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Thoughts on "prez" Racists Tweets about Going Back Where they Came From


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Just now, concha said:


Perhaps he was looking for volunteers.

Or he was asking his opponents to do some soul-searching.

Or folks just saw their reflections in the tweet.

Telling in any case.




Aah yes that’s it! He’s such a forward, analytical thinker. I’m sure that’s what he was doing.   

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On 7/17/2019 at 2:23 PM, Horsefly said:

everything I’ve stated is MY belief.  I’m really only worried about me in this instance.  My belief is he made a racist statement.  

That is fine....in which case you should indicate that is your 'opinion'.....and not machine gun post away with claims against others trying to indicate or project guilt on others...

On 7/17/2019 at 2:23 PM, Horsefly said:

 You and conch are limited in experience of this type.  

You once again state your ignorance for all to see....

Living in Paterson has allowed me to share some of the very same experiences as you, and when being told to go home due to the color of my skin...well... it is quite funny seeing the expressions on faces when informed that I happen to live here.

Of course that is only because some perceive me as a Whitey.....even though my grandfather's immigration records specifically list my heritage skin color as 'Dark'....


Guess your intuitive powers might need a little bit of adjustment.....wouldn't you say?  

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39 minutes ago, Troll said:

That is fine....in which case you should indicate that is your 'opinion'.....and not machine gun post away with claims against others trying to indicate or project guilt on others...

You once again state your ignorance for all to see....

Living in Paterson has allowed me to share some of the very same experiences as you, and when being told to go home due to the color of my skin...well... it is quite funny seeing the expressions on faces when informed that I happen to live here.

Of course that is only because some perceive me as a Whitey.....even though my grandfather's immigration records specifically list my heritage skin color as 'Dark'....


Guess your intuitive powers might need a little bit of adjustment.....wouldn't you say?  

Most posts on here are opinion.  It goes without saying 

You were the one arguing with us a few months ago about the use of the term “boy” in referring to a black man not being a racist term.  I don’t know if you ever understood although those of us with experience understood the reference and tried to explain.  Experience and the quality of that experience matters.

Where is your example of someone telling you to get out of this country and go back?

People called you whitey and I’m sure you’ve been given the benefits of looking like one, whether you are or not, especially in environments where minority numbers were limited or not the dominate one. .

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How to Bring Down a Nation

If you were intent on bringing down a nation whose attitude, philosophy  and moral standing was strong, independent and entirely opposite from your own - a country that you cannot and may not confront militarily—how would you go about it?  The answer is simple: orchestrate the society’s destruction from within. The corrupt leadership of countries are merely fired by greed, power hunger and self inflated echoism and they fall "boots and all" into the trap set for them.

Although possibly taking longer than a military victory and requiring great patience, the damage would be just as effective if not more so.  When you destroy from within, you do it by using that country’s own people, no blood is spilled in combat and the physical infrastructure is left intact. 

In any country, there are but a few key areas that determine how the citizens mature, live, and develop their beliefs. These are the focal points that must be attacked.  In his book, On War, Clausewitz referred to this concept of identifying and then focusing on select points as attacking the center of gravity. 

The center of gravity is that key element, if controlled or destroyed, would most hurt your opponent and is the critical factor in achieving your objective.  In this case, when taking control of or destroying a country from within, the key is to attack and control the mind of the inhabitants—you must shape the way people view life and the values upon which their life is based.  Shape the mind and you control their direction.  Control their direction and you can lead them down a pathway to hell.

The centers of gravity in orchestrating a country’s downfall from within are as follows:

To shape truth, control the media:  Most people absorb what they know about life from the major media centers these days.  The media paints the picture for all to see.  If that picture is constantly distorted, lies become accepted as truth, i.e. tell enough lies repeatedly and soon those lies are accepted as fact. Spin and concoct, distort and influence using the public platforms such as television, radio and print and you can influence, sway and control the mind of the vast majority of its population in any area you choose.  This subversive influence includes pitting one group against another in order to ferment internal discord as well as ridiculing, discrediting and challenging moral principles and national values in order to destroy any hint of a strong spiritual foundation or allegiance to a unique national culture. This is a much easier task if many in your target audience have become lazy, ill-educated, ill-informed, demanding, inconsiderate, intolerant and apathetic.

