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Roe v Wade gone??


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6 hours ago, DBP66 said:

this is the first time the S.C is changing established law....not good...the new righties on the court all lied their way on to the court saying it was established law...this isn't good for the republican party...it will come back to bite them....big time.


SCOTUS has reversed itself 233 times over the years. 🤷‍♀️

Try again, gramps. lol.

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2 hours ago, zulu1128 said:


SCOTUS has reversed itself 233 times over the years. 🤷‍♀️

Try again, gramps. lol.

this is abortion Dave....nice try!...a swing and a miss once again!...and your side seems to have lied to get on the court Dave?..hummm......🤡

and how many of those reversals were established law for over 50 years Dave?....🙄

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1 hour ago, FreeBird said:

She’s batshit crazy, look at this tweet 


One could say her tweet is quite inflammatory, BUT pre Roe v Wade (1973) 30 states prohibited abortion without exception. Which means the advocates of "state rights" could just return to the good ole days, damn the Fed's. So Alabama (Jersey South) decides all pregnancies must go full term regardless of rape, incest, victims age, disabilities, competency, or patient health. No abortions PERIOD !  How's that work for you FreeBird (now a 'bama scrap metal dealer) and your young and abused pregnant daughter ?

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2 hours ago, DBP66 said:

this is abortion Dave....nice try!...a swing and a miss once again!...and your side seems to have lied to get on the court Dave?..hummm......🤡

and how many of those reversals were established law for over 50 years Dave?....🙄

Sotomayor called Heller “settled law” in her confirmation hearing, and then promptly voted to overturn it. Did she lie to get on the court? 🤷‍♂️

You clearly said “ this is the first time the SC has changed established law,” when in fact it’s happened 233 times.

You’re struggling more than usual, Gramps. lol. 

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Just now, dan in daytona said:

Like the people from the southern states (1860) ?



It's 2022.

In this scenario as a Democrat, you are not trying to keep the helpless enslaved as in 1860, you have now "progressed" to looking to preserve the right to slaughter the unborn on a whim.

Try to be on the side of moral virtue for once in your existence.

Hope this helps.



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8 minutes ago, concha said:



It's 2022.

In this scenario as a Democrat, you are not trying to keep the helpless enslaved as in 1860, you have now "progressed" to looking to preserve the right to slaughter the unborn on a whim.

Try to be on the side of moral virtue for once in your existence.

Hope this helps.



I expect the black and white from you. No compromise grey areas, only absolutes. I always try to be on the moral side. To each his own...

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Just now, dan in daytona said:

I expect the black and white from you. No compromise grey areas, only absolutes. I always try to be on the moral side. To each his on...


How are you being on the moral side?

Roe was not a constitutionally correct decision.

That leaves it to the states.

You think the "moral side" is to deny the unborn a democratically decided chance to live?


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1 minute ago, concha said:


How are you being on the moral side?

Roe was not a constitutionally correct decision.

That leaves it to the states.

You think the "moral side" is to deny the unborn a democratically decided chance to live?


And I laid out what states may do. Fifty individual laws is not the answer. You can't see that ?  Florida says yes OK, Georgia no it's a crime. We're not talking marijuana here. It's not your right to say what someone else does with their body.

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9 minutes ago, concha said:


How are you being on the moral side?

Roe was not a constitutionally correct decision.

That leaves it to the states.

You think the "moral side" is to deny the unborn a democratically decided chance to live?


Try as they might, pro-abortion advocates cannot get around this little inconvenient fact - abortion is, in itself, morally repugnant.  They can try to deny it, obfuscate it, dress it up with pretty words - but at the end of the day even they know it.  Which is why they are so strident and angry - they know their position is indefensible.

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1 hour ago, Bormio said:

Try as they might, pro-abortion advocates cannot get around this little inconvenient fact - abortion is, in itself, morally repugnant.  They can try to deny it, obfuscate it, dress it up with pretty words - but at the end of the day even they know it.  Which is why they are so strident and angry - they know their position is indefensible.

Bull$hit. A week after I get a nut. Still to early for a positive, my friend takes an abortion pill. Is that murder Doc ?

Bormio, I tried not to use pretty words or dress it up. Please excuse my coarseness...not

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52 minutes ago, Bormio said:

Try as they might, pro-abortion advocates cannot get around this little inconvenient fact - abortion is, in itself, morally repugnant.  They can try to deny it, obfuscate it, dress it up with pretty words - but at the end of the day even they know it.  Which is why they are so strident and angry - they know their position is indefensible.

Come on Doc, give us a professional opinion when termination is acceptable ?   hours, days, weeks, health, age, rape, incest, etc 

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23 hours ago, concha said:


What of the unborn child with its distinct body, DNA, perhaps separate sex...

This is interesting...

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb."[1]

The law is codified in two sections of the United States Code: Title 18, Chapter 1 (Crimes), §1841 (18 USC 1841) and Title 10, Chapter 22 (Uniform Code of Military Justice) §919a (Article 119a).


...passed by a vote of 254 in favor to 163 against on February 26, 2004. After several amendments were rejected, it was passed in the Senate by a vote of 61-38 on March 25, 2004.


47 Dem representatives and 13 Dem senators voted for it.


80% of Americans support abortion.

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32 minutes ago, dan in daytona said:

And I laid out what states may do. Fifty individual laws is not the answer. You can't see that ?  Florida says yes OK, Georgia no it's a crime. We're not talking marijuana here. It's not your right to say what someone else does with their body.


Fifty (at present) individual states is what this country was and is based on.

And it's not just one body.

How do feel about vaccine mandates?


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36 minutes ago, Bormio said:

Try as they might, pro-abortion advocates cannot get around this little inconvenient fact - abortion is, in itself, morally repugnant.  They can try to deny it, obfuscate it, dress it up with pretty words - but at the end of the day even they know it.  Which is why they are so strident and angry - they know their position is indefensible.


The thing is that they would have everyone believe that overturning Roe makes abortion illegal.

It does not.

It brings the decision to the people to democratically decide.



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