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12 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Sources that you clearly wouldn’t know about. Nor want to know about.  I get it. I wa s there too at one point. It’s a Canes/Atticus Finch move…I tell my sources and then I spend 2 weeks defending my position. Even if ya did you, like the legacy media trying to preserve their status, you’d jus dismiss it as conspiracies. That’s why it sucks now. Some people aren’t even fu King willing to entertain the idea that the US govemwnt//media/institutions don’t have the ability to change the way we think as a society. It’s happening. I guess if y’all like it, more power to ya. I hate it. I SEE where the hypocrisy is and how we are being manipulated. Our  founders warned us this….and here we are.

…but at least I’m able to entertain the idea. I’m not a blind sheep…too late for that. I guess I just need to figure how to handle it..:for my own sanity.  ↳

I do want to know. And I do believe that politicians and the media influence the way people think.

I just happen to think that those media and politicians who support Trump also spin stories to win hearts and minds.

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15 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

That description strikes me as true of the entire opinion "journalism" industry.

What news company isn't packaging their product for a particular consumer? The right knows what their audience wants as much as the left does.

Fox and Newsmax were very happy to push the election fraud narrative for as long as it was profitable for them to do so. When the lawsuits came, they had to change their product. 

For the win! Fox and Newsmax blow. Same with OAN etc…as you say, they know their audience. I’d rather get info from you guys. Seriously. The conundrum is do we just let it continue…divided….or do we at some point remind the gov that they work for THE PEOPLE. ‘Cause it’s upside down right now. When the party in power can ram shit down are throats with impunity there’s a problem in terms of our Constitution. These people have been working for a century or more to degrade it, because it truly is the last bastion of freedom. If our country went communist tomorrow (dramatic but not out of the question), where would you run to (assuming you don’t want socialism/communism)? Scary thought. 

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14 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

For the win! Fox and Newsmax blow. Same with OAN etc…as you say, they know their audience. I’d rather get info from you guys. Seriously. The conundrum is do we just let it continue…divided….or do we at some point remind the gov that they work for THE PEOPLE. ‘Cause it’s upside down right now. When the party in power can ram shit down are throats with impunity there’s a problem in terms of our Constitution. These people have been working for a century or more to degrade it, because it truly is the last bastion of freedom. If our country went communist tomorrow, where would you run to (assuming you don’t want socialism/communism)? Scary thought.  ↳

I don't know. The problems are big. I don't like either party. And I'm not crazy about the people either.

I doubt the people could articulate a clear idea of what would constitute working for them. Suppose we the people wanted to remind the Government that they work for us and not the other way round. Do you think we'd be able to come up with a to-do list, or would the people just get red in the face and accuse each other of being stupid brainwashed sheep?

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18 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

I don't know. The problems are big. I don't like either party. And I'm not crazy about the people either.

I doubt the people could articulate a clear idea of what would constitute working for them. Suppose we the people wanted to remind the Government that they work for us and not the other way round. Do you think we'd be able to come up with a to-do list, or would the people just get red in the face and accuse each other of being stupid brainwashed sheep?

Agree. Th problems ARE big. What pisses me off is that (not speaking for anyone else) I personally let I happen right under my nose. Honestly, that’s where a lot of my anger comes from. Not necessarily you guys. I’m mad at myself. 

Thank you for asking a legit question. And my answer, at least right now, is I dunno. We can’t get 5 people on the same page let alone a nation. I’m not sure what it’s gonna take. Maybe when things get “bad enough”? That’s my problem. Part of me just wants to go with the flow. I mean I’m not rich rich, but I’m fairly comfortable. But I know what I know and I can’t unsee it. Frustrating. Despite what we say here, we likely feel like we’re in the same boat, and hate it that we can’t figure this out. If you have an suggestion/answer, I think you’d be a rich man. 👍


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6 hours ago, Blueliner said:


You know what is interesting to me is that I have a brother who thinks exactly like you do.  He says the exact same stuff and I couldn't disagree with him more than I do.  Not possible.  Lol  Having said that, I love the guy.  You can't NOT have a great time and laugh with him.  Not possible as well.  We both just agree to not talk about it and I won't have to tell him how much of a dumb ass he is.  😜  Full disclosure, I would call him a dumb ass anyway on most things.  It is the burden I face by being smarter.  😆  

Bottom line Blue, we all will be dead soon enough and I can't imagine thinking about this stuff on my death bed.  Just not important.  

