tried to or did block every damn judge Obama put up for appointment (which was Reid's basis for going nuclear). Over 100 spots were left open due to obstruction; Garland didn't even get a hearing. Had a Democrat done that to Trump you would have thrown the fit of all fits...Mitch does it and you make every excuse possible while ignoring the norms being shattered. That's court packing.

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1 hour ago, DarterBlue said:

His woman dumped him a few years ago. He is bitter. It probably had to do with performance. 

Whatever the cause (and it's not difficult to form an idea as to why), he has a very obvious hatred for women, he always has - it definitely got worse once Hillary got the nomination though. Most of the time it's juvenile and stupid, sometimes it gets to a point where he's showing a really unhealthy hatred. 

Since I don't know him in real life and this is a forum of dudes...I just ignore it now. In a real life situation I'd say something, but at this point what difference does it make.

You've kind of accepted how awful HSFBfan is and sort of kept it moving and converse with him; same principle with concha and his really pronounced disdain for women (especially highly accomplished ones)...just got to keep it moving.

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10 hours ago, Bormio said:

The woman honestly said “in 1864” in response to a question on this - the last time justices were added.  Why do you think it is implausible?  There is a lot of pressure on Democrats to deliver for the progressives.  If the court overturned Roe - the left will go insane.

Roe v wade will not be overturned anytime soon

Now there are a few justices not exactly happy over the ruling that led to same sex marriage. Could that be overturned 

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10 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

You are a nasty misogynist. You have no independent intellect. You are in essence, an immoral, ventriloquist's dummy. An empty hat that spouts the garbage of the far right. Then you wonder why you cannot garner any respect outside you homeboy base of losers.  


Says the intellectually dishonest turd.

You try to lecture me while you make up sick fantasies about a guy who's actually done things to help blacks. But the team with guy who called school integration a racial jungle and spent 47 years accomplishing nothing other than a bill to help mass incarcerate blacks is just fine, right? His pick of a woman who sucked dick to get into politics and who kept black men in prison to serve as cheap labor for the state?  She's great, right?




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9 hours ago, DownSouth said:

Long-running trend that concha absolutely HATES women, especially Democratic women - this guy spews poison whenever talking about them.

Always something about looks, being a slut, being stupid, etc.

He must be fun at parties.


I love women. I've loved them on four continents, LMAO

But if you expect me to be respectful for the likes of Hillary, Pelosi etc you are deranged and deluded.  🤡




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9 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

His woman dumped him a few years ago. He is bitter. It probably had to do with performance. 


And you know so much of my relationship with my ex,.... how?  LMAO

She happens to be my best friend.  We see each other all the time.

But continue to make up crap if it makes you feel better, turd. We know how much you like to make up things.  🤡


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9 hours ago, DownSouth said:

Whatever the cause (and it's not difficult to form an idea as to why), he has a very obvious hatred for women, he always has - it definitely got worse once Hillary got the nomination though. Most of the time it's juvenile and stupid, sometimes it gets to a point where he's showing a really unhealthy hatred. 

Since I don't know him in real life and this is a forum of dudes...I just ignore it now. In a real life situation I'd say something, but at this point what difference does it make.

You've kind of accepted how awful HSFBfan is and sort of kept it moving and converse with him; same principle with concha and his really pronounced disdain for women (especially highly accomplished ones)...just got to keep it moving.


Please provide details about my views about women over the years.  🤡  🤣

It sounds like you have had a keen interest. Have you kept notes?

I love how you guys make shit up. 


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11 hours ago, concha said:


Which is why he won't be transparent with the American people.

That's what unifiers do.

They refuse to be open with the American people on important issues.



If this guy wins he will be the  most manipulated president in US history. And it won't be close.

He already folded to the far left by not basing his VP choice on qualifications.

He publicly admitted basing the decision on identity politics. Female + black/minority.  And then he made sure he licked the boots of the looney left by choosing the most liberal woman in the entire US Senate.


He is a 47-year, zero accomplishment puppet of a politician.


Well, Biden has been stable whereas your idiot orange puppet for the 1% has multiple bankruptcies and marriages, leads the world in lies and bullshit. 
What’s not to like? Oh yeah I forgot political football.... your favorite partisan spew.

Elliot Broidy mean anything to you?


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55 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Well, Biden has been stable whereas your idiot orange puppet for the 1% has multiple bankruptcies and marriages, leads the world in lies and bullshit. 
What’s not to like? Oh yeah I forgot political football.... your favorite partisan spew.

Elliot Broidy mean anything to you?



Biden has been stable? What a howler.

The man has had brain operations.  He is kept in a basement.

Your man for minorities called school integration a racial jungle.

He penned the '94 crime bill that has been a key driver of mass incarceration.

His own running mate attacked him for his position on busing and believes his sexual assault accuser.

47 years in Washington and his record is a total turd.

He picked a woman to be VP who kept black men in jail in California as cheap labor for the state.


Trump saw minority unemployment at record lows.

He saw real incomes for minorities rising faster than for whites.

He signed judicial reforms into law.

He gave record funding and financing to HBCUs.


You really couldn't be a bigger fool if you made it your life's mission.

It is truly spectacular to watch.


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14 minutes ago, concha said:


Biden has been stable? What a howler.

The man has had brain operations.  He is kept in a basement.

