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Vegas shooting


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7 minutes ago, LiberalDonaldTrump said:

These guns are not for self defense.. it’s for taking as many people out in as little time as possible..... I don’t think our forefathers meant arming our selves with Ak47s wen they wrote the admandments

If firepower was a concern, what stopped them from specifying powder grain or the size of the barrel bore? Why didn't they specifically outlaw pressed powder? All of these things legitimately affected the weapon's performance at the time.


As stated above, their intentions were pretty clear on the matter.


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3 hours ago, TheRealCAJ said:


After Orlando not one damn thing changed. Zero.




After Sandy Hook, our capacity to rationalize doing nothing, not even attempting to try something, no longer surprises.

Do you remember what happened after Orlando?  Members of Congress staged a sit in chanting "no bill, no break."   And Congress sprung into action, declaring that fines would be slapped on House members who broadcast audio or video from the House floor.  Thank God the decorum of the House was safe...

In the 477 days since Orlando, if we define a mass shooting as a single event in a single location where four or more people are injured or killed at the same time, there have been 521 mass shootings...

Meanwhile yesterday, while we were not supposed to be politicizing the tragedy:

  • The price of gun manufacturer stocks opened the day ~4% higher (maybe the market on these stocks should be closed at least until we are allowed to politicize again).                                                                           
  • Trolls from 4Chan spent the night scheming about how to pin the shooting on liberals which Google picked up as a top story.  Facebook picked up a fake article from a fake news site called Alt-Right News, which incorrectly identified the shooter and described him as a Trump hating liberal. (Sidebar note:  Facebook released 3000 fake Russian stories and memes about the election to Congress.  It is only a matter of time before we find out what they were....a lot of memes have been posted on this blog...Kewpie doll to the first person that finds a fake Russian meme posted here...).                                       
  • The shooter's brother told us the shooter was a multi-millionaire real estate investor -- Maybe we should deport all millionaire and billionaire real estate investors, you know, "just until we figure things out."

An oldie from 2011 still applies:

Image result for tom tomorrow guns

And the beat went on in 2015

Image result for tom tomorrow guns

Been watching the Vietnam documentary recently.  Las Vegas was reasonably close in size to Hamburger Hill.  Violence in American society is apparently a feature, not a bug...

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3 minutes ago, 15yds4gibberish said:


After Sandy Hook, our capacity to rationalize doing nothing, not even attempting to try something, no longer surprises.

Do you remember what happened after Orlando?  Members of Congress staged a sit in chanting "no bill, no break."   And Congress sprung into action, declaring that fines would be slapped on House members who broadcast audio or video from the House floor.  Thank God the decorum of the House was safe...

In the 477 days since Orlando, if we define a mass shooting as a single event in a single location where four or more people are injured or killed at the same time, there have been 521 mass shootings...

Meanwhile yesterday, while we were not supposed to be politicizing the tragedy:

  • The price of gun manufacturer stocks opened the day ~4% higher (maybe the market on these stocks should be closed at least until we are allowed to politicize again).                                                                           
  • Trolls from 4Chan spent the night scheming about how to pin the shooting on liberals which Google picked up as a top story.  Facebook picked up a fake article from a fake news site called Alt-Right News, which incorrectly identified the shooter and described him as a Trump hating liberal. (Sidebar note:  Facebook released 3000 fake Russian stories and memes about the election to Congress.  It is only a matter of time before we find out what they were....a lot of memes have been posted on this blog...Kewpie doll to the first person that finds a fake Russian meme posted here...).                                       
  • The shooter's brother told us the shooter was a multi-millionaire real estate investor -- Maybe we should deport all millionaire and billionaire real estate investors, you know, "just until we figure things out."

An oldie from 2011 still applies:

Image result for tom tomorrow guns

And the beat went on in 2015

Image result for tom tomorrow guns

Been watching the Vietnam documentary recently.  Las Vegas was reasonably close in size to Hamburger Hill.  Violence in American society is apparently a feature, not a bug...

Since you brought up stocks one casino stock was down 6%

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3 minutes ago, LiberalDonaldTrump said:

I’m sure a ak47 will really help u out against a government that can kill u from a satellite in outer space 

The weaponization of space is actually outlawed.

The Afghans, for example, have waged wars of resistance effectively against far more powerful and advanced invaders for a long time - most recently the USSR and the USA. They have done so without main battle tanks, advanced artillery, an air force...


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4 minutes ago, concha said:

The weaponization of space is actually outlawed.

The Afghans, for example, have waged wars of resistance effectively against far more powerful and advanced invaders for a long time - most recently the USSR and the USA. They have done so without main battle tanks, advanced artillery, an air force...


With some help from the USA against the Russians when the Russians invaded Afghanistan

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1 minute ago, HSFBfan said:

With some help from the USA against the Russians when the Russians invaded Afghanistan

Wasn't the biggest they got Stingers?

Apart from that they used rifles, RPGs and mortars.

The Afghans and the likes of the Viet Cong are prime example where huge firepower and technological advantage can be met simply by not facing them head on.

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Just now, concha said:

Wasn't the biggest they got Stingers?

Apart from that they used rifles, RPGs and mortars.

The Afghans and the likes of the Viet Cong are prime example where huge firepower and technological advantage can be met simply by not facing them head on.

