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George Floyd’s Death and Protests

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57 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

I'm sticking with the opinion that when arms handcuffed behind the back and a knee is placed on the neck and back for 10 minutes until the body goes limp, that is fatal.  Especially after he said he couldn't breathe and was calling out for his dead mother.  He was alive and 15 minutes later he was dead.  If he was able to drive away that day, he would still be here.  Even if his underlying condition was incurable cancer the cause of death would still be the knee on the neck.  As a juror it is imperative that you look at all the evidence but I can't see how any evidence cancels out what we all saw.   It would merely add to it.  


Agreed on all counts. That said, none of that fits the bill for 2nd degree murder. 

Hopefully Ellison is smart enough to keep the 3rd degree/manslaughter charges, ‘cause that’s the bar for a conviction.


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More info coming out on Floyd, spent almost 10 years in prison, put a gun to a pregnant ladys stomach and robbed her house


gets released and was doing fentanyl and exchanging counterfeit money 


are we really gonna put statues up of this guy?


no in no way am I saying he deserved half of what happened to him, I’m just saying if your moving like that something is bound to happen

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11 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

More info coming out on Floyd, spent almost 10 years in prison, put a gun to a pregnant ladys stomach and robbed her house


gets released and was doing fentanyl and exchanging counterfeit money 


are we really gonna put statues up of this guy?


no in no way am I saying he deserved half of what happened to him, I’m just saying if your moving like that something is bound to happen

I saw that yesterday and again I can't find shit on it other than word of mouth. 


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1 minute ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

I saw that yesterday and again I can't find shit on it other than word of mouth. 


That’s what I’m saying

if that’s true I don’t know if we should be saying he should be a hero, I know I’ll get 4 thumbs 👎 down on that post, but like I said the guy put a pistol to a pregnant and robbed her



the cop def should get prison time, but let’s not glorify someone shady

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2 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

That’s what I’m saying

if that’s true I don’t know if we should be saying he should be a hero, I know I’ll get 4 thumbs 👎 down on that post, but like I said the guy put a pistol to a pregnant and robbed her



the cop def should get prison time, but let’s not glorify someone shady

Rather he did or didn't I never said he was a hero  but he didn't deserve to die like that....  but I'm going with the latter because the internet has shown that it is capable of doctoring some Bullshit... This post is everywhere but where's Cecilia Regina like Hawg said two fucking first names?  C'mon man... Could the man have done something in the past? Maybe maybe not idk him like that... But I'm not gonna be quick on the uptake to swallow information from someone named "Cecilia Regina" whose out here calling the man a menace to to Black women and begging us to share what looks and is written like a copypasta.... 

First off how did she get her hands on records like that? 

Second why share this then delete your account so quickly? Don't you wanna spread this "TRUTH" and let people know? 

This shits shaping up to be a farce from somebody trying to stir shit... 

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34 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

More info coming out on Floyd, spent almost 10 years in prison, put a gun to a pregnant ladys stomach and robbed her house


gets released and was doing fentanyl and exchanging counterfeit money 


are we really gonna put statues up of this guy?


no in no way am I saying he deserved half of what happened to him, I’m just saying if your moving like that something is bound to happen

If they do it should be built near all those racist Confederate Status that they magically threw up in the 50s and 60s and we could debate who was worse his criminal misdeeds  vs theirs.   I've been intrigued how Drew Brees can be upset over Kap kneeling and claiming it disrespects the flag and then bring up his Grandfathers service.  Magically failed to realize Black Grandfathers fought for a flag in that same war that very flag disrespected the hell out of them.  And I never heard his hypocritical ass complain about Confederate Statues and flags in New Orleans that went to war against that flag on his way to work on Sundays.  What in the King James Jesus is up with these Tricksters.  😁  

If they would have shot him protecting that woman. I would scream bravo.  America so called justice is not retroactive .  If so I know some MOFOs that got some serious hell to pay.

Nothing in his past justifies his current death.  I agree rioting isn't protesting,  Then you agree murder isn't Policing.   The latter begat the first. 

More came out about that Cop too.  Like18 previous grievances no jail time.  Seems like George met a bigger criminal and abuser.

Don't become a student of Tricknology.  

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7 minutes ago, CODBEARD said:



Owens notes that Floyd was high on fentanyl and methamphetamine at the time of his death, according to the autopsy report, and goes on to cite his record which includes jail sentences in 1998, 2002, 2004, 2005, and 2007. His 2007 arrest, she continues, was for participating in an armed home invasion against a pregnant African-American woman, where Floyd held a gun to the pregnant mother’s stomach.

Like I told LDT rather he did it or not... He shouldn't have been killed like that... 

And I don't wanna hear shit from Candace "Leave the plantation" Owens... She's to stupid to realize that once she's used up she's gonna be tossed aside..... She's just doing what she can to get money while she can.... Kissing the ass of Trump who could frankly give a damn about her or anyone else for that matter... 

If Candace had her way I'd be on a real plantation blindly thanking the Republicans for everything they did for me hundreds of years ago... That Republican party and this current one are completely different...  They are not the same... 

When I think of her I think of Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks... 

But that's an argument for another day... 

