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Leave it to Joe Biden to cause world war 3 🤦‍♀️


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7 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

We're talking about Trumps' opportunity zones, dipshit.

The Surprisingly Limited Success of Trump’s Signature Anti-Poverty Program

The only inaccurate thing about the headline is the word surprisingly.

If you want to talk about Ohio and their subsidies to build low income housing and rentals,

you will need to show how that does NOT help low-income renters. 🙄

You article describing a lower rate on "bank loans" when a builder ACTUALLY builds some

does nothing to help you.


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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

concha thinks that the claim that black unemployment was already falling and would've reached those levels anyway is "making shit up."


Unemployment rate of African Americans in the United States from 1990 to 2021



Still trying to change the subject.

Arguments had months and years ago.

People can feel free to look them up a la Andy.

He won't stop trying to change the subject.



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8 minutes ago, concha said:

[Everyone, please ignore unemployment dropping after 12-18 months of hardly moving under the previous guy and Trump achieving record employment levels and growing real income.]

Black unemployment fell precipitously over the previous 7 years.

It fell a full point in Obama's last year (8.5 to 7.5)

concha has lied about this for years and years. It's his MO.



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3 minutes ago, concha said:

Roughly as on-topic as Andy's desperate scramble to black unemployment levels several years ago.

You're doing this because you know that you lied and have been exposed on it.

I can go back to waxing you on Russian-Georgia if you want.

All it takes is an acknowledgement that you've lied for years about black unemployment. 

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13 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I don't.

Which is why I didn't.< you offered a link to one... foool

I was talking about Trump's opportunity zone scam.<<with nothing to show any "scam"

But please continue changing the subject so you can avoid the current one that you're talking a beating on.<<<Still waiting on a valid reason to fight for UKR

Oh and BTW:

54 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

There's nothing positive about opportunity zones.

They're scams.


YOU MUST HAVE MISSED THE WORD SUCCESS in yer very own HEADLINE argument and link...🤣

33 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

We're talking about Trumps' opportunity zones, dipshit.

 Limited Success of Trump’s Signature Anti-Poverty Program


Rake GIF | Gfycat


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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

I think it's irrelevant to what Trump did to NATO.

Part of the intent of NATO and other western alliances (And the UN) was to avoid having a militaristic Germany.


As a member of NATO, Germany's military has had many as 500k personnel, 7,000 tanks and APCs,  1,000 combat aircraft, 24 submarines...

Here is a more current look. This is what Trump justifiably railed against (and you excuse).



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2 minutes ago, concha said:

This is what Trump justifiably railed against (and you excuse).

He didn't.

He was a landlord demanding rent.

One of the enduring traits of Trump toadies like concha is to completely ignore the personality, mannerisms and motivations of Trump and pretend that he's a rational actor.

Trump didn't give two shits about NATO before, during and now after his Presidency.

His interactions with them were purely financial. He was the landlord collecting rent from deadbeat tenants.

Laughably, concha thinks that's how you strengthen alliances.

But we didn't know that concha was a Russian propagandist.

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9 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I told you.

The irony.

concha gets waxed on Russian invasion of Georgia.

Then tries to change the subject to black unemployment but lies about that and gets waxed.

Next thing he'll do is bring up crime in cities.


Andy brought up Trump and blacks. Middle of page 8.

And the lyin' beat goes on.


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3 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

He didn't.

He was a landlord demanding rent.

One of the enduring traits of Trump toadies like concha is to completely ignore the personality, mannerisms and motivations of Trump and pretend that he's a rational actor.

Trump didn't give two shits about NATO before, during and now after his Presidency.

His interactions with them were purely financial. He was the landlord collecting rent from deadbeat tenants.

Laughably, concha thinks that's how your strengthen alliances.

But we didn't know that concha was a Russian propagandist.


He literally called on them to increase defense spending.

As evidenced by the state of Germany's military, he was right.


Now Andy makes shit up about it being about rent.


The lying is just astonishing.



NYT: Trump sent letters to NATO allies demanding increased defense spending

By Marc Rod, CNN
Updated 11:46 PM EDT, Mon July 2, 2018


'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost


Andy thinks American leaders should beg and say please while American blood and steel protects Europe and has done for years. 






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Trump Discussed Pulling U.S. From NATO, Aides Say Amid New Concerns Over Russia

There are few things that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia desires more than the weakening of NATO, the military alliance among the United States, Europe and Canada that has deterred Soviet and Russian aggression for 70 years.

Last year, President Trump suggested a move tantamount to destroying NATO: the withdrawal of the United States.

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