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message board appeasement


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26 minutes ago, 181pl said:

Of course this started with the #1  scumbag out there, Barack Hussein Obama. Kerry, O'Biden, Talib, AOC. Party full of shit bags. You cannot support people that are fundamentally committed to destroyng YOU (Western Civilization; Judeo-Christian Society; like it or not, that's their goal).

With the exception of Talib, those you mentioned are Christians I believe.  Maybe it's the color of their skin you do not like.  

How many times does this have to play out. After 911 that should have been it? Shut those idiots out of the West. No travel, no coming to our schools, certianly no immigration here. Economic sanctions against Fundamental Islam run states, etc. etc.  We have plenty of our own energy here. We don't need the goat fuckers. They are free to have their own countries, societies, religon, etc. So are we and we don't need them in the West.

What we don't need is your type in West.





Nice racist rant.  Always good to get that out of the way early in the week.  Well done.  

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53 minutes ago, dan in daytona said:

P.O.S. like my fellow Floridian (181pl) used to wear "Hoods".  Now with Trump they "think" they've grown a pair. Not true, my neutered "keyboard warrior"

Asshole. I'm Jewish. My grandfather had to conceal himself from the KKK in Chicago in the 40's. My Dad fought the japs, my uncles fought the Nazis. Am I always right? No. If you don't like my point of view, too bad.

I don't think you guys got my message. I'm not against Islam or Muslims. I'm against fundamentalist that kill Americans (me), Jews (me), and people dedicated to preserving freedoms that don't jibe with fundamentalist Muslims (like women being allowed in public without their husband, etc.). Most moderate Muslims won't call out their barbaric tactics, either out of fear or because they are indifferent or agree with them.

There is nothing racist about self-preservation against people out to destroy you. I called out Obama because he was an enabler of fundamentalist interests. I call out Kerry because of his close ties to Iran and his continual lobbying to lift sanctions against them. I call out Talib and AOC because of their anti-semetic rhetoric. Was I wrong to group all Democrats with those folks? Yes. I admit it. Are the people I mentioned (IMHO) good for this Country? That's debateable, but to me, no.

I'm guessing you think open borders, being lax on crime, and calling people racist as a virtue signal (all recent Democrat tactics) is OK. You have to be brave enought to have a conversation. My words up top were a little harsh, admittedly. But the world is not all koombaya, sorry. 



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16 minutes ago, 181pl said:

I'm guessing you think open borders, being lax on crime, and calling people racist as a virtue signal (all recent Democrat tactics) is OK. You have to be brave enought to have a conversation. My words up top were a little harsh, admittedly. But the world is not all koombaya, sorry. 

And you have to be brave enough to be honest in the conversation. The borders are not, have never been, and never will be open, and nobody but those on the fringe ever advocate otherwise.

Who are all these people for open borders? where are they? Perpetuating the myth does nothing but exacerbate an existing problem… to your benefit, though, so no reason to stop I guess.

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1 minute ago, GoBigBlack said:

And you have to be brave enough to be honest in the conversation. The borders are not, have never been, and never will be open, and nobody but those on the fringe ever advocate otherwise.

Who are all these people for open borders? where are they? Perpetuating the myth does nothing but exacerbate an existing problem… to your benefit, though, so no reason to stop I guess.

Tell me why we have over 4 MILLION illegals here since Biden took over? Now he wants to build the wall because it's out of control. Had to undo 12 executive order he initiated to stop the wall. We have a whole new Miami since he took over. We don't have the resources to house them. The sanctuary cities are going nuts. 

Trump had the border somewhat under control with not only the wall but with agreements with Mexico and Central America. Come here legally. The USA is not a free for all (well it actually is because they cross and if they are caught they are given aid and released into the country, most of it on our dime, the taxpayer; meanwhile we have homeless mentally ill veterans on the streets from the sensless and endless wars we are involved in that aren't taken care of).








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WORLD "Citizen" said:

With the exception of Talib, those you mentioned are Christians I believe.  Maybe it's the color of their skin you do not like.  

Kerry, Biden are as white as cotton. I called them out. I think you like to assume without knowing much. I didn't like Obama's numerous harmful policies, not his skin color. That I could care less about. I would vote for Candance Owens in a heartbeat. You probably think she's an Uncle (or Aunt?) Tom? Talib and AOC are anti-semetic. Especially Talib. AOC is also a fucking moron so I don't take much of what she says seriously.

What we don't need is your type in West.

My "type" emigrated here at the turn of the century, embraced American traditions and ways of life, made it through the great depression, and valued education for their kids. Thanks, but I'm not playing your game..

