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Colquitt Recruiting Going Well


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I think we may have a couple or so possible recruits if we can "massage" a few birth certificates.  Really shouldn't be a problem.  North Morven know people who know people.

As an aside...Ms. Violet is doing her part.  It's  a tough job..but somebody's gotta do it...LOL.


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39 minutes ago, Rufus69 said:

I think we may have a couple or so possible recruits if we can "massage" a few birth certificates.  Really shouldn't be a problem.  North Morven know people who know people.

As an aside...Ms. Violet is doing her part.  It's  a tough job..but somebody's gotta do it...LOL.


I know the packass need to recruit as much as possible and things must be desperate if they sent their secrete weapon. 

Yall stay safe.

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5 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

The longer Ruffi is out of SOWEGA, the better the chances Lowndes and the GA96 pirates have to come loot the land 42 miles Northwest of Valdosta!!!

The BNB outa North Morven is handling my proxy.

Nuff said....




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14 minutes ago, Rufus69 said:

Have you read your fucking post?




Have you ever not been a pushover in your life?


17 minutes ago, Iletteredintrack said:

I don't think he is trying to keep anything warm. Stop obsessing about him. It's not a good look for you. 

I'm not the one who makes threads just to point out in every damn thread about a poll


"I don't see Columbia Florida anywhere"

when I haven't brought my team up in any discussion about polls because ik the team last year wasn't a great team 


But this is the problem, people want to keep that fucker around just because his team Is relevant when he can't debate for shit


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25 minutes ago, Columbiafan said:

He's trying to keep his relevance that is rapidly cooling from becoming ice cold

See I can actually justify my misspelling


Lowndesloser96 isn't gonna be able to come up with anything for his blunder 


The other difference between me and that illiterate POS is when I make a mistake I actually own up to it, I don't run off to make a new thread when someone proves me wrong and pretend the past discussion never happened! But that's the difference between someone with honor and someone who's a coward

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1 hour ago, Rufus69 said:

Talk about stupid ass karma...you badmouth the guy for misusing the word "secret" and you fucking do the same thing with "insinuating".

You're no better than 96....




I wasn't only one who badmouthed him bitch 


Your just that desperate to whine about me because you hate the fact I don't respect you because of how ignorant you are 

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