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Vegas shooting


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13 minutes ago, maxchoboian said:

So be different. Don't take one of those sides. There are more options than feeling the need to follow one group or another.

What other options do we have? We have to continue our lives. We have to continue our day to day. Yes its tragic. But we all woke up and went to work or the gym or whatever we have to do in our daily lives. 

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Just now, DBP66 said:

common sense?...over Tex's head....O.o

Tell me hero when have you ever shot an AR-15? How about one with a silencer? Unless you want to go fucking deaf you need ear plugs they are loud as fuck. A good silencer would prevent the muzzle flash from being exposed maybe. A muzzle flash is when the round leaves the barrel and gases form leaving the barrel. Stick to fishing boy scout guns are too dangerous for you.

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3 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:


ChipDumbRacist is what "ignore" was invented for...  what an imbecile.


The Hildebeast starts off saying she wants to leave politics out of it and then Lo' and Behold!... she starts taking political pot shots about things she has no clue about.



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17 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Come on man. A silencer would have allowed the shooter's location stay hidden for longer. If people weren't hearing gunfire they would have spent more time running the wrong direction.



You got likes from the two biggest morons on the site for this one.


What was the right direction btw?  

20k-30k people packed together and all headed in the same direction with a shooter who is firing rifles with an effective range of 600 meters or so.

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7 minutes ago, concha said:


You got likes from the two biggest morons on the site for this one.


What was the right direction btw?  

20k-30k people packed together and all headed in the same direction with a shooter who is firing rifles with an effective range of 600 meters or so.

and you don't agree with his common sense statement?....

"Come on man. A silencer would have allowed the shooter's location stay hidden for longer. If people weren't hearing gunfire they would have spent more time running the wrong direction"

..please explain.........and do you support him modifying his guns like he did Mr. NRA?......this should be good....

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4 minutes ago, concha said:




The Hildebeast starts off saying she wants to leave politics out of it and then Lo' and Behold!... she starts taking political pot shots about things she has no clue about.



You should really stop watching FOX.....you are fried, dude.

In any case, you are clueless and have been for most of your adult life.



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35 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Come on man. A silencer would have allowed the shooter's location stay hidden for longer. If people weren't hearing gunfire they would have spent more time running the wrong direction.


Per the link I just provided, that's at best debatable, and at worst simply false.

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10 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

and you don't agree with his common sense statement?....

"Come on man. A silencer would have allowed the shooter's location stay hidden for longer. If people weren't hearing gunfire they would have spent more time running the wrong direction"

..please explain.........and do you support him modifying his guns like he did Mr. NRA?......this should be good....

God you really are fucking stupid. The rounds were bouncing off of everything. This is called a ricochet.  When rounds are coming at you like that one they are loud as fuck and 2 you don't know where they are coming from. A silencer would not have prevented anything. as for modifying a gun to automatic? You dumb fuck those laws have been on the books forever. You really are fucking dumb.

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7 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:

Per the link I just provided, that's at best debatable, and at worst simply false.

"Silencers" don't "silence" anything. They simply reduce the report from the gun muzzle to decibel-levels that permit the shooter to forego ear mufflers ("ears" for those of you who have ever been to a shooting range).

I'd understand (as I have already in this thread) if people were to go after "bump fire" and "slide fire" devices that effectively skirt the letter and spirit of laws limiting access to full-automatic weapons. But this guy didn't even use a frigging suppressor. And he had to have been using supersonic ammunition anyway, which lets folks know a gun is being fired right away.

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4 minutes ago, concha said:

"Silencers" don't "silence" anything. They simply reduce the report from the gun muzzle to decibel-levels that permit the shooter to forego ear mufflers ("ears" for those of you who have ever been to a shooting range).

I'd understand (as I have already in this thread) if people were to go after "bump fire" and "slide fire" devices that effectively skirt the letter and spirit of laws limiting access to full-automatic weapons. But this guy didn't even use a frigging suppressor. And he had to have been using supersonic ammunition anyway, which lets folks know a gun is being fired right away.

You can't possibly be more of an idiot than what we think you are at the moment.

This is your time to shine!

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25 minutes ago, concha said:


You got likes from the two biggest morons on the site for this one.


What was the right direction btw?  

20k-30k people packed together and all headed in the same direction with a shooter who is firing rifles with an effective range of 600 meters or so.

This discussion as I see it is pertaining to future issues. This one is already in the books. We can't rewind and fix it at all now.

I shouldn't have to say that though. 9_9

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5 minutes ago, concha said:

"Silencers" don't "silence" anything. They simply reduce the report from the gun muzzle to decibel-levels that permit the shooter to forego ear mufflers ("ears" for those of you who have ever been to a shooting range).

I'd understand (as I have already in this thread) if people were to go after "bump fire" and "slide fire" devices that effectively skirt the letter and spirit of laws limiting access to full-automatic weapons. But this guy didn't even use a frigging suppressor. And he had to have been using supersonic ammunition anyway, which lets folks know a gun is being fired right away.

People thought they were hearing fire crackers man. The guy was posted up 400 yards away. You mean to tell me that a silencer wouldn't have helped hide him at that distance, when you say yourself it quietens the report.

God almighty. 



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3 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

This discussion as I see it is pertaining to future issues. This one is already in the books. We can't rewind and fix it at all now.

I shouldn't have to say that though. 9_9


Like your "they're only gays" comment?

You're doing well, Hawg. Just ask Dumb and Dumber.


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13 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

Yeah, dave lee.

59 killed and 530 wounded and then there's H. R. 3668 floating around.

It's a harmless toy.....just what we need too.





Anything associated with a gun has liberals peeing in their pants. Good luck trying to take 300+ million guns from the American people. 

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11 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

People thought they were hearing fire crackers man. The guy was posted up 400 yards away. You mean to tell me that a silencer wouldn't have helped hide him at that distance, when you say yourself it quietens the report.

God almighty. 



No it would not have silenced the weapon but maybe a 1/2 a decibel. Have you ever fired an AR-15? How about one with a silencer? It is not like the movies man. And it is for sure not like a hand gun. They are loud as fuck. I just shot one this past weekend unless you want to go deaf you need to wear your ears.

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Not to mention he was firing into a kill box, not only were the rounds bouncing off the walls so were the sounds of the gun fire. Everyone though there was more then one shooter. You know why? Because rounds were coming from all directions.


Honestly there really should never be a need for a silencer. However only a real stupid fuck i.e. DBP66 and killiar would think a silencer would have caused more damage on Sunday.

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It's bewildering why folks are making fools of themselves about suppressors - which weren't even used in Vegas.

The thing that enabled the level of killing on Sunday was the use of bump stocks - essentially an add-on part for AR-15s that effectively permits full-auto firing speeds from semi-auto firearms.

It's like they want to slow down a car they feel can go too fast, but they focus on the muffler instead of the turbocharger.


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