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14+ children murdered in Texas today!


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1 hour ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

See yall are afraid of anything different... 

Difference of opinion included... 

Your first response is "Youre free to move"... 

So anyone who doesnt like having schools,Malls,Stores and concerts mowed down by people who shouldnt have had guns to begin with. 

We should just tell them to move if they dont like it because long story short we're not gonna do anything to fix the problem.... 

Thats all Im getting from your post and the bums up on capital hill... 

Because "Theyre gonna take our guns!" 

Aint nobody trying to take jack shit... 

But thats the hill yall wanna die on... 

My bad... 

Thats the hill youre willing to let peoples kids die on... 


You are free to move. Apparently Japan is paradise.


One suggestion is ending gun free zones.  Those are like an invitation.

Harden the schools.

And Beto isn't alone and he sure as shit wants to gun grab. So you can STFU about nobody being for it.

And hey, Jeeneeus, did you know that guns are used for defensive purposes hundreds of thousands (low-end estimates) and even into the millions of times a year in this country?  Think that in all those some kids lives might be SAVED? Of course you didn't. You're just mindlessly pitching a fit like you're supposed to.


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10 hours ago, concha said:


LOL....Don and Spike...the new comedy team!...the "government" huh??...that's who the bad guy is??...not the 18 year old children who have access to weapons of mass destruction??....you don't see the trend Don?...the guns aren't saving kids lives these days like you claim....it's taking them you f*in moron....🙄...our country is a disgrace with these senseless killings that take place almost daily and dopes like you defend it?!

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1 hour ago, Slotback Right said:

You gun control people never have an answer for the fact that the ones who commit these crimes don't, and won't pay any attention to gun laws, any more than they paid attention to anti-murder laws. Duh!

So the only people you will be disarming are the law abiding gun owners.

That doesn't mean the American public should have machine guns....

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13 hours ago, concha said:


You are free to move. Apparently Japan is paradise.


One suggestion is ending gun free zones.  Those are like an invitation.

Harden the schools.

And Beto isn't alone and he sure as shit wants to gun grab. So you can STFU about nobody being for it.

And hey, Jeeneeus, did you know that guns are used for defensive purposes hundreds of thousands (low-end estimates) and even into the millions of times a year in this country?  Think that in all those some kids lives might be SAVED? Of course you didn't. You're just mindlessly pitching a fit like you're supposed to.


Tell me where I said Japan was paradise? 

Youre so quick to jump on the get out train you're putting words in my mouth and breaking your neck jumping to conclusions. 

Every country has their own problems its just that 95% of them arent dealing with mass shooting problems.  

And your self defense argument is the same as always "What about the people who arent doing the shootings?" 

I never said take guns away. 

I said make them harder to get and do mental and stronger background checks and ban high capacity magazines... 

And if need be raise the age requirement... 

But again any excuse to do nothing is the route we'll take in this country.


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21 hours ago, RedZone said:

I've never been afraid in my life with anyone coming to take my firearms. No one with an education is.

My firearms are a little more what the Framers had in mind though.

I don't own toys and video game guns.

Once again you prove you are a moron. The framers in Article 1 Section 8 made provisions for ownership of military grade weapons such as cannon so civilian ships could be used in privateering & national defense. 

Another piece of education Biden & Jones said it yesterday they want ALL semi auto guns gone so your shotgun of it isnt a pump or single shot is gone. Dont believe me watch the video.

Just so you are aware, because I can tell you are not very smart, since 1991 we have the most gun control in this country yet the most incidents of mass shooting. In 1970 you could walk into Montgomery Wards in 10 minutes walk out with a rifle almost identical to an AR 15. What has changed….our culture and the value placed on life. This is not now nor ever has been a firearms issue it is an indictment of were the left like you have taken our country.

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19 hours ago, Oldballcoach said:

Once again you prove you are a moron. The framers in Article 1 Section 8 made provisions for ownership of military grade weapons such as cannon so civilian ships could be used in privateering & national defense. 

Do you currently own a Belvedere and cannon?...

It took 5 days to load one of those babies. lol

Be nice, RedZone.

I guess if there was AR-1500 cannon it would be protected.

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16 minutes ago, RedZone said:

Do you currently own a Belvedere and cannon?...

It took 5 days to load one of those babies. lol

Be nice, RedZone.

I guess if there was AR-1500 cannon it would be protected.

I love all the military men standing around with their AR-15s while they load that big old monster Cannon in that video....