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1 hour ago, 181pl said:


Asshole. I'm Jewish. My grandfather had to conceal himself from the KKK in Chicago in the 40's. My Dad fought the japs, my uncles fought the Nazis. Am I always right? No. If you don't like my point of view, too bad.

I don't think you guys got my message. I'm not against Islam or Muslims. I'm against fundamentalist that kill Americans (me), Jews (me), and people dedicated to preserving freedoms that don't jibe with fundamentalist Muslims (like women being allowed in public without their husband, etc.). Most moderate Muslims won't call out their barbaric tactics, either out of fear or because they are indifferent or agree with them.

There is nothing racist about self-preservation against people out to destroy you. I called out Obama because he was an enabler of fundamentalist interests. I call out Kerry because of his close ties to Iran and his continual lobbying to lift sanctions against them. I call out Talib and AOC because of their anti-semetic rhetoric. Was I wrong to group all Democrats with those folks? Yes. I admit it. Are the people I mentioned (IMHO) good for this Country? That's debateable, but to me, no.

I'm guessing you think open borders, being lax on crime, and calling people racist as a virtue signal (all recent Democrat tactics) is OK. You have to be brave enought to have a conversation. My words up top were a little harsh, admittedly. But the world is not all koombaya, sorry. 



I lost my entire reply w/o screenshot.  Fk 

Always nice to get to know the personas more imo.  While I don’t agree politically much w your pov, was a nice read.  

Top 4 fav Jewish athletes…

Glickman, Greenberg, Koufax 

And Gilad!   😁

bodies in motion memories.  I liked the short Hawaiian brunette with long dark hair.  

It may not have been his show, I’ll grab a pic.  The woman that caused the actor writer politician to resign used to do workout shows.  She was smoooooookin.  

Sharing is caring.  😊


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I miss the time we had a real leader in charge that did everything he could to deter war. Now you got these war junkies in office that are just on to their new money laundering scheme: 

our enemies do not fear us anymore. These wars that are popping up due to the fact of how weak Joe Biden has us on the world stage. 


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2 hours ago, golfaddict1 said:

I lost my entire reply w/o screenshot.  Fk 

Always nice to get to know the personas more imo.  While I don’t agree politically much w your pov, was a nice read.  

Top 4 fav Jewish athletes…

Glickman, Greenberg, Koufax 

And Gilad!   😁

bodies in motion memories.  I liked the short Hawaiian brunette with long dark hair.  

It may not have been his show, I’ll grab a pic.  The woman that caused the actor writer politician to resign used to do workout shows.  She was smoooooookin.  

Sharing is caring.  😊


She used to be on Fox Sports or something like 20+ years ago. I watched a lot of sports back then. A lot a lot. Might even be the reason I got into sports. Well, there’s a pair of reasons, anyway.

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23 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I miss the time we had a real leader in charge that did everything he could to deter war. Now you got these war junkies in office that are just on to their new money laundering scheme: 

our enemies do not fear us anymore. These wars that are popping up due to the fact of how weak Joe Biden has us on the world stage. 


Vote DJT or kiss Israel goodbye.


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Buy more guns, ammo, generators.......the Democrats have been letting these same people blowing up Israel come across the Southern Border since idiot Democrats voted Biden into office.

And some completely blind idiots on here want to say the boarder isn’t open. 🐑 is an understatement.

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2 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

I miss the time we had a real leader in charge that did everything he could to deter war. Now you got these war junkies in office that are just on to their new money laundering scheme: 

our enemies do not fear us anymore. These wars that are popping up due to the fact of how weak Joe Biden has us on the world stage. 




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11 hours ago, 181pl said:

How many times does this have to play out.

It has been continually playing out for the entire lives of most alive today, and will continue forever as the never ending story.  For a large percentage of the population 9-11 represents a mere triviality in US history.  It’s not a matter of whether extremists eventually get a hold of the wrong type of rockets, it comes down to when, and where the real suffering begins.   

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Read this today - IMO it’s spot on.

1. Israel chose to ignore intelligence from Egyptian officials about a major attack coming from Hamas.

2. Multiple former IDF soldiers & Israeli intelligence personnel have come forward online and said there’s a zero percent chance Israel was unaware of this attack beforehand or couldn’t have prevented it.

3. We just watched unsophisticated terrorists on hang gliders soar into one of the most heavily-defended & surveilled countries on the planet.

4. Within 48 hours of the attack, we’re now suddenly seeing enormous support for an American war with Iran and the genocide of the Palestinian people.

I’m witnessing American pastors and formerly level-headed influencers in our world completely lose their minds and call for genocide.

