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Business are being burnt down, looted, peoples livelihood are being ruined


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24 minutes ago, dan in daytona said:

This all isn't in a vacuum. People of color have gotten the $hit end of the stick around here for over 500 yrs (Native Americans, Chinese, Mexicans, Jews, Italians, ect, at a later date). I give them a little leeway when they decide to "Take it to the street."  Also it's in the Constitution. 

Actually, I have been told by right wing Trump supporters that whites in general have had it worse than Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, and Asians here in America.

@concha @FreeBird @TheMaximumHornetSting @On2whls @Ga96 @Wildcat Will

I was wondering how you all feel about this.


@FreeBird @concha

I know dealing with masks, hearing people speak other languages, and living with the fake China virus has been absolutely horrid for you.

The other countries hear your pain . . .

Some may laugh,

but we non-caucasians hope to maybe one day be able to experience maybe even a fraction of your pain.

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1 minute ago, SeaShells21 said:

Actually, I have been told by right wing Trump supporters that whites in general have had it worse than Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, and Asians here in America.

@concha @FreeBird @TheMaximumHornetSting @On2whls @Ga96 @Wildcat Will

I was wondering how you all feel about this.


@FreeBird @concha

I know dealing with masks, hearing people speak other languages, and living with the fake China virus has been absolutely horrid for you.

News flash your white , your one of us, @Wildcat Will even said Hispanics are white, how you bad mouthing your own family right now 🙃🙃🙃🙃

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16 minutes ago, SeaShells21 said:


@FreeBird @concha

I know dealing with masks, hearing people speak other languages, and living with the fake China virus has been absolutely horrid for you.

The other countries hear your pain . . .

Some may laugh,

but we non-caucasians hope to maybe one day be able to experience maybe even a fraction of your pain.


You just love to advertise your ignorance. Is there a disorder or syndrome with a special name for that?

I've lived on four continents and speak two languages, both of which I speak frequently.

How pathetic of you to have to make up stupid shit like that.

If you can't compete on reality and facts, then move on to another hobby, dumbass.  🤡🤣


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1 hour ago, concha said:


You just love to advertise your ignorance. Is there a disorder or syndrome with a special name for that?

I've lived on four continents and speak two languages, both of which I speak frequently.

How pathetic of you to have to make up stupid shit like that.

If you can't compete on reality and facts, then move on to another hobby, dumbass.  🤡🤣


You struggle heavily with sarcasm and humor. I now realize your inability to recognize that.

Go figure.

I’ll leave you alone with your own unfunny comments.

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1 hour ago, SeaShells21 said:

Actually, I have been told by right wing Trump supporters that whites in general have had it worse than Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, and Asians here in America.

@concha @FreeBird @TheMaximumHornetSting @On2whls @Ga96 @Wildcat Will

I was wondering how you all feel about this.


@FreeBird @concha

I know dealing with masks, hearing people speak other languages, and living with the fake China virus has been absolutely horrid for you.

The other countries hear your pain . . .

Some may laugh,

but we non-caucasians hope to maybe one day be able to experience maybe even a fraction of your pain.

My grandparents on both sides immigrated from Europe.  I don’t have a deep rooted connection with American history so it’s hard for me to identify with some peoples pain and suffering going way back. With a very unique and hard to pronounce Italian last name I heard all the Italian jokes growing etc.  Never really bothered me, I thought some were actually pretty funny.  Never knew my biological father, he died in prison at his own hand.  Had a terribly abusive step dad but he at least brought us up in a good town with low crime. He married my mother who had five kids, then had two with her and it wasn’t exactly the Brady Bunch lifestyle. I didn’t have time to feel sorry for myself, I sorta felt sorry for him.  We were amongst the poorest people in that town (North Andover MA) and my mother was staunchly against any form of government assistance, so it wasn’t all that fun.  I mowed lawns, shoveled snow, and had a large paper route from the age of 12 (no parental assistance) all the way through high school so that I could have some spending money.  I was a good athlete which helped me offset the poor kid stigma in high school, and was smart (and worked diligently enough) to get into college.  Paid my own way through college mostly by working at the research foundation, took some loans, and paid them off.  First semester, I road a Raleigh 10 speed bicycle 13 miles to school and back but quickly figured out that wasn’t going to work so I told my folks see ya, got into a shared apartment and never looked back. 
I know a lot of folks of many races that had it way easier than me but I never felt resentful and accepted my lot in life would always be to work hard if I wanted to get ahead.  
I know there are people (of many races) that have had it worse than me as well. 
I can’t say I was “oppressed” but neither can I say I benefitted from white privilege.  
I’ve been married (one time) for 31 years, brought up 3 step kids (who are all still part of my life) and had two daughters (very late surprises).  There were some bumps along the way, but should I have failed to honor my commitment, there would have been no one to blame but myself. 