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On 6/1/2022 at 10:23 PM, Butterbean said:

I got to shut you down there I'll repeat most violent crime is done by blacks whether you like it or not. I was there on January 6th I know that was set up by democrats.

In fact Democrats murdered an unarmed white lady there. Shooter was black and because it was Reverse Racism they shut it down didn't arrest the guy or nothing. Now they're trying to send political prisoners to jail.

We were a half a million people strong that walk from the White House after Trump's speech to the Capitol. What happened to the top of the Capitol with those 2500 people we never saw. Many of those were Democrat agents and they broke their own glass and then the cops waived all the unarmed people inside and now they're going to try to put those people in jail but not the murderer.

Of course the shooter was black but because the victim has white Democrats didn't want look like Hypocrites after George Floyd.

All I saw all day long with families of all colors and ages that love their country that's one of the proudest days of my life. It's disgusting what Democrats did though they had that thing all planned out at the highest levels of the government to pull that off.

If you got real questions asked me you don't got to pretend that what you saw on TV is true.

All I can tell you that our government we got now is a damn corrupt.

I'm talking communist corrupt pandemic corrupt crushing in controlling America corrupt. Ask all the questions you want what you got a responsibility to find out what's really going on in your country.




Yeah, well I don't know you and particularly couldn’t give two shits what you think. 


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On 6/1/2022 at 10:29 PM, Butterbean said:

Funny thing is I've never seen a proud boy or white supremacist all made up by the narrative by the left.

I do see BLM everywhere.

And don't start the race BS because there's a lot of BLM POS that are white too.

Liberals are dumber than dirt to me and it doesn't matter what color.

Got damn you are stupid, I reckon your  1st post to me reflected a need for a posting buddy to go back and forth but dammit man if this doesn’t scream stupid, I don’t want to know. 


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3 hours ago, concha said:


Lesson time ☺️

What is a police officer?

A police officer is an employee per a law enforcement agency within a country, region, or city.

In Japan, they are usually viewed as heroes within their communities because of the dangerous situations they often encounter in service to the public.

They swear an oath to protect and serve the citizens they represent and maintain public order. They enforce the law by arresting the criminals and detecting and preventing crime.

They can control traffic, take and imprison people against their will, and seize property. However, they are constantly reminded of the constraints that they must work under in order to exercise that power lawfully and fairly. 

Police officers carry the power of life and death on their hips, and are empowered to do things that, were they done by civilians, would get those civilians arrested. 

Police officers spend all their working hours dealing with people at their worst, as no one ever calls the police when everything is okay. The trickiest part is having to make snap decisions of great significance to other people's lives (including the potential for ending them). These decisions may also be subject to intensive review at a later date. Good training and experience can diminish the possibility of making a serious mistake, but the possibility for violent and deadly confrontations always exists.

Officers are typically seen as a national treasure elsewhere around the world, and they are rightfully treated as such.

America could probably learn a thing or two from the other countries: 🇲🇴🇯🇵🇸🇬🇧🇫🇵🇫🇶🇦🇭🇰🇸🇮🇧🇳🇮🇩🇳🇴🇧🇭🇨🇭🇳🇱🇨🇿🇨🇳🇪🇸🇵🇹🇦🇹☺️

This has been lesson time with Seashells.

I’m praying that this lesson helps you through your tough time struggling to learn these concepts. 

