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3 hours ago, TheBlockIsHot said:

The difference is a lower economic area that spends money on needless facilities. 

We are a high economic area and also have beautiful facilities but don't need to spend millions on stuff that is overkill. 

All we do is win. That is what matters. Improve your community before spending on other crap. 

I can think of plenty of things California does that I consider needless but that Californians feel are important.  I don't pass judgement on California based on that.  Okay, I do but I don't say it out loud....often.

Perhaps the community feels this is improving the community.  You have no idea how much the Packers have galvanized the town and county.  Don't judge what you do not know.

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6 hours ago, FootballGuy said:


High school football is one of the only things in CA that isn’t expensive relative to elsewhere.  At $5 to $8 a Ticket, and small stadiums, no public schools are getting rich.  It’s about the game here, not the almighty dollar.

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2 hours ago, Fred said:

I can think of plenty of things California does that I consider needless but that Californians feel are important.  I don't pass judgement on California based on that.  Okay, I do but I don't say it out loud....often.

Perhaps the community feels this is improving the community.  You have no idea how much the Packers have galvanized the town and county.  Don't judge what you do not know.


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3 hours ago, CCBlackhatter said:

1% of sales tax is allocated to an ESPLOST fund which is used to fund such projects.

Everyone who purchased something in Colquitt County helped pay for the IPF among many other projects for the school system, city, and county. It's not limited to Colquitt residents.

This has been explained a couple times already, but here it is again just for you dopey.

Dopey’s Head is the hardest matter known to mankind. 

The bile that Block spews is astronomical, been that way the moment I came on and continues to this day. 

Brings absolutely nothing to the forum. 

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10 hours ago, CCBlackhatter said:

1% of sales tax is allocated to an ESPLOST fund which is used to fund such projects.

Everyone who purchased something in Colquitt County helped pay for the IPF among many other projects for the school system, city, and county. It's not limited to Colquitt residents.

This has been explained a couple times already, but here it is again just for you dopey.

So 1 in 4 in poverty, yet taxes are allocated for HS practice facilties and not the improvement for the life of Colquitt residents?

Solid place to live. 

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And anyone who wants to complain and say this isn't related to football, is a complete fool, because it is. 

This exemplifies GA and GA posters on this board in their attempt to be relevant. When you peel back the onion and see the GREAT LENGTHS they are going to, just to be relevant, in HS Football, it is extremely alarming. 

HS football is NOT more important than the economic improvement of the people or community. Bragging about spending millions on HS practice facilties is exactly what is wrong with the state of GA sports. 

GA teams arent even national. Yet on a national board, the majority of threads are about GA. The GA posters are obsessed with their agenda of getting GA HS football on the national scene. National prominence is earned on the field, not boasted about in a internet forum. You want to be relevant? Beat real teams and stop worrying about 5 million dollar practice facilties. Improve the quality of your community and the winning will be sustained, regardless of the facility. Cream rises to the top. 


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9 hours ago, On2whls said:

High school football is one of the only things in CA that isn’t expensive relative to elsewhere.  At $5 to $8 a Ticket, and small stadiums, no public schools are getting rich.  It’s about the game here, not the almighty dollar.

There's no way in hell that a successful program like cen10 should be broke tho. 

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3 hours ago, TheBlockIsHot said:

And anyone who wants to complain and say this isn't related to football, is a complete fool, because it is. 

This exemplifies GA and GA posters on this board in their attempt to be relevant. When you peel back the onion and see the GREAT LENGTHS they are going to, just to be relevant, in HS Football, it is extremely alarming. 

HS football is NOT more important than the economic improvement of the people or community. Bragging about spending millions on HS practice facilties is exactly what is wrong with the state of GA sports. 

GA teams arent even national. Yet on a national board, the majority of threads are about GA. The GA posters are obsessed with their agenda of getting GA HS football on the national scene. National prominence is earned on the field, not boasted about in a internet forum. You want to be relevant? Beat real teams and stop worrying about 5 million dollar practice facilties. Improve the quality of your community and the winning will be sustained, regardless of the facility. Cream rises to the top. 


