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George Floyd’s Death and Protests

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8 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Tbh my biggest problem with Candace is she gives off this "I'm a Savior" type vibe kinda sluggish this like how she loves to say lead people off the "Plantation" I get she wants to help but why do you really want to help? For money? Fame? What?  

You say you want help black people while kissing the ass of Trump who let's be real doesn't give a damn about minorities... They like to say the lefts just using us but then what is the right trying to do?  They let her have her moments because they need a minority Republican to try and communicate with other minorities. She's a puppet... 

She promotes her ideas for black Democratic plantation liberation to white audiences. If this platform of hers was legitimate it wouldn’t be peddled on Fox news whose viewership is 75% white.   

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6 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Tbh my biggest problem with Candace is she gives off this "I'm a Savior" type vibe kinda sluggish this like how she loves to say lead people off the "Plantation" I get she wants to help but why do you really want to help? For money? Fame? What?  

You say you want help black people while kissing the ass of Trump who let's be real doesn't give a damn about minorities... They like to say the lefts just using us but then what is the right trying to do?  They let her have her moments because they need a minority Republican to try and communicate with other minorities. She's a puppet... 

Candace points aren't new at all... just a black face on them


She reminds me of Limbaugh in the 90's

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2 minutes ago, SOCIntellectualProperty said:

Candace points aren't new at all... just a black face on them


She reminds me of Limbaugh in the 90's

Rush Limbaugh... I laugh when I think about him... Last time I heard anything from him he was talking about Hurricane Irma being pure media hype and it wasn't going to be bad... But he was the first one to haul ass when it hit Florida... 

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6 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

She promotes her ideas for black plantation liberation to white audiences. If this platform of hers was legitimate it wouldn’t be peddled on Fox news whose viewership is 75% white.   

Go figure... 

Let's preach about saving Blacks from the Plantation to people who would probably put us on one given the chance.... Ive noticed quite a bit of her crowd are far right wing supporters... 

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4 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Go figure... 

Let's preach about saving Blacks from the Plantation to people who would probably put us on one given the chance.... 

Exactly!  😂

it’s illogical that she is not peddling this on tv with higher black viewership or black radio.


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45 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Alot of things wouldn't end well for me... That's one I don't have to worry about because I wouldn't wanna be in the same room with her long enough to start a debate.... I've got better things to do and I'm sure she's got more people to free from the "Plantation"... 


Indeed she does.


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7 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Go figure... 

Let's preach about saving Blacks from the Plantation to people who would probably put us on one given the chance.... Ive noticed quite a bit of her crowd are far right wing supporters... 


This is the stupid shit that folks like Biden dole out.

It is bizarro-level moronic.

Perhaps a reflection on the shitty educations that the Dems and their partners in the teacher's unions ensure that so many receive.


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@Horsefly  @SOCIntellectualProperty  @TheMaximumHornetSting 

You have to do like them create a lie and repeat it.  Like this which has some truth.  Candace is mad because all those Becky's  getting it in.  She is just throwing a tantrum hoping a brotha will look her way. 😁😎.  Just remember for every one Candace we got a 1,000 Becky's.   I'm not mad at all. 

Like this.  She's  the only angry black woman they like


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She speaks TO black America. Every video I see her in she is looking at the camera and speaking to black America. Her target audience isn’t white. 

She basically advocates for thinking outside the box and don’t get duped by Democrats who only come around every 4 years and pretend to give a shit about black America. They don’t. That’s why democrat controlled cities are the worst areas to thrive for blacks. It’s where the most crime occurs. It’s where all the statistics are garnered. Baltimore, Philly, New Orleans, Atlanta and Chicago have huge African American communities and all are really dangerous. All run by dems from the ground up, and there hasn’t been any change for decades in terms of progress that was directly attributed to dem policies. 

What did Obama do for Chicago? Elijah Cummings for Baltimore? Etc. Republicans teach to stop being a victim, stop relying on government for handouts, and try and succeed no matter the circumstance. Be a victor not a victim.

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2 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

She speaks TO black America. Every video I see her in she is looking at the camera and speaking to black America. Her target audience isn’t white. 

She basically advocates for thinking outside the box and don’t get duped by Democrats who only come around every 4 years and pretend to give a shit about black America. They don’t. That’s why democrat controlled cities are the worst areas to thrive for blacks. It’s where the most crime occurs. It’s where all the statistics are garnered. Baltimore, Philly, New Orleans, Atlanta and Chicago have huge African American communities and all are really dangerous. All run by dems from the ground up, and there hasn’t been any change for decades in terms of progress that was directly attributed to dem policies. 

What did Obama do for Chicago? Elijah Cummings for Baltimore? Etc. Republicans teach to stop being a victim, stop relying on government for handouts, and try and succeed no matter the circumstance. Be a victor not a victim.

Just don't go walking through our neighborhoods or BBQing in the parks though... 

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Man. Anyone who dare think outside the box, think for themselves, and not be controlled by the democrat establishment is criticized and ridiculed. 

