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Honest question Does anyone actually think Biden won Debate Last night


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I was ready to keep flipping channels when Trump would go off the rails but to my surprise he actually “sorta” kept his composure, Donnie was getting under Biden’s skin so bad I thought I saw Joes soul leave his body in one of his many blank stares last night, props to Donny boy for somewhat tightening up, might be a lil to late to change any voters minds but but a shit show for joe last night 

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The big key is if the mainstream press is going to feel forced to cover the laptop scandal. [Answer: "NO"]

Thus far they have just let people scream RUSSIA! as usual, despite literally zero evidence to support that and actual real, live people stepping forward to proclaim it's veracity.

Of course, if the shoe had been on the other foot and the laptop had belonged to Don Jr and the information on it damning to Trump, this would be on a 25/8 news cycle and the alphabet soup "news" outlets would be losing their collective tiny mind.



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Honest Question - Do you really watch that shit?

I mean...don't you have your mind made up who you're gonna vote for?

Jesus Christ...there were reruns of Jeopardy on that you could have watched instead...and Jeopardy is a LOT more informative than that "debate" mess.

Come on Boy...get your head in the game !!!!




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9 minutes ago, Rufus69 said:

Honest Question - Do you really watch that shit?

I mean...don't you have your mind made up who you're gonna vote for?

Jesus Christ...there were reruns of Jeopardy on that you could have watched instead...and Jeopardy is a LOT more informative than that "debate" mess.

Come on Boy...get your head in the game !!!!




Ohh I’m not voting,  as the great Pontus Pilate once said I was my hands of this election 


im just informing you that if biden wins it’s gonna be a shit show and I can’t wait to say I told you so , while I flee  and laugh my greaseball Self from Italy 

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24 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Ohh I’m not voting,  as the great Pontus Pilate once said I was my hands of this election 


im just informing you that if biden wins it’s gonna be a shit show and I can’t wait to say I told you so , while I flee  and laugh my greaseball Self from Italy 

LOL....I was asked this morning at the Amelia "Y"...if I was voting for Trump.  After a few seconds...I decided to keep it civil...and simply responded...NO.

The guy said...Oh Hell...you're not Biden/Harris are you?

I replied...No, I'm Harris/Biden.

He just stood and looked at me.




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38 minutes ago, Rufus69 said:

Honest Question - Do you really watch that shit?

I mean...don't you have your mind made up who you're gonna vote for?

Jesus Christ...there were reruns of Jeopardy on that you could have watched instead...and Jeopardy is a LOT more informative than that "debate" mess.

Come on Boy...get your head in the game !!!!




Absolutely 🏆

do some here even realize that the "debate" is just a rehash of a rehash

of everything that has been in the news cycle...

for those not 'paying attention' 

.....kinda like cliff notes for the less political



guess some people just like to keep re-frying their beans



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2 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Fuck yeah!!!!!! That made my damn day!!! I was only gonna talk shit about his POS car and trying to be all brodie. He. Then the  cop got em.....and his shit was towed (so that means he was arrested). I mean, the liberal pukes just don’t get it. America DOES not want this shit. And mark my words, once T man is re-elected, the cops will have their day in court. Payback’s a bitch.  😎💪

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3 hours ago, Troll said:

Absolutely 🏆

do some here even realize that the "debate" is just a rehash of a rehash

of everything that has been in the news cycle...

for those not 'paying attention' 

.....kinda like cliff notes for the less political



guess some people just like to keep re-frying their beans



Bro last night was pure Gold, fuxk u talking about, Biden staring at his watch praying for the asswhopping would be over


His reply was u payed 700 in taxes trump smirks and was like like bitch I prepay my taxes 700 hundred what’s that my filling fee

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1 hour ago, Troll said:



golden re-fried popcorn 🍿 for you ....



the new spectator sport.



So true. Everything has been made a “spectator sport” these days. I guess the question is do we stand by and watch (spectate) as the establishment just goes about their “business” or do we something about it. I believe that now is the time to do something about it....and not just watch. I hope that I’m not alone (I’m not). 

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19 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

So true. Everything has been made a “spectator sport” these days. I guess the question is do we stand by and watch (spectate) as the establishment just goes about their “business” or do we something about it. I believe that now is the time to do something about it....and not just watch. I hope that I’m not alone (I’m not). 

It's called vote...(that's what you can do)

some feel obligated to cheer lead,

and the hardcore even employ face paint...

Who are the Tea Party activists? - CNN.com



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21 hours ago, Blueliner said:

I think it’s hilarious that they socialist  libtards are downplaying the asswhoopin’ that T-man on lying, unethical, dementia Joe. If it was the other way around, it’d be 24/7 headline news. Libs are goofy fuks🤣

Well, to be fair Blue.... they have fact checked Trumpy’s lies and working three shifts to keep up. 
Try the centrist media outlets and not Fox and OANN. 

Hope this helps,

Concerned For Blue Poster

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23 hours ago, Blueliner said:

So true. Everything has been made a “spectator sport” these days. I guess the question is do we stand by and watch (spectate) as the establishment just goes about their “business” or do we something about it. I believe that now is the time to do something about it....and not just watch. I hope that I’m not alone (I’m not). 

speak of the 👿

Sorcha with today's  news 🤔

being left unnoticed by this nation’s citizens is why this is happening at the same the viewership ratings for all of their major sports leagues have plummeted into the abyss—and if noticing, would find them discovering that this plunge in sports league viewership exactly corresponds with the epic rise of them watching the news, the main beneficiary of which has been Fox News, that for months has dominated primetime ratings, not just on cable, but all of television—the significance of which shows the American people have turned politics into their nation’s main sporting event even having its own betting market—and whose main event between the conservative Republican and socialist Democrat teams” will play out in 9-days time before the entire world on 3 November.

Though most critically not being understood by these American people, is exactly why and for what purpose they have been turned into political sports fans to begin with—the answers for which can be found in the science of fanatic sports fan behavior—whose research shows similarities between a fan’s identification with a sports team and how people identify with their nationality, ethnicity, even gender—sees team identification defined as the extent to which a fan feels a psychological connection to a team and the team’s performances are viewed as self-relevant—shows that team identification is both important and powerful to peoples’ sense of self—and sees researchers stating: “It’s a voluntary activity where half of the people aren’t going to like the product when they’ve finished consuming it...You wouldn’t go see a movie if you thought there was a 50/ 50 chance you wouldn’t like it”.

All of whose psychological attributes are antithetical (directly opposed-mutually incompatible) to behavior one should wish for in a voter—but are exactly those fanatic attributes one expects for those engaged in warfare—thus leaving it needed to be understood by the American people why they have been psychologically prepared to approach and view this election as fanatics instead of voters, and who has done this to them.



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On 10/23/2020 at 10:10 AM, imaGoodBoyNow said:

I was ready to keep flipping channels when Trump would go off the rails but to my surprise he actually “sorta” kept his composure, Donnie was getting under Biden’s skin so bad I thought I saw Joes soul leave his body in one of his many blank stares last night, props to Donny boy for somewhat tightening up, might be a lil to late to change any voters minds but but a shit show for joe last night 

Brietbart published 10-12 of his outright lies...Good too...

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