Your man for minorities called school integration a racial jungle.

He penned the '94 crime bill that has been a key driver of mass incarceration.

His own running mate attacked him for his position on busing and believes his sexual assault accuser.

47 years in Washington and his record is a total turd.

He picked a woman to be VP who kept black men in jail in California as cheap labor for the state.


Trump saw minority unemployment at record lows.

He saw real incomes for minorities rising faster than for whites.

He signed judicial reforms into law.

He gave record funding and financing to HBCUs.


You really couldn't be a bigger fool if you made it your life's mission.

It is truly spectacular to watch.


Elliot Broidy mean anything to you?

Pendejo, look past your Trump lenses. 


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54 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Elliot Broidy mean anything to you?

Pendejo, look past your Trump lenses. 



Elliot Broidy is meaningless compared to what I posted.

You are a man who claims to care about black people bu you shill for those who have fucked over black people for ages.

And your dumb ass does it with a smile.

It's incredible.



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23 minutes ago, concha said:


Biden has been stable? What a howler.

The man has had brain operations.  He is kept in a basement.

Your man for minorities called school integration a racial jungle.

He penned the '94 crime bill that has been a key driver of mass incarceration.

His own running mate attacked him for his position on busing and believes his sexual assault accuser.

47 years in Washington and his record is a total turd.

He picked a woman to be VP who kept black men in jail in California as cheap labor for the state.


Trump saw minority unemployment at record lows.

He saw real incomes for minorities rising faster than for whites.

He signed judicial reforms into law.

He gave record funding and financing to HBCUs.


You really couldn't be a bigger fool if you made it your life's mission.

It is truly spectacular to watch.


According to NAACP and SLPC Trump is failing minorities. Uptick in White Supremacist hate. 

So, suck on that Culero. 

Fucking imbecile. Go back to QAnon and OANN. 


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1 minute ago, concha said:


Elliot Broidy is meaningless compared to what I posted.

You are a man who claims to care about black people who shills for those who have fucked over black people for ages.

And your dumb ass does it with a smile.

It's incredible.



Really, just a long line of meaningless corruption....

Maybe, it points to inner city violence and whatever red/blue leadership fits your redundant narrative. 

Dumb ass.


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1 minute ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

According to NAACP and SLPC Trump is failing minorities. Uptick in White Supremacist hate. 

So, suck on that Culero. 

Fucking imbecile. Go back to WANON and OANN. 



You can't address a single point I made.

It's hilarious.

So Trump governs over record low minority unemployment, increases in income, he provides record funding for black colleges and universities, signs criminal justice reforms into law...

But two liberal shill organizations say there is an uptick in white supremacist hate? You mean the white supremacy that Trump has condemned repeatedly?

Tell us, Genius, how many black people have been killed due to the BLM and Antifa and the Defund the Police movement rioting, looting and burning of our cities (and now suburbs too)?  Is it far more or far less than the number of blacks killed by this famous uptick in white supremacist hate?  🤡

We both know the answer.

You're like the Jewish guy who volunteered to snitch on other inmates at Auschwitz and was convinced he was in the right.

It's truly incredible.



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5 minutes ago, concha said:


You can't address a single point I made.

It's hilarious.

So Trump governs over record low minority unemployment, increases in income, he provides record funding for black colleges and universities, signs criminal justice reforms into law...

But two liberal shill organizations say there is an uptick in white supremacist hate? You mean the white supremacy that Trump has condemned repeatedly?

Tell us, Genius, how many black people have been killed due to the BLM and Antifa and the Defund the Police movement rioting, looting and burning of our cities (and now suburbs too)?  Is it far more or far less than the number of blacks killed by this famous uptick in white supremacist hate?  🤡

We both know the answer.

You're like the Jewish guy who volunteered to snitch on other inmates at Auschwitz and was convinced he was in the right.

It's truly incredible.



Why? Answer? It’s pointless, you’re stuck on stupid. 

Im just here to trigger you into a rabid state. 

How am I doing, so far?


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7 minutes ago, concha said:


You can't address a single point I made.

It's hilarious.

So Trump governs over record low minority unemployment, increases in income, he provides record funding for black colleges and universities, signs criminal justice reforms into law...

But two liberal shill organizations say there is an uptick in white supremacist hate? You mean the white supremacy that Trump has condemned repeatedly?

Tell us, Genius, how many black people have been killed due to the BLM and Antifa and the Defund the Police movement rioting, looting and burning of our cities (and now suburbs too)?  Is it far more or far less than the number of blacks killed by this famous uptick in white supremacist hate?  🤡

We both know the answer.

You're like the Jewish guy who volunteered to snitch on other inmates at Auschwitz and was convinced he was in the right.

It's truly incredible.



The “people” that matter and are close to the situation do not agree with you. 


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Just now, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

And you’re not? Fucking hilarious.... sad sad individual.

Pathetic loser. 



I can back up my beliefs and positions with facts.

I can actually argue and think.


Can you make a list of positive things Biden has done for black people in his 47 years as a politician?

I can make a list for Trump and hasn't been been in office for that many MONTHS.

I'll even give you a head start:

  1. Authored the 1994 crime bill that has furthered mass incarceration
  2. Called school integration a "racial jungle"
  3. Opposed busing
  4. ???




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