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Collins Hill 7v7 National showcase results


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2 hours ago, Sweetlarry said:

Made him feel better about them pimp slapping lowends. 😂


I wonder if he really thought Lowndes would do well in a passing contest against Sam Horn and Collins Hill?  SMH.  That would be like me playing one on one with Labron James.

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24 minutes ago, Fred said:

I wonder if he really thought Lowndes would do well in a passing contest against Sam Horn and Collins Hill?  SMH.  That would be like me playing one on one with Labron James.

Fred...the Vikings DID beat Collins Hill in pool play.

Just sayin....

They have Jacurri !!!!!




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24 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

How come we never hear about Sam horn?  Ohhhh that’s a player I thought it was a team

Sam Horn is underrated... 

And this is more like a Gwinnett showcase featuring Lowndes and Thomson... who based on what's been said on the GA boards is about to be riding a rough wave this season... 


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1 hour ago, Rufus69 said:

Fred...the Vikings DID beat Collins Hill in pool play.

Just sayin....

They have Jacurri !!!!!


Yea but that was pool play.  When it came down to the nitty gritty and crunch time, they didn't make the grade Jacurri or not.  And speaking of Jacurri in the same breath as Sam Hill gives Jacurri credit he might not deserve.

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51 minutes ago, Fred said:

Yea but that was pool play.  When it came down to the nitty gritty and crunch time, they didn't make the grade Jacurri or not.  And speaking of Jacurri in the same breath as Sam Hill gives Jacurri credit he might not deserve.

Yeah that's how it sometimes goes 


Few years ago we played sandalwood out of Jacksonville in pool play and won but lost in the finals to them in what was our only loss in 7v7 the entire summer 

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7 hours ago, Iletteredintrack said:

National showcase??? Come on dude. You can’t possibly believe that lineup of teams is a National showcase. That isn’t even a GA showcase. 

In the immortal words of that great Amuuurican patriot, Jeff Foxworthy! You COULD be a FUCKING DUMBASS! At this writing, there are seven NATIONAL TOP 100 schools participating! That's seven of the top 100, outa TWELVE THOUSAND!

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