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1 minute ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

The Token Black Trump Supporter.... Enough said... 


Heaven forbid a black person have opinions that differ from those on the Dem plantation. Right?

Remind us how 60 years of Dem management have helped inner city blacks?


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10 minutes ago, concha said:


Heaven forbid a black person have opinions that differ from those on the Dem plantation. Right?

Remind us how 60 years of Dem management have helped inner city blacks?


No. She can be Republican and be as different as she wants to be.... But she's kisses so much ass it's not funny.... Shit if Lincoln or even Reagan was alive maybe I'd be Republican... But they're not... Lincoln's Era of Republicans is long gone...  And like I said this Era is far different than his....  and I'll say it again Trump's not a real Republican... He's for himself and friends and all those who'll kiss his ass...  Lincoln is probably turning flips in his grave at what's become of his party.... some of The people who claim to be Republican drive around with Confederate flags screaming heritage... But the people who flew that flag hated Lincoln,The union and wanted to destroy America.... But yet... They wave that treasonous flag of traitors... Candace  wants me to be apart of that.... 

And I say no... 

I can think for myself without relying on the left or right... 


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Along the lines of what DD said, POS or not the guy had rights and was a human being.

If the guy is in cuffs and face down I imagine he is not a threat.  Mix in a cop who has a history of abusive behavior (and was apparently not dealt with by local authorities), and here we are.

That said, we appear to be seeing the big teddy bear/all sweetness and light narrative with this guy.  Looks like the truth might be a very different story.

In the end,  if you take a bad guy who looks for trouble and mix in a bad cop with a penchant for doling out abuse, well, here we are...


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1 minute ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

No. She can be Republican and be as different as she wants to be.... But she's kisses so much ass it's not funny.... Shit if Lincoln or even Reagan was alive maybe I'd be Republican... But they're not... Lincoln's Era of Republicans is long gone...  And like I said this Era is far different than his....  and I'll say it again Trump's not a real Republican... He's for himself and friends and all those who'll kiss his ass...  Lincoln is probably turning flips in his grave at what's become of his party.... some of The people who claim to be Republican drive around with Confederate flags screaming heritage... But the people who flew that flag hated Lincoln,The union and wanted to destroy America.... But yet... They wave that treasonous flag of traitors... Candace  wants me to be apart of that.... 

And I say no... 




Republican policies from the era of Reagan and today are not very different.

The Democrats have lurched WAY left in the last decade or two.


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1 minute ago, concha said:


Uuuhhh.... AOC is a fucking idiot.

You wouldn't want to debate Candace. It wouldn't end well for you.


Alot of things wouldn't end well for me... That's one I don't have to worry about because I wouldn't wanna be in the same room with her long enough to start a debate.... I've got better things to do and I'm sure she's got more people to free from the "Plantation"... 

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17 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

AOC is just as Crazy as Candace but for different reasons... 

There's a monster in my sink. I mean it there's really a monster in my sink what should I do. It's called the garbage disposal you stupid b**** this idiot is so stupid talkin about the green new deal yet she's got a limo and she takes a plane from New York to DC for every meeting. She is batshit crazy

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Just now, I AM IRONMAN said:

There's a monster in my sink. I mean it there's really a monster in my sink what should I do. It's called the garbage disposal you stupid b**** this idiot is so stupid talkin about the green new deal yet she's got a limo and she takes a plane from New York to DC for every meeting. She is batshit crazy

The rich will never know the struggles of the working man or those who fight to survive.... 

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47 minutes ago, CODBEARD said:

Mainstream media won't touch it.. and it really doesn't matter as it pertains to this case legally.. but it does fly in the face of the narative Mr Floyd was this gentle giant saint of man for sure..




Owens notes that Floyd was high on fentanyl and methamphetamine at the time of his death, according to the autopsy report, and goes on to cite his record which includes jail sentences in 1998, 2002, 2004, 2005, and 2007. His 2007 arrest, she continues, was for participating in an armed home invasion against a pregnant African-American woman, where Floyd held a gun to the pregnant mother’s stomach.

Candace Owen's is a genius when it comes to manufacturing points to debate in order to make leftists look bad

No one .... no where... has said this man is some kind of leader or hero... but the way she's going off youd think there were proposals to  name a elementary school after the man🤦🏾‍♂️


Still, the liberal in me finds it rather honorable that many in this country would seek justice for the worst among us


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3 minutes ago, SOCIntellectualProperty said:

Candace Owen's is a genius when it comes to manufacturing points to debate in order to make leftists look bad

No one .... no where... has said this man is some kind of leader or hero... but the way she's going off youd think there were proposals to  name a elementary school after the man🤦🏾‍♂️


Still, the liberal in me finds it rather honorable that many in this country would seek justice for the worst among us


Tbh my biggest problem with Candace is she gives off this "I'm a Savior" type vibe kinda sluggish this like how she loves to say lead people off the "Plantation" I get she wants to help but why do you really want to help? For money? Fame? What?  

You say you want help black people while kissing the ass of Trump who let's be real doesn't give a damn about minorities... They like to say the lefts just using us but then what is the right trying to do?  They let her have her moments because they need a minority Republican to try and communicate with other minorities. She's a puppet... 

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