All I got from this was... 

"I'm an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about" 

And instead of shutting up You'll continue to make yourself look stupid... 

Have you ever even been to Colquitt. 

Simple. No... 

All you know is what you read online and that doesn't paint the whole picture. 

But rather than shut up like you should. 

You'll keep digging a hole for yourself because you have this idea that the south is poor and everybody is unable to take care of themselves. 

News flash get it through your thick ass impenetrable skull that not everyone is poor or impoverished. 

Just because they're not making half a million dollars doesn't mean they're poor. 

By the way Georgia... irrelevent. 

Been pumping out top teams before you where even born. 


So why don't you put your fake balls back in your purse and go back to Starbucks kid... 

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7 minutes ago, TheBlockIsHot said:

I agree. 


You're a dumbass plain and simple... 

Not even the other Californian posters take you serious... 

Matter a fact half of them rip you because You're an idiot... 

You couldn't even back up the Folsom-DLS bet...

They all offered and you ran like a little coward. 

But you supposedly have all this money. 

Meanwhile there's been  southerners able to back it up... 

 You're a fraud... 


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1 hour ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

You're a dumbass plain and simple... 

Not even the other Californian posters take you serious... 

Matter a fact half of them rip you because You're an idiot... 

You couldn't even back up the Folsom-DLS bet...

They all offered and you ran like a little coward. 

But you supposedly have all this money. 

Meanwhile there's been  southerners able to back it up... 

 You're a fraud... 


Still waiting for ANY sourced information to counter my claims. 


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4 hours ago, Columbiafan said:

Yeah where you think they start? 


They don't just hatch from a egg and run onto a NFL roster 


The state of Florida still produces the best players and they progress from Florida to a college then they play on Sunday's 

Agreed but I was referring to the last few seasons of high school ball seems like Cali has been dominating in the quarterback department and as usual Texas dominating in the linemen department.  Georgia not bad over the last few seasons w/ defensive backs as well (not like they never were tho). 

I am not counting ANY players from IMG; whether they are originally from FL or another state.  I'm sure in a few seasons IMG will overtake STA in putting guys in NFL per year.

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1 minute ago, sausmann9 said:

Agreed but I was referring to the last few seasons of high school ball seems like Cali has been dominating in the quarterback department and as usual Texas dominating in the linemen department.  Georgia not bad over the last few seasons w/ defensive backs as well (not like they never were tho). 

I am not counting ANY players from IMG; whether they are originally from FL or another state.  I'm sure in a few seasons IMG will overtake STA in putting guys in NFL per year.

Even without img Florida produces enough talent homegrown to have the best of any state just like i stand by the argument FL is the best state with or without img 

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On 4/13/2018 at 4:10 PM, Mjd33 said:

No I get it ... but they did play all those games at home. Still legit oos slate though. Just minor tidbit .... rage on. 

The BG game was at home.  Chandler game was at a neutral field following Mountain Pointe vs Upland as part of an Armed Forces  event.  IMG game 1 at Mission Viejo as part of Honor bowl also following other games. Ditto for IMG game 2, except that it was played in San Diego at Cathedral.

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On 4/14/2018 at 8:41 AM, TheBlockIsHot said:

So according to the US census has bereau, 25 percent in the county are poor, but building football stadiums is improving the community?

Woe. Just wow. 

