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There is NO longer "we the people".


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32 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

When Obama was in office was it we the people?? Sure didnt seem like it

That's a fair question.  My answer would be...Yes...I believe there was division.  But I honestly don't think it was anything like what we're seeing these days.  please remember president Obama won the popular vote by large margins.




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2 minutes ago, Rufus69 said:

That's a fair question.  My answer would be...Yes...I believe there was division.  But I honestly don't think it was anything like what we're seeing these days.  please remember president Obama won the popular vote by large margins.




The only division is between people who love America, and want the country to thrive and succeed, and left wingers who trade crumbling all of our most important pillars of society to regain power. That's what this is about. 

Trump has shown with action that he is working hard for all legal American citizens no matter what race or background. Every move he makes is  for the betterment of this great nation. 

What the hell are you whack jobs resisting? Because he said some mean things? Jesus. 

Its always amazing to see people support the party who puts illegals over citizens. 

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"We the People" used to respect common values like presumed innocence and burden of proof.  Now there's a sizable chunk of "we the people" who are happy to make abhorrent, ridiculous and unsubstantiated accusations against decent people and destroy their lives and families for political gain.


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14 minutes ago, Rufus69 said:

That's a fair question.  My answer would be...Yes...I believe there was division.  But I honestly don't think it was anything like what we're seeing these days.  please remember president Obama won the popular vote by large margins.




Well let's see he was black. So right there you get the black vote. You get all the liberal women and of course the liberal men. Also when states like NY and CA are involved it's very easy for a dem to win the popular vote. Again that means nothing in a presidential election. Also dont forget in NY the population of Jewish people esp in the city. All Democrat voters as they get everything they want mostly all for free on our dime 

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2 minutes ago, concha said:

"We the People" used to respect common values like presumed innocence and burden of proof.  Now there's a sizable chunk of "we the people" who are happy to make abhorrent, ridiculous and unsubstantiated accusations against decent people and destroy their lives and families for political gain.


It was easier to have common values when we all came from the same parts of the world most Europe. Now with people coming from all over and no assimilation the common values are being torn apart. I am agreeing with what you ate saying though completely

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can someone put out an ad needing 2 women who can accuse Cory Booker of  sexual assault while at a party at Stanford.  Need 2 men that are friends during the same time to say they hosted the party and witnessed the sexual assault happened. 

 They all can say they witnessed him take pain pills with alcohol and get very aggressive. 

 The gig pays upwards to $1 million or whatever the going rate for fake accusations are on go fund me 😂

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31 minutes ago, concha said:

"We the People" used to respect common values like presumed innocence and burden of proof.  Now there's a sizable chunk of "we the people" who are happy to make abhorrent, ridiculous and unsubstantiated accusations against decent people and destroy their lives and families for political gain.


Sounds like you are talking about trump....

"we the trumpers"

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51 minutes ago, concha said:

"We the People" used to respect common values like presumed innocence and burden of proof.  Now there's a sizable chunk of "we the people" who are happy to make abhorrent, ridiculous and unsubstantiated accusations against decent people and destroy their lives and families for political gain.



I guess for some “people” maybe this did hold true.  

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34 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

The only division is between people who love America, and want the country to thrive and succeed, and left wingers who trade crumbling all of our most important pillars of society to regain power. That's what this is about. 

How can this country possibly succeed when the President is constantly trashing half the country at his damn campaign rallies?  How is that unifying the country?

Unbelievably ironic coming from a Trump supporter who has been thrilled with his breaking of societal norms and is throwing decades of work and effort with our allies in the trash.  All bc he views everything as a zero sum game and anything that he hasn't been personally involved in as the worst deal ever. 

Trump has shown with action that he is working hard for all legal American citizens no matter what race or background. Every move he makes is  for the betterment of this great nation. 

He is working hard for the extremely wealthy and big business.  That is it.  What specifically has he done that has helped those who are not playing the stock market or do not have a big business?

He and the Republicans are/have been working to take away health coverage from millions without any replacement.  How is that helpful?  Systematically eliminating protections that have kept us safe from businesses polluting our water and air.  How is that helpful?  Instead of putting our country in a place where we can be a leader in clean energy technology in the coming years we are now the only country that is not participating in the Paris deal.  Just bc he doesn't want climate change to be true and sticks his (and our country) head in the sand.  How is that helpful? 

What the hell are you whack jobs resisting? Because he said some mean things? Jesus. 

What other President has had campaign rallies every other week talking shit about the other political party?  He talks shit against individual citizens, congressmen/women, the media and everyone else.  Even mocked Dr. Ford for the benefit of his base and there is no reason to do that.  He talks shit about Democrats (like you all do) and lies about it as well.  That is not divisive to you?  You may not have liked Obama but he never did these things.  Disagree with his policies all you want but other than that he never held campaign rallies talking like Trump does. 

Its always amazing to see people support the party who puts illegals over citizens. 

Strange but I never heard of anybody putting illegals over citizens ever.  Only time I ever hear of it is from you guy's.  Not sure why somebody's view that putting kids in cages and separating them from their parents is a bad idea and that hard working immigrants who want to be here should be here is a declaration that citizens do not matter.  It is almost as if your reality is created by your narrow perceptions of the world.  Weird how that works. 


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1 hour ago, Horsefly said:


I guess for some “people” maybe this did hold true.  

