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Georgia high school football coaches calling out the GHSA for allowing illegal recruiting


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Are you a coach for Lowndes? You have led that on for a while now, saying things like to GSB that you may be standing beside him on the sideline and he'd never know. 

Booster? Support staff? 

I personally think you are full of shit about that, but, if you are, then you are part of the problem these coaches that got polled are on about. 

You've documented on here that you are pretty much in continuous conversation with some Packer football parents. 

Funny that you would post this story actually considering all the above. 

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8 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Are you a coach for Lowndes? You have led that on for a while now, saying things like to GSB that you may be standing beside him on the sideline and he'd never know. 

Booster? Support staff? 

I personally think you are full of shit about that, but, if you are, then you are part of the problem these coaches that got polled are on about. 

You've documented on here that you are pretty much in continuous conversation with some Packer football parents. 

Funny that you would post this story actually considering all the above. 

I think it is funny that he is too stupid to see the irony in his posts. He complains and bitches nonstop about recruiting but in the same breath he complains about the only process in GA to control the recruiting. 

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8 hours ago, Ga96 said:

If the GHSA DOES, in fact have a compliance officer, he needs to give back his paycheck! A blind monkey could investigate the bullshit that's been going on at the likes of Bufordia, Grayson, and Lee, in past seasons! And for a short period of time, our ole buddy from Oscar Robertson High in ole Virginnie, was in that group as well, for a coupla seasons! But I think SOMEbody put the fear of God in him, and he's gone back to sub.500 seasons again!

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An overwhelming majority of Georgia high school football coaches surveyed during the offseason believe illegal recruiting is a significant problem in their sport, and 24% say it’s rampant and out of control.
More than 80% said the GHSA should do more to combat the situation, with 47.3% saying stiffer penalties are needed before the practice ruins high school sports.
One-hundred eighty-eight coaches responded to the six-question survey, conducted by Georgia High School Football Daily and the AJC. Coaches were promised confidentially unless they gave permission to reveal their answers or comments.
The most surprising finding might’ve been the coaches’ choice as the No. 1 instigator of illegal recruiting. Most pointed the finger at private coaches and trainers (53.7%), followed by coaches and school officials (20.0%), players and parents (17.7%) and booster clubs and fans (8.6%).
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Survey results:

Should recruiting be illegal in high school football?
Yes – 95.2%
No – 4.8%
How prevalent is recruiting in high school football?
Rare. Not a problem. – 0.5%
Occasional. Minor problem. – 6.4%
Common. Significant problem. – 69.0%
Rampant. Out of control. – 24.0%
How prevalent is recruiting that entails financial assistance to a player or family?
Rare. Not a problem. – 12.4%
Occasional. Minor problem. – 48.9%
Common. Significant problem. – 35.5%
Rampant. Out of control. – 3.2%
How would you rank the most common instigators of recruiting?
Private coaches/trainers – 52.8% ranked No. 1
Coaching staff/other school administrators – 21.4% ranked No. 1
Parents and players – 17.0% ranked No. 1
Booster clubs/fans – 8.8% ranked No. 1
Do you believe recruiting is more prevalent at any of these school types? (Check all that apply)
Bigger schools – 63.2%
Smaller schools – 10.3%
Public schools – 26.5%
Private schools – 76.2%
City schools from one-school districts – 64.3%
Metro Atlanta schools – 50.8%
South Georgia schools – 19.5%
Schools in more densely populated areas – 33.5%
Affluent schools – 37.3%
Should the GHSA do more to address recruiting?
No, GHSA is doing enough; recruiting not a big problem – 2.1%
No. Recruiting is a problem, but it’s too impractical/expensive to enforce much further. – 17.9%
Yes, put more resources into investigating/enforcing. – 32.6%
Yes, make this a major priority with stiffer penalties before it ruins high school sports. – 47.3%
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15 minutes ago, Iletteredintrack said:

I think it is funny that he is too stupid to see the irony in his posts. He complains and bitches nonstop about recruiting but in the same breath he complains about the only process in GA to control the recruiting. 

Exactly. He's also led people to believe he's a coach or some other support staff for Lowndes County and then loves to share how much he's in the ear or lends an ear to Packer football parents. 

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@Ga96 is the biggest joke in the forum. Forever he’s been touting his #elite229 bullshit and talking about all of these South Georgia ballers he “trains” and he’s too stupid to realize that he (and the other school affiliated coaches) are in violation of GHSA rules. The same rules he constantly bitches about. The irony is completely lost on him and it’s gonna be a hoot when dubose/lowends gets popped. 


Then again, dubose was a cheater at prattville and a cheater at central phoenix so I’m not sure why anybody would be surprised if he cheats at lowends. 

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Hey Fred even 80% of coaches think like I do that GHSA has a problem with recruiting. But again tell us how perfect the GHSA is.

From the article 

More than 80% said the GHSA should do more to combat the situation. 

Hines is a gutless leader would not even do an interview on the subject.

read here

declined in a recent interview to speculate on the prevalence of recruiting

how do they only have 1 person working compliance. Where does the money go they make and 13 total people work at the GHSA. Somebody is embezzling money if this true.

Read here

People have to understand we don’t have an investigative arm,” Hines said. “There are 13 people who work for the GHSA. One is a compliance officer. So what has to happen is that schools have to monitor themselves.”


another amazing stat about Georgia 

read here


Almost 93% of coaches head football coaches agree that recruiting is common, if not out of control, according to the survey.


I have been saying for years the GHSA is the worst run state Association in America.  More stats to back my claim up.  

