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Another typical Saturday in America...


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28 minutes ago, 15yds4gibberish said:

...with the President using social media to attack his enemies, and to send signals to potential witnesses against him..





Can you imagine of Trump went to the funeral?  And spoke?  At least Melania got a chance to speak to a real person instead of a cartoon figure.  Good for her.  

Trump=Transparent fool



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1 hour ago, World Citizen said:

Can you imagine of Trump went to the funeral?  And spoke?  At least Melania got a chance to speak to a real person instead of a cartoon figure.  Good for her.  


Hey brother, really looking forward to seeing you later this summer (but I might have a conflict...ugh!)...  

I debated posting that photo because it takes away from the important questions we should be asking about these questionable tweets today, but the picture kinda made me laugh at all the nonsense it might generate, and I can't remember the last time I saw a photo of her smiling...

We kinda already got a hint of what President Trump might have said at the funeral when he spoke a couple of days ago: "Melania and I send our prayers to Barbara's husband of 73 years.  I'll never beat that record."  Ummm, gosh, that's surprising in so many ways...9_9

Oddly enough, about the only thing normal about the President's day today is he didn't attend the funeral.  For reasons I don't understand, it is protocol that Presidents don't attend the funerals of first ladies...Of course that didn't stop the meltdown when Obama didn't attend the funeral of Nancy Reagan...Strangely, those same outraged voices are silent today.  Go figure. 

The President's tweets today, on the other hand...not normal...


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31 minutes ago, 15yds4gibberish said:

Hey brother, really looking forward to seeing you later this summer (but I might have a conflict...ugh!)...  

I debated posting that photo because it takes away from the important questions we should be asking about these questionable tweets today, but the picture kinda made me laugh at all the nonsense it might generate, and I can't remember the last time I saw a photo of her smiling...

We kinda already got a hint of what President Trump might have said at the funeral when he spoke a couple of days ago: "Melania and I send our prayers to Barbara's husband of 73 years.  I'll never beat that record."  Ummm, gosh, that's surprising in so many ways...9_9

Oddly enough, about the only thing normal about the President's day today is he didn't attend the funeral.  For reasons I don't understand, it is protocol that Presidents don't attend the funerals of first ladies...Of course that didn't stop the meltdown when Obama didn't attend the funeral of Nancy Reagan...Strangely, those same outraged voices are silent today.  Go figure. 

The President's tweets today, on the other hand...not normal...


I did not know about that funeral protocol.  Interesting.  

The tweets...well, after a couple of years of Trump doing and saying things that are normally career ending for every person on the planet except him, I am saturated.  I am more amazed people's defense of him.  

Changing topics a minute.  In your opinion do you think Trump could have been elected at any other time in history or was he just at the right place and time?  

Really looking forward to coming down and seeing you all.  Hope you can make it brother, that would be disappointing if you couldn't.  And you would miss seeing TheBlock...who has been banished from the Kingdom.  If he shows up that is.  


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12 hours ago, 15yds4gibberish said:

Hey brother, really looking forward to seeing you later this summer (but I might have a conflict...ugh!)...  

I debated posting that photo because it takes away from the important questions we should be asking about these questionable tweets today, but the picture kinda made me laugh at all the nonsense it might generate, and I can't remember the last time I saw a photo of her smiling...

We kinda already got a hint of what President Trump might have said at the funeral when he spoke a couple of days ago: "Melania and I send our prayers to Barbara's husband of 73 years.  I'll never beat that record."  Ummm, gosh, that's surprising in so many ways...9_9

Oddly enough, about the only thing normal about the President's day today is he didn't attend the funeral.  For reasons I don't understand, it is protocol that Presidents don't attend the funerals of first ladies...Of course that didn't stop the meltdown when Obama didn't attend the funeral of Nancy Reagan...Strangely, those same outraged voices are silent today.  Go figure. 

The President's tweets today, on the other hand...not normal...


I think the photo a wise post.

We see Obie make comfortable Melania who we all know to be another Trump "victim."

What I find deeply disturbing is a guy like Sylvester Stallone called Donald and our PRESIDENT took the call. 

This country is so fuc%ed. 


How is it a President can pardon people who don't rat on him? 

This is 3rd world stuff being flaunted by tRump.

I am sure many presidential powers will be rescinded after this presidency, if we make it through.

Others will be compelled by law, like offering your tax returns. 


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11 hours ago, World Citizen said:

do you think Trump could have been elected at any other time in history or was he just at the right place and time?  


Most will say hat only at this time and place could Trump have been elected.

I disagree. 

Trump has and could have put on the TRump show at any historical time or place.

No twitter, so what, he would use the tabloids. 

No wingnuts, so what he would have "used" any group that felt oppressed. We always have failed groups people looking for absolution.

Trump has no values, philosophy or ethics. He adapts. 

So he could have done this and any time in history. Think about it. The circus template he uses is actually dated in it's purest form so he adapted to TV and the era of mass communication. 

He's a con man, they always had success in history... until the law puts an end to them ;)

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