Got vaccinated, wear a mask (still required at work) have been exposed to Covid but never got it.  My wife and two youngest daughters (all vaccinated and double boosted)  had it recently and despite three Covid positive family members in the house at the same time, I didn’t make them wear masks or steer clear of me but then, I have a secret weapon against respiratory viruses so…


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4 hours ago, FreeBird said:

But they didn’t just take it to the streets, cause if it was just that no one would have been hating on blm, I hate blm cause it was one Giant come up, for most of them, what does Gucci And all these other stores have to do with social. Justices, it was just one giant organized smash and grab


I’m telling you right now, no Italian gives a fuck about how we were treated when we first got to America,  cause no Italian was here when we arrived, the past is the past , eventually in life you just gotta move on, get over it, live the present and prepare for the future and stop dwelling on the past like some sheep 🐑 

FreeBird, I'm not condoning lawlessness, smash and grabs, flipping cars, or burning buildings. It's BS, it's dangerous, and the perpetrators should be taken straight to "F"ing jail. The problem is no race, nationality, or one's economic status has a monopoly on bad behavior. It happens all over the world. Soccer hooligans who win, lose or draw burn up $hit, break bones, and trash anything in their way. Ever seen video (UTUBE) of good ole American college students rampaging through a section of town after a big sporting victory?  Flipping and burning is very popular with those wholesome kids. Add emotion to any large gathering fueled with liquor and pharmaceuticals and there's a good chance some young A-holes will start something and not have a clue or care how it will end. You're to young for the 1960's era marches, demonstrations, campus takeovers, police gun battles, assassinations, and fire bombed cities. Hate to say it, but the stuff today is tame in comparison. Don't stress young man we've been through much worse. And the pendulum will swing the other way, to the good. It always does....Blue sky ahead.  

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11 hours ago, SeaShells21 said:

Actually, I have been told by right wing Trump supporters that whites in general have had it worse than Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, and Asians here in America.

@concha @FreeBird @TheMaximumHornetSting @On2whls @Ga96 @Wildcat Will

I was wondering how you all feel about this.


@FreeBird @concha

I know dealing with masks, hearing people speak other languages, and living with the fake China virus has been absolutely horrid for you.

The other countries hear your pain . . .

Some may laugh,

but we non-caucasians hope to maybe one day be able to experience maybe even a fraction of your pain.

I was raised by my aunt & uncle. My mom and dad (I love them both may my father Rest in peace) but they both had different desires. My mother wanted a family,wanted to do the traditional family stuff,but my dad didnt and they where split. He was in and out of the family with my mom but he didnt abandon me he sent money, He spent time with me, bought gifts and even disciplined me when needed he wasnt a absent dead beat dad but there are some things I wish wouldve went different for sure and we butted heads sometimes as I got older. He unfortunately passed away a few years ago and I know my mother misses him for sure. Sorry for rambling.... 

But all that aside ultimately I can only tell you my experiences. 

My encounters with racism have been few and far between Ive encountered ignorance though from my own people. More specifically my own family. Being black  yea theres a certain stigma that you get slapped with rather it be from cops,normal people,rich people or other minorities. Some of its undeserved Bullshit and some of it we don't help ourselves with. 

Growing up I had friends from all races one of my best and closest friends growing up was vietnamese and we still talk hes practically my brother. 

One of the worst things Ive personally experienced was one of my own older cousins punching me and calling me a race traitor for dating outside my own race. This was a long time ago I was dating a white girl and he didnt like that... to this day me and that cousin in particular still dont get along he'll have a heart attack when he learns im with a chinese girl... 

