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where are you Nolebull?


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WHAT-THE-FUcK.!!!???  Is the racist ass, intolerant, shit bag cancel culture come to the hallowed halls of PrepG?!! 

...I would sincerely request that the powers-that-be take a hard look as to WTF you are doing. I love you guys.You know that. But I’ve been called a Klansman here by certain individuals (and others too). And I know for a fact that owner of this site KNOWS that I’m not. Nole IS NOT. THC is not. Everyone knows this. WTF?!!! Why are only conservatives being targeted?! I’m a a little sad. Sincerely.


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9 minutes ago, Ga96 said:

@Rufus69 looks like they hate you just as much as me.

Oh. No. No (cough cough)....Rufus isn’t in the same ballpark as you bro. At least he has a good heart down beneath all of that liberal, neo hippy-60s BS that he has to filter through daily. You? You are racist POS that wants wants...DEMANDs...like AP...that white people bow to you and applaud the “browning of America”. And remember....I’m not white. Very down actually. Too brown to have a red neck for sure. How this clarifies your confusion. 


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I just went through Nolebull's recent posts, and I'm sorry but I sure don't see anything worthy of a ban.

By the way, we had a local forum in Orange County, California that started enforcing the rules one way for conservatives, and a different way for liberals. Very reminiscent of what we seem to be seeing here, right down to the banning without warning thing.

We revolted, and formed our own forum 18 months ago. I'm not saying it could happen here. I don't think things are that bad here...yet.

The local forum we left is now a relative ghost town compared to ours. (7 posts yesterday and 4 so far today).

Our forum now boasts 444 threads, and 24,544 posts, including over 5,222 sports posts. It consists of 54 members, only one of which has ever been banned, and that only because he was not having any success trolling us, and kept asking to be banned. Finally, our moderator gave him his face-saving ban.

p.s. If any Southern California guys are interested in a local forum, message me for the address. 

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45 minutes ago, Slotback Right said:

I just went through Nolebull's recent posts, and I'm sorry but I sure don't see anything worthy of a ban.

By the way, we had a local forum in Orange County, California that started enforcing the rules one way for conservatives, and a different way for liberals. Very reminiscent of what we seem to be seeing here, right down to the banning without warning thing.

We revolted, and formed our own forum 18 months ago. I'm not saying it could happen here. I don't think things are that bad here...yet.

The local forum we left is now a relative ghost town compared to ours. (7 posts yesterday and 4 so far today).

Our forum now boasts 444 threads, and 24,544 posts, including over 5,222 sports posts. It consists of 54 members, only one of which has ever been banned, and that only because he was not having any success trolling us, and kept asking to be banned. Finally, our Moderator gave him is face-saving ban.

p.s. If any Southern California guys are interested in a local forum, message me for the address. 

I certainly don’t hope so, but it may come to that sadly. Censorship and a different bars of justice  are simply unacceptable in the US of A. Thanks for info SbR..👍

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3 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

So, let me ask a question: I assume he was banned or put on time out. What did he post to deserve this treatment? If the post is still up, could you please direct me to it? 


If he was banned, we should get an explanation. I haven't seen anything from him that would justify a ban. 

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4 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Sound familiar? 

There's actually a reason for this. I spoke about it earlier. For the 2016 election, a company called Cambridge Analytica was hired by the Trump campaign to illegally siphon Facebook data from unassuming users and run advertisements. 5.9 million ads were run through this method. It was highly illegal but it never reached the full limelight because of Trump's efforts to keep it hidden. Don't believe me? Watch the Republican-produced Netflix series called "The Great Hack".

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