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12 hours ago, World Citizen said:

You know what is interesting to me is that I have a brother who thinks exactly like you do.  He says the exact same stuff and I couldn't disagree with him more than I do.  Not possible.  Lol  Having said that, I love the guy.  You can't NOT have a great time and laugh with him.  Not possible as well.  We both just agree to not talk about it and I won't have to tell him how much of a dumb ass he is.  😜  Full disclosure, I would call him a dumb ass anyway on most things.  It is the burden I face by being smarter.  😆  

Bottom line Blue, we all will be dead soon enough and I can't imagine thinking about this stuff on my death bed.  Just not important.  

I’m starting to feel that same way. I often wonder why the hell am I arguing about this shit when I should just be enjoying my life. So what I can do and don’t fret what I can’t…live and let life play out. I’m working on it. 😂

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Looks like McCarthy has his hands full....went down in flames in round 1 of the Speaker vote....Round 2 vs. Jimmy Jordan....and he doesn't have enough votes once again...he's going to be a joke of leader if he gets elected trying to appease the nutty righties in his party...the crazy right took over the Republican party. Sad for the country.

May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'D U.S. HOUSE SPEAKER VOTE 212 REP. JEFFRIES 203 REP. McCARTHY 10 REP. BIGGS R R'

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Kevin McCarthy falls short in 1st House speaker vote

Christopher Wilson
Christopher Wilson
·Senior Writer
Tue, January 3, 2023 at 2:06 PM EST
Kevin McCarthy
Rep. Kevin McCarthy at the Capitol on Tuesday. (Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., failed to earn a majority of votes in his bid for House Speaker on Tuesday, an embarrassing development that will force a second ballot for the first time in a century.

While Republicans took control of the House in November’s midterm elections, they fell far short of a predicted landslide victory, leaving only a slim majority to work with. McCarthy could only afford four defections; in the end, McCarthy lost 19 Republican votes.

The vote for speaker will now go to a second ballot, followed by an indefinite number of additional votes if a candidate can’t secure a majority. McCarthy and his allies have said he plans to stick it out, which would require convincing dissenting Republicans or Democratic votes to support his candidacy. Another lawmaker, such as the House GOP’s No. 2, Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., could also emerge as a consensus pick.

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, second from right
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (second from right) confers with other representatives as they cast their votes for speaker. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Among the Republican representatives receiving votes other than McCarthy were Reps. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Jim Banks, R-Ind., Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., and Byron Donalds, R-Fla. The last time the selection of a House speaker took more than one ballot was 1923, when nine ballots were required for Frederick Gillett to take the gavel. It took the 34th Congress, convened in 1855, 133 ballots and two months to settle on Nathaniel Prentice Banks.


Democrats were gleeful, noting they were “united” behind New York’s Hakeem Jeffries as their party’s leader in the chamber after former Speaker Nancy Pelosi stepped down from the role. Jeffries received a round of applause when he voted for himself, as did Pelosi, who remains in the House as a rank-and-file member.

McCarthy, who had served as the minority leader, wooed his GOP critics by endorsing rule changes, including making it easier for a smaller group of members to challenge leadership in a procedure known as vacating the chair. The California Republican, who also lost a bid for speaker in 2015, urged the party to support him in a closed-door meeting earlier Tuesday, saying, “I earned this job.”

Members of the House of Representatives participate in the vote for speaker
Members of the House of Representatives participate in the vote for speaker, Jan. 3. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

“Kevin McCarthy is not the right candidate to be Speaker,” Rep. Don Bishop, R-N.C., said Tuesday in a statement representative of some of the opposition’s feelings. “He has perpetuated the Washington status quo that makes this body one of the most unsuccessful and unpopular institutions in the country.”