We’re here to you 👋🏻

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Democrat gun obsession meets reality
Exploiting the Uvalde tragedy is the art of distraction
By Don Feder -
Thursday, June 2, 2022
When the subject is guns, the left becomes increasingly absurd, hysterical and vicious.
Our president who’s unable to quote the preamble to the Declaration of Independence (“all men and women are created by the you know, you know the thing”), instructs us on the meaning of the Second Amendment. (It’s not an absolute right, he insists — unlike, say abortion.)
Michael More wants to abolish the Second Amendment.
Beto O’Rourke (hell yes, we’ll take your constitutional rights!) engages in sad histrionics. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd says those who of us who want to “keep our guns” are “sacrificing children.” (As a proponent of abortion through the ninth month, Ms. Dowd knows a thing or two about child sacrifice.)
And the governors of California, New York and New Jersey — each with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country — announced new gun control measures last week, all “common sense,” don’t you know.
In the meantime:
• Another 4,000 illegal immigrants crossed into the United States over Memorial Day weekend. Based on past experience, we can reasonably expect that many are gang members, career criminals, sex offenders and sundry other undesirables.
• In the same period, 13 people were killed in Philadelphia and 10 in Chicago. Too bad they don’t have stringent gun control. Oh, wait, they do have stringent gun control.
• Worldwide, the United States has the third-highest murder rate. Subtract Chicago, D.C., Detroit, St. Louis and Philadelphia — all controlled by anti-gun Democrats — and we drop to 189th out of 193.
Every time there’s a tragedy like Uvalde, the Democrats rush to exploit it. For a president whose approval rating is in the sub-basement, it’s a timely distraction.
Don’t think about gas at $4.67 a gallon nationally, look at “gun violence,” Democrats urge. Forget our porous southern border, look at lax gun laws. Never mind the highest inflation rate in almost 40 years and a revolving-door justice system that keeps putting criminals back on the streets (thanks to Democratic prosecutors), think guns.
As a parent and grandparent, my heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones in Uvalde. But how does taking away my right to protect my family prevent such tragedies in the future?
Gun control is ritualistic magic — voodoo crime control. It hasn’t worked. It can’t work, absent a police state. It’s based on the premise that someone with a homicidal impulse or a career criminal will be deterred by background checks or any of the other so-called commonsense measures, proposed or in force.
Democrats believe we can stop gun violence, while they selectively encourage other types of lawlessness.
In 2020, coast to coast, cities went up in flames. Democratic mayors told the police to stand down and politicians told the rest of us it was the price we had to pay to prove that Black lives matter. It took then-candidate Joe Biden six months to condemn the anarchy, and then only in the most general terms.
As of 2018, there were 560 sanctuary cities in the United States where U.S. immigration laws are officially violated. These nullification zones were created by the same politicians who say we need tougher gun laws.
Pro-abortion crazies threaten to kill Supreme Court justices if Roe is repealed, and DHS ignores the intimidation.
Democrats violate laws they don’t like, then tell the rest of us we have to obey their gun laws, no matter how irrational. We live in Wonderland, with the Queen of Hearts in the White House and the Mad Hatter writing commentary in The New York Times.
This past weekend, I made my annual pilgrimage to Concord, Massachusetts, where the American Revolution began. On April 19, 1775, 700 Red Coats marched out of Boston to seize the guns and other military supplies of the colonial militia.
“You stupid Yanks don’t need guns, we’re here to protect you — from everything but us,” the British maintained.
John Adams knew better. In the same year, our future president wrote: “Liberty once lost is lost forever. When people once surrender … their right of defending the limitations upon government, and of resisting every encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.”
America of the early 21st century makes the America of the late 18th century look like a Quaker meeting house.
The elite tells us we don’t need guns, as they increasingly make the country a place where we need guns. In Mr. Biden’s America, it’s every man and woman for themselves.
• Don Feder is a former Boston Herald writer and syndicated columnist.
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15 minutes ago, SeaShells21 said:

Lesson time ☺️

What is a police officer?

A police officer is an employee per a law enforcement agency within a country, region, or city.

In Japan, they are usually viewed as heroes within their communities because of the dangerous situations they often encounter in service to the public.

They swear an oath to protect and serve the citizens they represent and maintain public order. They enforce the law by arresting the criminals and detecting and preventing crime.

They can control traffic, take and imprison people against their will, and seize property. However, they are constantly reminded of the constraints that they must work under in order to exercise that power lawfully and fairly. 

Police officers carry the power of life and death on their hips, and are empowered to do things that, were they done by civilians, would get those civilians arrested. 

Police officers spend all their working hours dealing with people at their worst, as no one ever calls the police when everything is okay. The trickiest part is having to make snap decisions of great significance to other people's lives (including the potential for ending them). These decisions may also be subject to intensive review at a later date. Good training and experience can diminish the possibility of making a serious mistake, but the possibility for violent and deadly confrontations always exists.

Officers are typically seen as a national treasure elsewhere around the world, and they are rightfully treated as such. [Here, they ARE treated as such by many. By the American left, they are used as a punching bag to distract from Democratic Party policy failures in our inner cities, ironically despite being controlled by the Dems themselves. Hope this helps.]

America could probably learn a thing or two from the other countries: 🇲🇴🇯🇵🇸🇬🇧🇫🇵🇫🇶🇦🇭🇰🇸🇮🇧🇳🇮🇩🇳🇴🇧🇭🇨🇭🇳🇱🇨🇿🇨🇳🇪🇸🇵🇹🇦🇹☺️

This has been lesson time with Seashells.

I’m praying that this lesson helps you through your tough time struggling to learn these concepts. 

