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Doctor: I am a soldier in this battle, and I am scared


My first encounter with a Covid-19 positive patient is something I will never forget. She had been admitted three days earlier, and I was asked to evaluate her, as her oxygen requirements had dramatically increased. As I stood in her room, my heart was racing. I didn't quite realize it in the moment, but I was scared.
How we've overcome past pandemics
How we've overcome past pandemics
With a distinct heaviness in her breath, she told me how nice everyone has been to her in the hospital. I thanked her. After examining her, I told her that we would need to intubate — insert a tube into her airway — for her to breathe better, and she replied by telling me she was very scared. I held her hand and told her it takes courage to do what she was doing.
She asked me to call her husband, who was being quarantined at home after testing positive, and tell him that she loved him a lot. I did what she asked, and he asked me if I could tell her the same.
Four days later, she passed away due to severe respiratory failure, despite maximal medical supportive therapy. When I learned this, I went from being anxious to scared and then eventually subdued. I believe my anxiety came from three causes: The clinical unpredictability of the disease, its high transmissibility and, more importantly, not being able to alleviate my patient's distress.
Ever since then, every time I have entered a patient room with a potential Covid-19 infection I have felt scared — scared that I will infect other patients, my colleagues or my loved ones.

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23 hours ago, Slotback Right said:

Three more bits of good news:

1. The French doctor that used the hydroxychloroquine/ Azithromycin combination did a larger test with 80 patients who were positive for the disease. 79 out of 80 survived.

2. Another unrelated test found that 5 patient who were already showing ARDS, who were given antibodies from patients who had developed immunity to this virus by beating it, were all cured. I may not be stating it exactly right, since I'm not a medical professional, and I have no link, because the story just broke on the news.

3. FDA has approved a new corona virus test that gives the results in 15 minutes.

I know four people who have contracted the virus, most recently one of my cousins. All were treated with the anti Malaria combination and all blew through it. The biggest complaint was fatigue to the point of wanting to sleep for two to three days. My cousin leaves quarantine next Wed.

It also appears that research is showing that blood type seems to influence how effective the treatments are.

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11 hours ago, Gospeeder said:

I know four people who have contracted the virus, most recently one of my cousins. All were treated with the anti Malaria combination and all blew through it. The biggest complaint was fatigue to the point of wanting to sleep for two to three days. My cousin leaves quarantine next Wed.

It also appears that research is showing that blood type seems to influence how effective the treatments are.

Yes and doctors don't even type blood these days....

Go ahead and look at your blood test...no type...


must be a lost art....


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18 minutes ago, Troll said:

Yes and doctors don't even type blood these days....

Go ahead and look your blood test...no type...


must be a lost art....



I was released from the hospital three weeks ago and now recovering from an ailment that came out of no where of which I later found out I was days from getting a "toe tag". I required quite a few blood transfusions and got quite an education on how blood type is checked and re-checked, requiring two people along with the computer scanners to all confirm the same result.

In my case, the initial job of typing the blood was done by Lab Corp who drew my blood prior to my diagnosis... later sending the results to my internist. Unless one is admitted to and ER ( in my case that happened after my initial blood analysis ), the initial testing lab should document the type.

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5 minutes ago, Gospeeder said:


I was released from the hospital three weeks ago and now recovering from an ailment that came out of no where of which I later found out I was days from getting a "toe tag". I required quite a few blood transfusions and got quite an education on how blood type is checked and re-checked, requiring two people along with the computer scanners to all confirm the same result.

In my case, the initial job of typing the blood was done by Lab Corp who drew my blood prior to my diagnosis... later sending the results to my internist. Unless one is admitted to and ER ( in my case that happened after my initial blood analysis ), the initial testing lab should document the type.

Glad you came through, my man!🙏👊

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18 minutes ago, Gospeeder said:


I was released from the hospital three weeks ago and now recovering from an ailment that came out of no where of which I later found out I was days from getting a "toe tag". I required quite a few blood transfusions and got quite an education on how blood type is checked and re-checked, requiring two people along with the computer scanners to all confirm the same result.

In my case, the initial job of typing the blood was done by Lab Corp who drew my blood prior to my diagnosis... later sending the results to my internist. Unless one is admitted to and ER ( in my case that happened after my initial blood analysis ), the initial testing lab should document the type.

It doesn't appear that doctors normally test for it, or generally use it....

The implications for a transfusion or a surgery that requires blood, dictates that it happen,

but other than that....

...this 'science' seems lost



PS: Maybe it's just the funny looks from those 'blood cancer doctors' when you ask them about it 🤷‍♂️




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Debate Ends Over Chloroquine as France Officially Sanctions Usage

Days after beginning a large scale double blinded trial, the so called gold standard, France has now reached the conclusion chloroquine is recommended to treat corona.