Seems hilarious that people are attacking Candace Owens because she doesn’t robotically pledge allegiance to the democrat party. She is attacked for having different views than people who share similar physical traits. She is attacked for pleading with black America that is they really want change in society, then collectively as a whole they need to change leadership. 

Kanye West was ridiculed for daring to stray from the dem plantation. It’s sick how people are treated if they don’t submit to the mob. 

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1 hour ago, CODBEARD said:

Mainstream media won't touch it.. and it really doesn't matter as it pertains to this case legally.. but it does fly in the face of the narative Mr Floyd was this gentle giant saint of man for sure..




Owens notes that Floyd was high on fentanyl and methamphetamine at the time of his death, according to the autopsy report, and goes on to cite his record which includes jail sentences in 1998, 2002, 2004, 2005, and 2007. His 2007 arrest, she continues, was for participating in an armed home invasion against a pregnant African-American woman, where Floyd held a gun to the pregnant mother’s stomach.

ok....now this is ridiculous. It makes NO DIFFERENCE what a persons past/present record is, once he was cuffed and restrained, your job as a police officer IS OVER. CUFF HIM AND STUFF HIM. ITS OVER! YOU ARE NOT THE GOD DAMN JUDGE AND JURY. THATS NOT YOUR JOB!!!!!!

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1 minute ago, Nolebull813 said:

Don’t get what your saying. 

And hopefully you never have to... Wouldn't wish that on anyone... 

Dead ass I'll be perfectly honest with you I used to think similar to Candace... Note I said used to.... Then I witnessed Racism first hand... 

Ever been told your presence isn't welcome because "You're Black and my Grandma doesn't like black people" or even worse "We have a black guy and a Mexican girl working here we're plenty diverse","I'm not racist I have a black friend" but then immediately turn around and crack a racist joke  about hanging blacks from trees.... Yea that shit opened my eyes. 

I can be a Victor while realizing and knowing how to provide for myself I work and do what I have to to provide and care for myself... Without relying on the Democratic party or the Republicans because neither ain't did shit for me...  However I said earlier I was more liberal lean and the reason for that is because the Republicans have decided to flock to willful ignorance... And Candace is a fucking Sellout and she knows it. She could give a damn less about me, DD, Horsefly,Aztec,SOC or anyone fucking else...  If she could be white and dye her hair blonde she would she knows who her audience is and it ain't us... 

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6 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

She speaks TO black America. Every video I see her in she is looking at the camera and speaking to black America. Her target audience isn’t white. 

She basically advocates for thinking outside the box and don’t get duped by Democrats who only come around every 4 years and pretend to give a shit about black America. They don’t. That’s why democrat controlled cities are the worst areas to thrive for blacks. It’s where the most crime occurs. It’s where all the statistics are garnered. Baltimore, Philly, New Orleans, Atlanta and Chicago have huge African American communities and all are really dangerous. All run by dems from the ground up, and there hasn’t been any change for decades in terms of progress that was directly attributed to dem policies. 

What did Obama do for Chicago? Elijah Cummings for Baltimore? Etc. Republicans teach to stop being a victim, stop relying on government for handouts, and try and succeed no matter the circumstance. Be a victor not a victim.

Speaking into the camera is not useful if blacks aren’t listening or watching that channel or source.  😂 

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4 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

And hopefully you never have to... Wouldn't wish that on anyone... 

Candace Owens and Uncle Ruckus are the type of slaves that when the master died instead of running away they would bury him, cry like hell and pray to King James Jesus to come take them instead.  We know what Brotha Malcolm called that mindset

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Just now, Horsefly said:

Speaking into the camera is not useful if blacks aren’t listening or watching that channel or source.  😂 

Touché. Lol

seriously though she has a large social media following and knows how to use her platform. I agree. She does need to be more visible in the inner city. Hold town halls with leaders in the communities. I always hear her passionate about the lack of change for minority. She seems to genuinely want change. 

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Just now, Nolebull813 said:

Touché. Lol

seriously though she has a large social media following and knows how to use her platform. I agree. She does need to be more visible in the inner city. Hold town halls with leaders in the communities. I always hear her passionate about the lack of change for minority. She seems to genuinely want change. 

She is a conservative, independent, responsible young black woman. A "target audience" of her peers might be nearly impossible to round up.

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16 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Man. Anyone who dare think outside the box, think for themselves, and not be controlled by the democrat establishment is criticized and ridiculed. 

Seems hilarious that people are attacking Candace Owens because she doesn’t robotically pledge allegiance to the democrat party. She is attacked for having different views than people who share similar physical traits. She is attacked for pleading with black America that is they really want change in society, then collectively as a whole they need to change leadership. 

Kanye West was ridiculed for daring to stray from the dem plantation. It’s sick how people are treated if they don’t submit to the mob. 

Man... blacks don't dislike her because she's anti Democrat....

Blacks dislike her because she anti BLACK


She will ALWAYS side with white Supremacy,  whether politics are involved or not


Didn't she just post a video all but justifying the death of George Lloyd? (just because she says she isn't doesnt make it so)


Wasn't she trying to justify the murder of Ahmaud Arbery?


Neither of these have shxt to do with being a Democrat 


Again just a black white supremacist 

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