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Are you SEC fans pulling for LSU ?


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19 minutes ago, rockinl said:

I get it. Ive always gotten it. The rebel flag is akin to waving a nazi flag to Jews. Not good. Now pick up your feelings, always moving forward, and chalk it up as another ignorant asshole who lives in the past.

Did they not choose to go to Ole Miss? It cant bother them (recruits) too much if they agreed to play there knowing the Ole Miss history. True? Why didnt they stand on their principals and not accept a free education, instead of bitching about it later? That would be like me accepting an invitation to entertain the Taliban for money. Not gonna do it. I'd tell them to suck my johnson.


If you know anything about Ole Miss football, you KNOW you will see at least a few rebel flags in the parking lot.


And I wont discount the black friends I have and their opinions about pulling for the SEC.


This digs even deeper. This is a long read. But it is quite eye opening.  Especially the research on a certain Judge in La and his sentencing.  

Again this is not me making this up. It's reality and I get it most people just watch Football.  But the SEC is different for various reasons to other conferences and that cannot be pushed aside and just claim we are all SEC.  There is a reason it is that way and no African Americans are not all SEC as much as White Americans in that part of the country.  I lived in Ga. SC and Va.  They hate Ole Miss more than any school and Bama is a close 2nd and it is not about football prowess either.  Of course players love and support their Schools and are loyal alumni.  

Enjoy the SEC it is a special kindred for a reason.  The confederacy have always banded together.  Sorta us vs. them and we will not change.  Funny it now benefits off of what it always despised more than any conference.  I get it I just don't adore it for many reasons.  Try to convince a Jewish kid to play at any School that still have cars with Nazi Emblems on them.  He would say go Fuck Yourself. And rightfully slow. There is a reason they are considered to be highly intelligent.   And they hate  Swine too 😂


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I had a discussion with 8 Friends last night including 1 female and the discussion was this.  

If Southern HBCU's had discriminated against Southern Whites and then in 1973 they said we will not integrate or bring you into the SWAC.  But we will take the best white players in the South and systematically destroy the SEC.  And at HBCU games Black Panther Flags flew everywhere and Pork was frowned upon.  Would those great white players be rushing to play in the SWAC?  No they would say go fuck yourself and rightfully so.  This revisionism is trifling.   And the SWAC was now 70% white with 80% black fan base kicking everyone's asses what would the dominate thought of the day be.  Hmmmm.  

It was an interesting debate to say the least.   Now flip it and you actually have the modern SEC. 

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8 minutes ago, rockinl said:

Maybe I already have.

I have a very close friend from Birmingham who is an "Omega Man". 

Some mighty fine men they produce for sure.  Langston Hughes, Tom Joyner, David Satcher.  

Oh and I was called a Nigg#R by someone in SEC Country.   So yeah fuck the SEC.  I have a feeling it's very prevalent on Saturdays.  Though I could be wrong but if I was a betting man 🤣

it's 10:38 and OU still sucks.  

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3 hours ago, rockinl said:

This guy (Jermaine Johnson) would disagree. Image result for jermaine funnymaine  I've met him and not only is he a great and funny guy, but he bleeds Crimson and LOVES the SEC. I can assure you he's pulling for LSU.


Being from the deep South, I know where you are coming from with the racial history of the SEC. All true and embarrassing.

But today, it is a very diverse conference. If you would have told me in 1975 that one day rap music would be playing at Bryant-Denny stadium during timeouts, I'd called you a fool. I go to several games a year, and I dont see any of the racial overtones you continually talk about. I see just the opposite. I see people tailgating and having a good time, TOGETHER. 

I really think you really understand it is a much different culture now than then.

I love grits and pork. So do most of my dark green friends.  :)

He still thinks it is 1958. 

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3 hours ago, rockinl said:

This guy (Jermaine Johnson) would disagree. Image result for jermaine funnymaine  I've met him and not only is he a great and funny guy, but he bleeds Crimson and LOVES the SEC. I can assure you he's pulling for LSU.


Being from the deep South, I know where you are coming from with the racial history of the SEC. All true and embarrassing.

But today, it is a very diverse conference. If you would have told me in 1975 that one day rap music would be playing at Bryant-Denny stadium during timeouts, I'd called you a fool. I go to several games a year, and I dont see any of the racial overtones you continually talk about. I see just the opposite. I see people tailgating and having a good time, TOGETHER. 

I really think you really understand it is a much different culture now than then.

I love grits and pork. So do most of my dark green friends.  :)

Funny maine!!!!! Love his YouTube videos 

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3 hours ago, DevilDog said:

They all hung together before and no one else understood.  Grits and Pork does Strange things to people.   The best confederacy in college football. 🤣   I am happy as a MOFO that I don't get it.   


“We all know that the SEC is what the Confederacy was always designed to become: successful and powerful and the pride of all Southern men and women,” said Rep. Randy Scoggin. “That’s why I am proposing that the SEC not be allowed to do business in the great State of Mississippi until it changes its logo to the flag of the Confederacy to honor its roots and those who fought and died to make the conference what it is today.”