“There’s times we’re going to have to argue with our own members, if they’re looking out for only positions for themselves, not for the country,” McCarthy said Tuesday morning before the vote. “For the last two months we worked together. As a whole conference, we developed rules that empower all members. But we’re not empowering certain members over others.”

A former Republican leader in the state assembly, McCarthy first won election to the House in 2006. In a potentially ominous sign for how long the process might take, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., said she’d vote for McCarthy “no matter how many times it takes.” Following the failed vote, McCarthy conceded it was possible the Speaker process could take days.

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What’s the latest on Trump’s tax returns you bitched about for 7 years? Guess what another nothing 🍔 in the long line of nothing burgers 🍔. It will be gone like the Nuclear info and you snitches will chase the next carrot the MSM shoves under your nose. 

What’s the # until you brain surgeons wake up? 

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35 minutes ago, Warrior said:

What’s the latest on Trump’s tax returns you bitched about for 7 years? Guess what another nothing 🍔 in the long line of nothing burgers 🍔. It will be gone like the Nuclear info and you snitches will chase the next carrot the MSM shoves under your nose. 

What’s the # until you brain surgeons wake up? 

Right on Warrior….66 must be putting on the pounds with those nothing burgers 🍔 he been shoving in his pie hole. 🤣🤣🐑🐑

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9 hours ago, Warrior said:

Good for me not for thee, the Democrats are the best of accusing you of exactly what they do. Rules for radicals.

That's a false equivalence, which even conservative journalist are happy to admit: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/dont-forget-hillary-clinton/

That doesn't imply that Hillary and her stooges aren't blameworthy for their own depravity and stupidity. 

Two things can be true: Hillary and Trump can both be despicable. 

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1 hour ago, Warrior said:

What’s the latest on Trump’s tax returns you bitched about for 7 years? Guess what another nothing 🍔 in the long line of nothing burgers 🍔. It will be gone like the Nuclear info and you snitches will chase the next carrot the MSM shoves under your nose. 

What’s the # until you brain surgeons wake up? 

LOL...nothing burger huh??...we know he lied about being under audit for years....he was/is a failure of a business man....he didn't pay any Federal taxes some years and he lied about donating his salary like he said he was going to do....other than that it's all good....and you still got the nerve to bring up the bet you lost?!?..LOL...🤡

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31 minutes ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

Right on Warrior….66 must be putting on the pounds with those nothing burgers 🍔 he been shoving in his pie hole. 🤣🤣🐑🐑

we know he lied about being under audit for years....he was/is a failure of a business man....he didn't pay any Federal taxes some years and he lied about donating his salary like he said he was going to do....other than that it's all good

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34 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

we know he lied about being under audit for years....he was/is a failure of a business man....he didn't pay any Federal taxes some years and he lied about donating his salary like he said he was going to do....other than that it's all good

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it’s Ok buddy hang in there!

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45 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

LOL...nothing burger huh??...we know he lied about being under audit for years....he was/is a failure of a business man....he didn't pay any Federal taxes some years and he lied about donating his salary like he said he was going to do....other than that it's all good....and you still got the nerve to bring up the bet you lost?!?..LOL...🤡

Guess what else we found out DP - he broke Zero laws and paid what he owed. Found out he lied about donating his salary? I’m not saying you’re not right but I haven’t seen that one. Got a link?

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4 minutes ago, Warrior said:

Guess what else we found out DP - he broke Zero laws and paid what he owed. Found out he lied about donating his salary? I’m not saying you’re not right but I haven’t seen that one. Got a link?

and how many times did you hear him say he was "under audit"??....20-30?....when he wasn't...I'm sure you bought that lie too...he didn't pay a dime in Federal taxes some years...you think that's a good thing?...Billionaires not paying any taxes??...🙄

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1 minute ago, Warrior said:

Don’t worry DP, looked it up myself. Looks like he donated his salary 3 out of the 4 years to charity. You got him.

he lied to you....and he got himself caught in another lie...once a liar always a liar....and you keep falling for them.

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