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Centennial Corona Huskies vs Corona Panthers


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Explain to me again how Cen10 is in a league with teams that aren't even in their class... In more ways than one... 

Cen10 is D1/pac-5 

And then everyone else is D4,D6,D8,D13(Jesus Christ.... 13 Divisions Even for Cali that's ridiculous)  

I can't even begin to describe how Stupid that is... It's not even your average everyday stupid it's pants on head stupid.... 

That's like putting Rome a 5A school in the same region/conference as Cartersville 4A and Colquitt 7A. 

It makes no sense... 


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1 minute ago, AztecPadre said:

Haha about as much as you know who from south ga and their weekly threads on games against something something holler. Lol.  

Rab is not apart of South GA he is 1 of 2 Middle Georgians on this board... 

Rab is somewhere in Jones County 

And Football Guy is in Warner Robins


You gotta learn the difference

Metro Atlanta:








South GA: 




Coastal GA: 


Camcat-May as well be Jacksonville,FL Camden is a literal hop and skip away from Jacksonville... 

LeftonBase-I mean technically he's in Wayne County... Which is and ain't coastal at the same time... But it's considered Metro Savannah so I'll count it... 


And Rufus well idk exactly where he is but I do know he's close to Camden County... 


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2 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Rab is not apart of South GA he is 1 of 2 Middle Georgians on this board... 

Rab is somewhere in Jones County 

And Football Guy is in Warner Robins


You gotta learn the difference

Metro Atlanta:








South GA: 




Coastal GA: 


Camcat-May as well be Jacksonville,FL Camden is a literal hop and skip away from Jacksonville... 

LeftonBase-I mean technically he's in Wayne County... Which is and ain't coastal at the same time... But it's considered Metro Savannah so I'll count it... 


And Rufus well idk exactly where he is but I do know he's close to Camden County... 


Actually, this is a nice Legend we all can use.  Much appreciated.  We should have some sort of larger legend or map or something that shows the board where we all rep.  That would be awesome!

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Actually screw Saturday.. 

I'll never forget being stuck in night time traffic in Long Beach... 

I love my family but damn that... 

L.A and NYC traffic can kiss my ass... 

Atlanta ain't no saint either... Still the only place where I've been stuck in traffic at 2AM... 

But I'd rather be stuck in L.A traffic that Atlanta... 

The dry heat of the west don't compare to being stuck in 100 degree heat with record breaking humidity... 

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