It’s unsurprising, but insane to watch.

If the events of the past three years have taught me anything, it’s that when people get whipped into an emotional frenzy, critical thinking completely goes out the window.

People become highly suggestible and will rush to extremely dangerous conclusions without thinking about the consequences.

I think this is what we’re all witnessing with this situation in Israel.

I’m reminded of Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

In both scenarios, the American government received intelligence in advance of the attacks, but chose not to prevent the attacks.


The American government was willing to sacrifice the lives of American citizens in order to advance its geopolitical goals.

Pearl Harbor gave the justification to enter WWII.

9/11 gave justification to invade the Middle East & drastically expand the American military industrial complex & our surveillance apparatus.

They were brutal & extremely traumatic events for the American public to witness. The emotional trauma caused people to get whipped into an emotional frenzy.

America wanted ONE THING in response to these attacks:

The blood of our enemies.

I see the same psyop playing out now.

People are whipped into a frenzied bloodlust.

In their frenzied bloodlust, people are overlooking some SERIOUSLY important facts here, notably:

1. The fact that none of this adds up,

2. innocent civilians are being threatened with genocide, and

3. Escalated violence in the Middle East and a war with Iran both risk ***the rest of the planet getting dragged into WWIII.***

What happened in Israel this weekend was obviously gut-wrenching and awful to witness, but I do not trust Israel’s so-called “intelligence failure”, nor do I trust the snakes in Washington calling for war with Iran, & I sure as hell no longer trust any of the emotionally-frenzied influencers calling for explicit genocide of innocent civilians.

This was a defining moment in history, similar to Pearl Harbor, 9/11, COVID, the beginning of the Ukraine war, etc, and a lot of people just got played.


People responded by going full mask-off, exposing themselves as reckless & incapable of exercising sound judgment in moments of chaos and heightened emotion.

And we’re now at the brink of WWIII because of it.

This is all worth noting.

There’s a high likelihood there will be more chaos throughout the rest of this decade.

There will be more psychological operations.

There will be more moments in time in which cooler heads ought to prevail, but people will get whipped into an emotional frenzy instead.

Keep your wits about you, & be cautious in whom you allow yourself to be influenced by.

Recognize that governments & intelligence agencies spend enormous resources waging psychological operations on social media nonstop when stuff like this goes down.

Remember that when chaos is at its peak, history shows there is ALMOST ALWAYS a hidden agenda being played out, & that hidden agenda is ALWAYS designed to prey on our base emotions to facilitate a desired end-result.

Pray for world peace tonight.

Thanks. 🤙

💯 % on that last paragraph. 

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@Warrior 1000 percent spot on and the scary part is there are just as many republicans as democrats that are mongers for war. This is the real way they make their money. It’s probably the only thing they agree on. Anyone who opposes war gets the fire and fury. It’s the main reason every government agency did what they could to sabotage Trump. He is anti-war. He was fucking up their hustle. Why do you think all the peace treaties he brokered were met with swift criticism and intentional suppression from the MSM? 

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Same reason people who come up with alternatives to prescription pills mysterious die or go missing. When there are billions of dollars at stake, you can let someone come in and jeopardize that. Hell people get killed for $40 in a mugging gone wrong. You don’t think a billion dollar company will get you gone if you are fucking with their billions? 

One of the reasons I sat back and laughed at all the sheep stabbing themselves with an multiple experimental trial drugs was they honestly believed people who were set to make billions were telling them the truth even though it was impossible to predict the long term effects. We promise. Please take the vaccine so we can get our billions. It wont give you heart issues we promise. It won’t stop you from giving or getting covid but it will afford us the new house on Martha’s Vineyard. Just don’t send the migrants. They belong in South Texas! 

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Agree with Warrior. Nobody wants war, violence and bloodshed.

Gaza Palestenians would not be living in a controlled zone and would be totally free if they didn’t constantly commit barbaric acts of terrorism.  

I have always been for a two state solution but they need to pick. Gaza with some expanded territory around the south of Israel and a great free port or the West Bank. Can’t have an enemy in both places if you are israel

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34 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

@Warrior 1000 percent spot on and the scary part is there are just as many republicans as democrats that are mongers for war. This is the real way they make their money. It’s probably the only thing they agree on. Anyone who opposes war gets the fire and fury. It’s the main reason every government agency did what they could to sabotage Trump. He is anti-war. He was fucking up their hustle. Why do you think all the peace treaties he brokered were met with swift criticism and intentional suppression from the MSM? 

We need to get term limits and the War money out of our politics. Both sides. Trump didn't go along and was cut at the knees even before taking office. 

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