Yes, the good old days, when everyone got a fair shake whether you were white or black, straight or gay, Protestant or Catholic, a true red-blooded American or some fucking secret Communist Jew that McCarthy and his friends were hunting.

If only the Left would let us get back to old days, when we respected the presumption of innocence in this country. 

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Just now, Belly Bob said:

Yes, the good old days, when everyone got a fair shake whether you were white or black,  straight or gay, Protestant or Catholic, a true red-blooded American or some fucking secret Communist Jew that McCarthy and his friends were hunting.

If only the Left would let us get back to to old days, when we respected the presumption of innocence in this country. 

Hey wait a minute I agree with you. 

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3 hours ago, RedZone said:

What a sham nation we have become!




Look no further than your people on the left. The left is an utter emabbassment to our country. Trump’s antics have NOTHING on what the looney left has demonstrated over the past 20 months with this shitshow crescendo the past two weeks. Bravo left (sarcastic clap).

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2 hours ago, HSFBfan said:

It was easier to have common values when we all came from the same parts of the world most Europe. Now with people coming from all over and no assimilation the common values are being torn apart. I am agreeing with what you ate saying though completely


Did you forget the dozen armed rebellions in the first 30 years in this country over taxes and debt.

And then there were all sorts of rebellions and protests throughout the early 1800s over slavery and state's rights which resulted in civil war.

Then there were violent clashes between Protestants and Catholics in the Northeast and between whites and blacks in the South and between whites and Asians in the West.

Then there were fights between silver miners and gold miners and coal miners and railroad workers and their employers in CO and PA and elsewhere. 

There was the Suffrage Movement and the Temperance Movement and the Civil Rights Movement, which all had their moments of violence.

When was the time when Americans got along because they mostly came from Europe?

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13 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

Yes, the good old days, when everyone got a fair shake whether you were white or black,  straight or gay, Protestant or Catholic, a true red-blooded American or some fucking secret Communist Jew that McCarthy and his friends were hunting.

If only the Left would let us get back to to old days, when we respected the presumption of innocence in this country. 

Two likes if I could 

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1 minute ago, Belly Bob said:


Did you forget the dozen armed rebellions in the first 30 years this country over taxes and debt.

And then there were all sorts of rebellions and protest throughout the early 1800s which resulted in civil war.

Then there were violent clashes between Protestants and Catholics in the North East and between whites and blacks in the South and between whites and Asians in the West.

Then there were fights between civil miners and gold miners and coal miners and railroad workers and their employers in CO and PA and elsewhere. 

There was the Suffrage Movement and the Temperance Movement and the Civil Rights Movement, which all there moments of violence.

When was the time when Americans got along because they mostly came from Europe?

You just said it. In the very beginning. This country came together to fight the american revolution. That's when. Those values were strong. What people wanted were common and the people came together for those common purposes. And who was the common enemy the English. 

Hate to tell you but the protestants and Catholics still dont like each other. Go check our st. Patrick's day 

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2 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

You just said it. In the very beginning. This country came together to fight the american revolution. That's when. Those values were strong. What people wanted were common and the people came together for those common purposes. And who was the common enemy the English. 

Hate to tell you but the protestants and Catholics still dont like each other. Go check our st. Patrick's day 

You got me.

The country is going to shit in 2018 because of the immigrants from non-European countries. 

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2 hours ago, Rufus69 said:

That's a fair question.  My answer would be...Yes...I believe there was division.  But I honestly don't think it was anything like what we're seeing these days.  please remember president Obama won the popular vote by large margins.




Ya know why Rufus? Because right wing citizens don’t act like frickin’ immoral, unethical, uncivilized bafoons because we didn’t get “our way”. During Obama’s terms, right didn’t have a whole national lap dog media to express our discontent with what was happening. We may not have agreed with the community organizer’s leadership, but we didn’t beat up people. Threaten people. Make shit up to assasinate the characters of good people....Among other things on the long list. We expressed our discontent and we wait ‘til next time....which we did....and we won and now have a president that is a man (politics aside) is making America first. 

It’s that simple dude. I honestly think a guy like yourself would be absolutely disgusted by what’s happening FROM THE LEFT. I don’t know you personally, but I don’t honestly see you supporting his shit We know that the country is tired of it. It’s gonna show in 32 days. 

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6 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

You just said it. In the very beginning. This country came together to fight the american revolution. That's when. [...] 

Black people.


Native Americans.


I'd have to check my history, but I'm not 100 percent certain that the country was united in their values even in the very beginning. 

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2 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

Black people.


Native Americans.


I'd have to check my history, but I'm not 100 percent certain that the country was united in their values even in the very beginning. 

Considering when the constitution was written and such. Blacks weren't people. Women were 2nd class citizens and weren't considered much of anything. We fought wars with the native Americans. 

You know exactly who it was written for. The white Europeans that were here. And there is no 2 ways around it.

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2 hours ago, Rufus69 said:

That's a fair question.  My answer would be...Yes...I believe there was division.  But I honestly don't think it was anything like what we're seeing these days.  please remember president Obama won the popular vote by large margins.




....the H-Beast won by 2.5 million votes. That isn’t that much when you consider that 140 million people voted. Take away any ONE of the crappily-run major dem cities and that margin is gone, and Teump wins by “a large margin” even in the pop vote. The pop vote doesn’t and shouldn’t mean squat. 


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