A lot of the stuff that that afghans are using today against the USA are weapons the USA gave them to defend themselves against the soviets. I guess that move came back to bite the USA in the rear

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30 minutes ago, LiberalDonaldTrump said:

These guns are not for self defense.. it’s for taking as many people out in as little time as possible..... I don’t think our forefathers meant arming our selves with Ak47s wen they wrote the amendments

Shall we take away the web as well? Im sure they were not thinking of the web as the discussed freedom of speech

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27 minutes ago, concha said:


They meant for the people to have arms capable of allowing them to resist a tyrannical government. Their writings are pretty clear on that.


As thc and others have said in the past, good luck to armed civilians fighting our military. Or, are we talking about local police forces that we are protecting ourselves from?

Justifying the practicality of semi-automatic assault rifle ownership among our general populace  is very difficult.

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2 minutes ago, concha said:

Nor radio, nor tv, nor telephones...

Since i generally agree with you on what you say on the board i have a quick question for you:

We have been a free nation since 1776. Back then like you stated they didnt have TV phones radio or any of the modern technologies that we have. Yes they had their own issues im sure mostly due to religious difference. Burning of the witches and things of that nature. But it just seems like back then and you probably dont even have to go that far back but the question im getting at is basically why was the people back then just better. They seemed to be stronger mentally then people today. There was none of this soft PC stuff you see today. What do you believe caused this change

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1 minute ago, maxchoboian said:

As thc and others have said in the past, good luck to armed civilians fighting our military. Or, are we talking about local police forces that we are protecting ourselves from?

Justifying the practicality of semi-automatic assault rifle ownership among our general populace  is very difficult.

"Practicality" is a subjective judgment and not part of the 2nd amendment.

The "good luck fighting our military" was true also as related to those in the 1770s who fought against arguably the most powerful military in the world at the time.

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3 minutes ago, concha said:

"Practicality" is a subjective judgment and not part of the 2nd amendment.

The "good luck fighting our military" was true also as related to those in the 1770s who fought against arguably the most powerful military in the world at the time.

So you are fine with assault rivals being available to the public? I don't think it's wise.

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3 minutes ago, maxchoboian said:

As thc and others have said in the past, good luck to armed civilians fighting our military. Or, are we talking about local police forces that we are protecting ourselves from?

Justifying the practicality of semi-automatic assault rifle ownership among our general populace  is very difficult.

It is pretty simple to me. If we are going to do away with automatic weapons then that means everyone. Police included. I just cant see myself being policed by a force who would have the ability to control my every move. That is not a democracy that is fascism or dictatorship.

Simple things need to be done. Like mental screenings, back ground checks. The problem is once you have done a back ground check now the powers that be have a list of everyone who owns a weapon. If 1984 goes down what list of people do you think they will attack first?  

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22 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

Since i generally agree with you on what you say on the board i have a quick question for you:

We have been a free nation since 1776. Back then like you stated they didnt have TV phones radio or any of the modern technologies that we have. Yes they had their own issues im sure mostly due to religious difference. Burning of the witches and things of that nature. But it just seems like back then and you probably dont even have to go that far back but the question im getting at is basically why was the people back then just better. They seemed to be stronger mentally then people today. There was none of this soft PC stuff you see today. What do you believe caused this change

Witch burning a la Salem happened well before the War of Independence.

Average people back then were accustomed to working hard just to survive and death was commonplace. The average person lived to about 35. Compare that to nearly 80 today.

Today's society is incredibly pampered.

Back then you could die from cutting yourself on a rusty nail. For today's youth, having their cell phone battery die or simply hearing the name "Trump" are supposedly traumatic experiences.

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Just now, thc6795 said:

Are you ok with those policing you having these arms?

Yes I am. Which sounds like where there is a big difference between the two of us. I am not as concerned about being forcefully taken over by the police/government as you are. I believe in how and why our country was formed, and am confident the large majority of people feel the same, which would make a military or police takeover highly unlikely, if likely at all. And that's how I live, not looking over my shoulder all during my waking hours.

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Just now, concha said:

Witch burning a la Salem happened well before the War of Independence.

Average people back then were accustomed to working hard just to survive and death was commonplace. The average person lived to about 35. Compare that to nearly 80 today.

Today's society is incredibly pampered.

Back then you could die from cutting yourself on a rusty nail. For today's youth, having their cell phone battery die or simply hearing the name "Trump" is supposedly are traumatic experiences.

That is a very good point. And yes your right about the witch thing i just couldnt come up with a better example and i was trying to get to my actual question. Your right about todays society being a lot easier then it was back then or even 40-50 years ago. Society is not headed in a good direction in that perspective. 

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Just now, maxchoboian said:

Yes I am. Which sounds like where there is a big difference between the two of us. I am not as concerned about being forcefully taken over by the police/government as you are. I believe in how and why our country was formed, and am confident the large majority of people feel the same, which would make a military or police takeover highly unlikely, if likely at all. And that's how I live, not looking over my shoulder all during my waking hours.

When this country was being formed didnt most people have a gun in the house yes mostly for hunting but they certainly use it for protection if they felt fit

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6 minutes ago, maxchoboian said:

So you are fine with assault rivals being available to the public? I don't think it's wise.

By the true definition, I don't personally think it's necessary (assault weapons being full auto capable).

By the left's hijacked definition where a weapon simply needs to be semi-auto and scary looking, my opinion differs.


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8 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

When this country was being formed didnt most people have a gun in the house yes mostly for hunting but they certainly use it for protection if they felt fit

Look at it however you want. I don't think having assault rifles or hand grenades or bombs are necessary in our homes. Simple as that. Shit, we can't even have Black Cats or M-80s in Colorado, but we can sure as hell have semi-auto rifles. Hmm.

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