McGraw said that House Bill 1723, titled “The Let’s SEC the Confederacy Act,” would put the logo of the Southeastern Conference in the top-left corner of the state flag where the stars and bars currently exist. 


DD you know I love you Bro, knots and all....

But this belongs over on the Klan Rally page, those sheet wearing fools need educating.

Gracias Amigo,


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On 12/26/2019 at 3:14 PM, Cossacks said:

Just seems lame to me. Michigan fan and take a wild guess which team I’d like to see lose this weekend. Also am a UCLA fan and they suck. But would never catch me rooting for SC then claiming “conference pride” at THIER” accomplishments in the mid 00’s. They had some awesome teams and I respected the product, but hated the team. Shit I never root for Pac12 teams in non league game. Maybe WSU because I do like that goofy  crazy ass Leach. But otherwise it’s stupid.

My favorite team in all of sports is the Giants. But I sure as fuck haven’t been rooting for the Dodgers the past few WS’s waving a “NL West #1 foam finger”. Was going they got curb stomped. Shit t’s like a Jets fan saying the Patriots winning makes them look good all these years.  Totally lame!

I've always liked LSU.   They always seemed to be the Florida of the west.   Don't quite fit in with the good ole boys of the conference and our rivalry (at least before the hurricane BS), was always more of a respectful one.    I always think of LSU and UF as the powers that were never accepted by the blue bloods, and as far as recruiting are on a much shorter leash than the Auburns, UGAs, Bamas, Ole Miss' of the conference who always seemed get away with murder.   

LSU and UF are kind of like the outcasts of the SEC that keep the Blue bloods in check.    Much less likely to dress up all snobby to games too lol. 

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1 minute ago, 954gator said:

I've always liked LSU.   They always seemed to be the Florida of the west.   Don't quite fit in with the good ole boys of the conference and our rivalry (at least before the hurricane BS), was always more of a respectful one.    I always think of LSU and UF as the powers that were never accepted by the blue bloods, and as far as recruiting are on a much shorter leash than the Auburns, UGAs, Bamas, Ole Miss' of the conference who always seemed get away with murder.   

LSU and UF are kind of like the outcasts of the SEC that keep the Blue bloods in check.    Fans ain't wearing shirts and ties to games lol. 

Just sucks that we have to wait like 10 years to see LSU play UF

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3 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

I'm thinking of the wrong matchup then 

There is a crossover game that was played this year that they dont play that often that should be played  

FL vs Auburn (I think this is the one you were thinking)


FL  vs Bama

Bama vs UGA 

Those are the match ups that we unfortunately don't get to see often if not the SEC champ game.  

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2 minutes ago, 954gator said:

FL vs Auburn (I think this is the one you were thinking)


FL  vs Bama

Bama vs UGA 

Those are the match ups that we unfortunately don't get to see often if not the SEC champ game.  

Yes florida auburn thanks 

I'd love to see Florida alabama more often 

But unfortunately saban doesnt want to add anymore conference games

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1 hour ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

DD you know I love you Bro, knots and all....

But this belongs over on the Klan Rally page, those sheet wearing fools need educating.

Gracias Amigo,


My apologizes.  Mad respect for you sir and I mean a lot of it.   Hope to see you in the following months.  

May you have a blessed holiday period and a great New Years. 

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8 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

My apologizes.  Mad respect for you sir and I mean a lot of it.   Hope to see you in the following months.  

May you have a blessed holiday period and a great New Years. 

You and yours also Sir. I know where your heart is and I respect where you’re at very much.

Happy Holidays and a prosperous, healthy, happy New Year. 



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On 12/26/2019 at 3:14 PM, Cossacks said:

Just seems lame to me. Michigan fan and take a wild guess which team I’d like to see lose this weekend. Also am a UCLA fan and they suck. But would never catch me rooting for SC then claiming “conference pride” at THIER” accomplishments in the mid 00’s. They had some awesome teams and I respected the product, but hated the team. Shit I never root for Pac12 teams in non league game. Maybe WSU because I do like that goofy  crazy ass Leach. But otherwise it’s stupid.

My favorite team in all of sports is the Giants. But I sure as fuck haven’t been rooting for the Dodgers the past few WS’s waving a “NL West #1 foam finger”. Was going they got curb stomped. Shit t’s like a Jets fan saying the Patriots winning makes them look good all these years.  Totally lame!

Like I would root for the Steelers as an AFC guy, or the Yankees as an AL guy, or Clemson because they are good for our state.  F**k that!

*BTW any Gamecock “fan” who says the latter should be exiled to Arkansas.

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On 12/25/2019 at 6:37 PM, DevilDog said:

Don't believe the hype OU been Big 12ing for 25yrs.  LSU new to this Big 12 offense.  Don't believe me just watch. LSU gives up a lot of sacks and OU can pound da Rock.  Whoever loses it will be golden.  Get those SEC excuses tuned up in case.  No SEC team recently have shut down Mobilehoma.  And this is their best defensive team of all.  By the way I would never root for those damn land Grabbers. And I damn sure don't give a damn about the SEC.


That's good stuff!  xD


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