Alabama has very stirct rules but we do not have the issues like Georgia does.

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19 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

Damn 96

It appears the board is of the belief YOU may be Maxwell Smart. Do you have a phone in your shoe at practice?

Just asking.

You have been out front on this and other issues. I have only been privy to a little but you do seem to have info no one else does. I hope you can see why it is coming at you. 

He claimed or claims to be involved in the Lowndes program. Then he comes on here with lots and lots of half ass one sided information about the Packer football program that he swears he's getting directly from parents of players. 

He's either a liar about being part of the Lowndes program or he's the dumbest coach they've ever had. Almost as dumb as Rush for spilling the beans on Valdosta. 

It's all here in black an white. Put a coaches name and face with it and you have a coach from another program unduly influencing at worst and being out of line at best as it pertains to the GHSA bylaws. 

Claims to have insider info on the Packers, then constantly denigrates the program and coaches publicly on here, all the while in communication with Packer football parents. All by his own accounting. 

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11 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Public to public xfers are the real problem around America. 

Transfers aren't the problem. Illegal transfers, undue influence and recruiting by private coaches who have agendas for particular programs are the problem. Parents lying on paperwork. AD's rubber stamping the paperwork without doing due diligence to make sure the parents didn't lie. Etc. 

In Georgia the rules are pretty fair but, people try to take advantage and there isn't enough of a solid system in place to get any recourse when people are taking advantage. 


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1 hour ago, Wildcat Will said:

Damn 96

It appears the board is of the belief YOU may be Maxwell Smart. Do you have a phone in your shoe at practice?

Just asking.

You have been out front on this and other issues. I have only been privy to a little but you do seem to have info no one else does. I hope you can see why it is coming at you. 


You think this cat has info nobody else has?

He's regurgitating crap from Facebook...from the AJC...from Todd Holcomb...and various other sources.  I have seen everything he's posted.  I chose not to clutter the board with a bunch of shit where I could enter my OPINE.

Get yourself in gear...before I send the Marietta Devilettes to explain things to you...capisce?




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10 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Transfers aren't the problem. Illegal transfers, undue influence and recruiting by private coaches who have agendas for particular programs are the problem. Parents lying on paperwork. AD's rubber stamping the paperwork without doing due diligence to make sure the parents didn't lie. Etc. 

In Georgia the rules are pretty fair but, people try to take advantage and there isn't enough of a solid system in place to get any recourse when people are taking advantage. 


This goes back to the GHSA needs to step up and do their job. Instead of sitting back and collect money and cash checks.  They put everything on the schools. Schools are not set up to investigate these complicated transfers and GHSA changing rules almost daily.  Sitting out 1 year like you suggested would cure all these problems if moving within a 100 mile area. It would stop the madness in Atlanta.  All out of state transfers should go straight to the GHSA no questions ask. 

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7 minutes ago, HooverOutlaw said:

This goes back to the GHSA needs to step up and do their job. Instead of sitting back and collect money and cash checks.  They put everything on the schools. Schools are not set up to investigate these complicated transfers and GHSA changing rules almost daily.  Sitting out 1 year like you suggested would cure all these problems if moving within a 100 mile area. It would stop the madness in Atlanta.  All out of state transfers should go straight to the GHSA no questions ask. 

I totally agree and according to that survey a majority of coaches do as well. That puts the ball in the court of the AD's and local GHSA officers to create some centralized system for clearing and policing transfers and the rules as written.

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2 hours ago, Wildcat Will said:

Damn 96

It appears the board is of the belief YOU may be Maxwell Smart. Do you have a phone in your shoe at practice?

Just asking.

You have been out front on this and other issues. I have only been privy to a little but you do seem to have info no one else does. I hope you can see why it is coming at you. 

I let them grunt and dismiss things on their own time. I just post and tell where the info is from. All the arguing and lying trying to cover their teams I let them have it. Im not one to ignore things. Ill be the first to say the Lowndes County school system has their own reckoning coming which they deserve. 

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7 minutes ago, Ga96 said:

I let them grunt and dismiss things on their own time. I just post and tell where the info is from. All the arguing and lying trying to cover their teams I let them have it. Im not one to ignore things. Ill be the first to say the Lowndes County school system has their own reckoning coming which they deserve. 

Did you really just fucking say that???? You have ignored every legitimate question you have been asked on this board.

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2 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

He claimed or claims to be involved in the Lowndes program. Then he comes on here with lots and lots of half ass one sided information about the Packer football program that he swears he's getting directly from parents of players. 

He's either a liar about being part of the Lowndes program or he's the dumbest coach they've ever had. Almost as dumb as Rush for spilling the beans on Valdosta. 

It's all here in black an white. Put a coaches name and face with it and you have a coach from another program unduly influencing at worst and being out of line at best as it pertains to the GHSA bylaws. 

Claims to have insider info on the Packers, then constantly denigrates the program and coaches publicly on here, all the while in communication with Packer football parents. All by his own accounting. 

I am an outsider looking in. I see what you mean. I would think if he had sources and they were legit, he would be more open. 

I don't know one way or the other so I will digress.

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7 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

I am an outsider looking in. I see what you mean. I would think if he had sources and they were legit, he would be more open. 

I don't know one way or the other so I will digress.

None of us mind his allegations if he would be willing to discuss them. He is like a drive by shooter. He drops a wild claim and then he disappears until he makes the next claim. He isn't willing to discuss or answer questions. His allegations all start with "a Packer parent told me". If he is an employee of Lowndes (even as a bus driver) that is completely unethical according to the rules.  

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