We’re here to you 👋🏻


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35 minutes ago, concha said:
Democrat gun obsession meets reality
Exploiting the Uvalde tragedy is the art of distraction
By Don Feder -
Thursday, June 2, 2022
When the subject is guns, the left becomes increasingly absurd, hysterical and vicious.
Our president who’s unable to quote the preamble to the Declaration of Independence (“all men and women are created by the you know, you know the thing”), instructs us on the meaning of the Second Amendment. (It’s not an absolute right, he insists — unlike, say abortion.)
Michael More wants to abolish the Second Amendment.
Beto O’Rourke (hell yes, we’ll take your constitutional rights!) engages in sad histrionics. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd says those who of us who want to “keep our guns” are “sacrificing children.” (As a proponent of abortion through the ninth month, Ms. Dowd knows a thing or two about child sacrifice.)
And the governors of California, New York and New Jersey — each with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country — announced new gun control measures last week, all “common sense,” don’t you know.
In the meantime:
• Another 4,000 illegal immigrants crossed into the United States over Memorial Day weekend. Based on past experience, we can reasonably expect that many are gang members, career criminals, sex offenders and sundry other undesirables.
• In the same period, 13 people were killed in Philadelphia and 10 in Chicago. Too bad they don’t have stringent gun control. Oh, wait, they do have stringent gun control.
• Worldwide, the United States has the third-highest murder rate. Subtract Chicago, D.C., Detroit, St. Louis and Philadelphia — all controlled by anti-gun Democrats — and we drop to 189th out of 193.
Every time there’s a tragedy like Uvalde, the Democrats rush to exploit it. For a president whose approval rating is in the sub-basement, it’s a timely distraction.
Don’t think about gas at $4.67 a gallon nationally, look at “gun violence,” Democrats urge. Forget our porous southern border, look at lax gun laws. Never mind the highest inflation rate in almost 40 years and a revolving-door justice system that keeps putting criminals back on the streets (thanks to Democratic prosecutors), think guns.
As a parent and grandparent, my heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones in Uvalde. But how does taking away my right to protect my family prevent such tragedies in the future?
Gun control is ritualistic magic — voodoo crime control. It hasn’t worked. It can’t work, absent a police state. It’s based on the premise that someone with a homicidal impulse or a career criminal will be deterred by background checks or any of the other so-called commonsense measures, proposed or in force.
Democrats believe we can stop gun violence, while they selectively encourage other types of lawlessness.
In 2020, coast to coast, cities went up in flames. Democratic mayors told the police to stand down and politicians told the rest of us it was the price we had to pay to prove that Black lives matter. It took then-candidate Joe Biden six months to condemn the anarchy, and then only in the most general terms.
As of 2018, there were 560 sanctuary cities in the United States where U.S. immigration laws are officially violated. These nullification zones were created by the same politicians who say we need tougher gun laws.
Pro-abortion crazies threaten to kill Supreme Court justices if Roe is repealed, and DHS ignores the intimidation.
Democrats violate laws they don’t like, then tell the rest of us we have to obey their gun laws, no matter how irrational. We live in Wonderland, with the Queen of Hearts in the White House and the Mad Hatter writing commentary in The New York Times.
This past weekend, I made my annual pilgrimage to Concord, Massachusetts, where the American Revolution began. On April 19, 1775, 700 Red Coats marched out of Boston to seize the guns and other military supplies of the colonial militia.
“You stupid Yanks don’t need guns, we’re here to protect you — from everything but us,” the British maintained.
John Adams knew better. In the same year, our future president wrote: “Liberty once lost is lost forever. When people once surrender … their right of defending the limitations upon government, and of resisting every encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.”
America of the early 21st century makes the America of the late 18th century look like a Quaker meeting house.
The elite tells us we don’t need guns, as they increasingly make the country a place where we need guns. In Mr. Biden’s America, it’s every man and woman for themselves.
• Don Feder is a former Boston Herald writer and syndicated columnist.

You could’ve just said, “What about Chicago”. 

It’s basically the same thing.

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33 minutes ago, concha said:

Officers are typically seen as a national treasure elsewhere around the world, and they are rightfully treated as such. [Here, they ARE treated as such by many. By the American left, they are used as a punching bag to distract from Democratic Party policy failures in our inner cities, ironically despite being controlled by the Dems themselves. Hope this helps.]

I guess I can see how you could say that.

Basically, why are Democrats so focused on specific school shootings and mass shootings when the equivalent of that or worse happens in places like Philadelphia, Chicago and other inner city places on a daily basis ?

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