Speaking at a news conference, Jérôme Salomon , France’s director general of health, said the officially sanctioned prescriptions of chloroquine to treat corona “allows a temporary authorization to allow certain patients with coronavirus to benefit from this therapeutic route.”

Doctors in France now will finally be able to treat patients with Didier Raoult, a renown doctor that specializes in infectious diseases, announcing new clinical results that show out of 80 patients treated with chloroquine, 78 recovered within 5 days.



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19 hours ago, DevilDog said:

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Says Medical Vendors Told Not To 'Send Stuff' To Michigan

Trump’s willingness to punish a state’s residents amid a pandemic over a feud with a governor appeared evident in a statement at his press briefing Friday. The president said he had instructed Vice President Mike Pence, who heads up the president’s coronavirus task force, not to call the governors of Washington or Michigan. The two states have among the highest number of coronavirus cases in the nation, and Michigan is experiencing a dramatic spike in cases from 350 a week ago to nearly 3,000 Friday.

“I say, ‘Mike, don’t call ... the woman in Michigan. It doesn’t make any difference what happens,’” Trump said.

That last sentence should make every American fear the nut-job pretending to a Pres.. He's going to disregard all the people of Mich. because their Gov. doesn't publicly kiss his ass (same for Wash. state)??...wft is wrong with him...it's one thing to think that but to say it out loud and try and make it happen?!?..leadership?!?..LOL....he has NO clue....he's a demented POS...😔

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1 hour ago, CODBEARD said:

fucking Jersey.. wtf



Police break up 'illegal' house party that violated N.J.'s stay-at-home order

The party's organizer was charged, the governor said. "No corona parties. They’re illegal, dangerous, and stupid. We will crash your party. You will pay a big fine."

Police in New Jersey broke up a house party in which 47 people crammed into a small apartment in violation of the state's stay-at-home order and social distancing guidelines, the state governor said. The organizer was charged.



$1050 per mth 1 bed  1 bath   551 sqft 

47 people and a DJ...  wtf?  



Yes...Have you met our governor... Mr. Sanctuary state?

I'm guessing no...

When he orders that the public can not freely associate, he means business.

It is cute tho...how you pick on those college kids partying for spring break (at home)...yet overlook those arrested for having a class at school (imagine that), or actually going ahead with a planned wedding (at home instead of a church)...

Yup...they were all charged too...



In your zeal to try and paint NJ residents as 'stupid'.... you overlooked quite a bit...

Searching for upskirt photos to post here, must have distracted you...


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10 hours ago, Gospeeder said:

I know four people who have contracted the virus, most recently one of my cousins. All were treated with the anti Malaria combination and all blew through it. The biggest complaint was fatigue to the point of wanting to sleep for two to three days. My cousin leaves quarantine next Wed.

It also appears that research is showing that blood type seems to influence how effective the treatments are.

Pls don't give any type of hope. It's not wanted. Especially if it is something president Trump has touted.

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1 hour ago, noonereal said:

what is this link about?

what is your comment on it? 

Read it.

Not hard to figure out. The fucking Dems demanded 25 million for the JFK theater. Dumb fucks like canes said it was so the could keep paying their employees. What do you know? They laid off 25 employees. 

Guess what else they did Not? They donated 5 million to the DNC.

I'm sure the working people in America didn't need that 25 million.


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27 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Read it.

Not hard to figure out. The fucking Dems demanded 25 million for the JFK theater. Dumb fucks like canes said it was so the could keep paying their employees. What do you know? They laid off 25 employees. 

Guess what else they did Not? They donated 5 million to the DNC.

I'm sure the working people in America didn't need that 25 million.


i don't run down links for a lazy poster. Thanks for picking up his slack. 

As to the "story."  


That said, it is silly to make a judgement of any sort with such little knowledge of the situation as is expressed in the vid. IMHO


peace out

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FDA issues emergency authorization of anti-malaria drug for coronavirus care

The Food and Drug Administration on Sunday issued an emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, decades-old malaria drugs championed by President Donald Trump for coronavirus treatment despite scant evidence.

The agency allowed for the drugs to be "donated to the Strategic National Stockpile to be distributed and prescribed by doctors to hospitalized teen and adult patients with COVID-19, as appropriate, when a clinical trial is not available or feasible," HHS said in a statement, announcing that Sandoz donated 30 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to the stockpile and Bayer donated 1 million doses of chloroquine.


Disclaimer: This does NOT mean you can drink your aquarium cleaner.

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