I clearly don't know what motivates you or what your standards are.  Equally clearly though is your focus on dollars as the measurement of how a community is doing.  Here's a news flash for you - money isn't everything or the sole measure of success.  Sometimes, heck many times, money is not a true measure of how well people live and how happy they are.  Based on your writings, you are pathologically obsessed with Ga and how things are done around here.  The obsession you exhibit through your writings indicates an insecurity of some sort.  I don't have a clue what it might be.  You obsess about income levels in Ga, Colquitt in particular, yet fail to mention the train wreck that is California's massive budget shortfall.  You go on about crappy housing in Ga and fail to address that 600-900 sq ft shacks on 6,000 sq feet or less can easily cost in excess of $600,000 in California.  You talk about making poor choices in Ga and yet ignore the myriad of homeless in California.  You live in a resource rich state but have some of the highest energy prices in the nation (not the most expensive but close).  You complain about the people of Colquitt choosing to tax themselves for projects they feel are important for the local community and yet live is a state with a very high tax burden.  You poo-poo Ga football and tout your own program when your fellow California posters discount your claims and offer evidence to the contrary.  You complain about the number of Ga threads yet feel the need to comment on every one with the excuse that you need to bring "balance."  @PrepGridiron has set up the boards with some really cool features that enable you to scroll past those threads that might talk about things you don't care about.  The little up and down arrows on the right side of the window will let you move right on past anything you might find objectionable.

I read this board to amuse myself as I speculate do many others.  You joined January 9th (at least in this incarnation) and in about 13 weeks have managed to accumulate in excess 5,100 posts.  That indicates a high degree of obsession.  I'm thinking that obsession colors your perspective of things you have no control over and frankly doesn't speak well of you.  If you don't like the way things on Ga are done, don't read the threads.  Chances are you will be much happier.

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4 hours ago, Fred said:

I clearly don't know what motivates you or what your standards are.  Equally clearly though is your focus on dollars as the measurement of how a community is doing.  Here's a news flash for you - money isn't everything or the sole measure of success.  Sometimes, heck many times, money is not a true measure of how well people live and how happy they are.  Based on your writings, you are pathologically obsessed with Ga and how things are done around here.  The obsession you exhibit through your writings indicates an insecurity of some sort.  I don't have a clue what it might be.  You obsess about income levels in Ga, Colquitt in particular, yet fail to mention the train wreck that is California's massive budget shortfall.  You go on about crappy housing in Ga and fail to address that 600-900 sq ft shacks on 6,000 sq feet or less can easily cost in excess of $600,000 in California.  You talk about making poor choices in Ga and yet ignore the myriad of homeless in California.  You live in a resource rich state but have some of the highest energy prices in the nation (not the most expensive but close).  You complain about the people of Colquitt choosing to tax themselves for projects they feel are important for the local community and yet live is a state with a very high tax burden.  You poo-poo Ga football and tout your own program when your fellow California posters discount your claims and offer evidence to the contrary.  You complain about the number of Ga threads yet feel the need to comment on every one with the excuse that you need to bring "balance."  @PrepGridiron has set up the boards with some really cool features that enable you to scroll past those threads that might talk about things you don't care about.  The little up and down arrows on the right side of the window will let you move right on past anything you might find objectionable.

I read this board to amuse myself as I speculate do many others.  You joined January 9th (at least in this incarnation) and in about 13 weeks have managed to accumulate in excess 5,100 posts.  That indicates a high degree of obsession.  I'm thinking that obsession colors your perspective of things you have no control over and frankly doesn't speak well of you.  If you don't like the way things on Ga are done, don't read the threads.  Chances are you will be much happier.

You still didn't offer one ounce of evidence to counter any of my claims. 

All you offered was a baseless, homer opinion. 


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On 4/14/2018 at 1:58 AM, On2whls said:

High school football is one of the only things in CA that isn’t expensive relative to elsewhere.  At $5 to $8 a Ticket, and small stadiums, no public schools are getting rich.  It’s about the game here, not the almighty dollar.

I'm curious and not trying to be argumentative.  You say it is about the game and not the almighty dollar.  If it is about the love of the game then why is there no more support.  You say there are small stadiums.  That implies not many people coming out to the games.  I see the same thing in some of the NJ schools.  Why is having a large stadium that fill sup about the dollar and not about love of the game and community support?  Really, I'm not not trying to argue with you.  I am truly interested in your perspective on this.

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