He's not the only one though... but Ill burn that bridge once I cross it... 




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19 hours ago, dan in daytona said:

A dust up ?  That's your definition of what occurred ?


The Tulsa Massacre was a dust up also.

Anything that's ever happened with the white race has always been marginalized and in most cases covered up. 

The white people/rednecks storming the Capitol was really no different than the white mobsters/rednecks burning down Black Wall Street.

Is what it is. I really don't know why you waste your time talking to these idiots.



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12 hours ago, concha said:


You just love to advertise your ignorance. Is there a disorder or syndrome with a special name for that?

I've lived on four continents and speak two languages, both of which I speak frequently.

How pathetic of you to have to make up stupid shit like that.

If you can't compete on reality and facts, then move on to another hobby, dumbass.  🤡🤣


chuck's, "I'm the most worldly and educated redneck stories" always amuse!!




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18 minutes ago, RedZone said:

The Tulsa Massacre was a dust up also.

Anything that's ever happened with the white race has always been marginalized and in most cases covered up. 

The white people/rednecks storming the Capitol was really no different than the white mobsters/rednecks burning down Black Wall Street.

Is what it is. I really don't know why you waste your time talking to these idiots.



Name one poster on here that was alive at that time  and experienced that , I’ll wait 

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25 minutes ago, RedZone said:

The Tulsa Massacre was a dust up also.

Anything that's ever happened with the white race has always been marginalized and in most cases covered up. 

The white people/rednecks storming the Capitol was really no different than the white mobsters/rednecks burning down Black Wall Street.

Is what it is. I really don't know why you waste your time talking to these idiots.





March 14, 1891 would go down in history as one of the darkest moments in the United States’ long history of anti-Italian discrimination.

These immigrants were hardworking and religious, but they were not welcomed by New Orleans residents. Though Italians had been living in New Orleans since before the Louisiana Purchase, their language and customs were considered foreign and even dangerous by some.

“Sicilians were viewed by many Americans as culturally backward and racially suspect,” writes historian Manfred Berg. Because of their dark skin, they were often treated with the same contempt as Black people. They were also suspected of Mafia connections, and their family networks were closely watched by the New Orleans police.

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16 minutes ago, FreeBird said:

Name one poster on here that was alive at that time  and experienced that , I’ll wait 


Aside from his overt racism, Chip the Wonder Racist's stupidity was another reason for putting him ignore years ago.

The Tulsa massacre was an overtly racial attack committed by people who think like Chip himself (a man who will unapologetically call a US Marine a n****r and is openly against interracial relationships).

The riot at the Capitol was an act committed by people who believed an election was stolen. The idiots committing violence in DC on that day did not march to black neighborhoods and start killing and burning.


And these people wonder why I accurately call them imbeciles and morons.


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1 minute ago, concha said:


Aside from his overt racism, Chip the Wonder Racist's stupidity was another reason for putting him ignore years ago.

The Tulsa massacre was an overtly racial attack committed by people who think like Chip himself (an man who will unapologetically call a US Marine a n****r and is openly against interracial relationships).

The riot at the Capitol was an act committed by people who believed an election was stolen. The idiots committing violence in DC on that day did not march to black neighborhoods and start killing and burning.


And these people wonder why I accurately call them imbeciles and morons.


Cased closed!

Was way too easy.

Cya, chuck.




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25 minutes ago, concha said:

The riot at the Capitol was an act committed by people who believed an election was stolen

Tell the class who instigated that riot where loss of life occurred, chuck.

No worse than the Tulsa newspaper spreading their hate.

chuck exits the building speaking Spanish.


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On 6/10/2022 at 9:06 PM, FreeBird said:

But they didn’t just take it to the streets, cause if it was just that no one would have been hating on blm, I hate blm cause it was one Giant come up, for most of them, what does Gucci And all these other stores have to do with social. Justices, it was just one giant organized smash and grab


I’m telling you right now, no Italian gives a fuck about how we were treated when we first got to America,  cause no Italian was here when we arrived, the past is the past , eventually in life you just gotta move on, get over it, live the present and prepare for the future and stop dwelling on the past like some sheep 🐑 

Hey Fredo!

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