To shape future generations, control education: Incrementally indoctrinate the children with principles that are sympathetic to your philosophy.  Make future generations weak in mind, body and spirit. Avoid teaching children the basic facts about their own true history, constitution or rights.  Teach them that natural aggression is wrong and docile submission is right. Teach them that any basis of a moral foundation, like the principles of religion, is a weakness to be avoided in the name of freedom and also redefine the concept of patriotism to support your views.  Teach them to cast off old values and traditions in the interest and name of sensitivity—after all, we wouldn’t want to offend anyone with our old fashioned or traditional beliefs. Make our fastest growing demographic group the least educated. You can add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated, and antagonistic to the population. Have this second underclass achieve a 50% dropout rate from high school. Overpopulate universities and training institutions with students that really does not have a chance to succeed. Promise them free education and create a culture of “Pass one, pass all.” University students has been misused in the past to change the face of history for ever or force government and educational institutions into de rigueur dialogue to meet their idealistic demands and grievances. It would be easy to recruit students with some objection or gripe against society and then exploit it to your own advantage.

To shape the political philosophy, infiltrate the government:  Whenever and wherever possible place those sympathetic to your philosophy into office at all levels—the higher, the better—so they can sway the direction of the country within every function of government, promising solutions, handouts and benefits for all.  In such a way you can tilt legislation toward incrementally increasing the control of and dependency on government—a government that you are shaping.  Concurrently, if you can pack the courts with appointed judges who will not hold you accountable to the law and its constitution, you can act with virtual impunity. Infiltration at the highest levels can also be employed to weaken the military through budget cuts, unwarranted restrictions and over commitment, degrading both force morale and effectiveness.  A country without a strong military is defenseless and vulnerable. The same applies to the political appointments of leaders with no law enforcement experience in the Police Service.

To shape the sense of nationalism, dilute the culture and the language:  A strong society has at its foundation a unique culture and a common language.  Simply put, it is the culture and language which ultimately defines and unites a nation.  If you can manipulate these two critical elements through legislative action and social pressure, you can weaken the foundation of any country.  How?  Introduce and eventually force the acceptance of a multi-cultural concept and refuse to accept a common tongue as the official language.  In short, prevent cultural assimilation and undermine any sense of nationalism.  Encourage and orchestrate a mosaic society rather than a melting pot and you will eventually mortally wound the national fabric. The key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity. It is important to ensure that you have various cultural sub-groups living in South Africa reinforcing their differences rather than as South Africans emphasizing their similarities. Invest in ethnic identity, and establish the cult of 'Victimology.' Get all majorities to think their lack of success was the fault of the minority.  Start a grievance industry blaming all majorities’ failure on the minority population.  

To shape the economy, spend, spend, spend and tax, tax, tax:  A country with a strong economy is financially independent and its people unlikely to look toward the government for much of anything.  If free people don’t depend on their government, that government has limited sway over them, looking at the current social grant system and demands of economical freedom. No government, in its right mind, can ever promise its citizens equal distribution of resources.  By legislating large sums from the public treasury is allocated to people not actually contributing to the fiscal, you accomplish two important goals.  First you create dependants that are now subject to conditions, rules and regulations you dictate, like for instance vote for us or you will lose it.  Secondly, you are putting that country into unsustainable promises of financial gain, reducing the value of the currency while undermining its economy.  And of course, to support all this spending, you now make the case that the people must “invest” in all these government provided “benefits” so you tax them relentlessly, stealing money from their pockets and independence from their lives.  Eventually, if you tax and spend enough, you financially oppress the taxpaying people to the point of serfdom and overload their economic structure to the point of collapse. Look at the increase of toll road levies, fuel, electricity, personal income tax, food prices and a battery of other taxes. Somewhere, the economy will eventually collapse.

Make it impossible to enforce immigration laws: Make a government agree that they owe other countries some type of compensation for past favours. Allow alien citizens to flock to your country in thousands without proper border or passport control. These people are fleeing their own despotic and repressive countries for a better life in South Africa and need to make living. They will prove to be better employees expecting lower salaries without any exuberant labour union backed - up demands. They will also establish businesses making a killing from local residents. A very good breeding ground for xenophobic related incidents to further destabilize the harmony in a country while taxing the security, education, health and socio - economical structures. What will happen one day when all illegal immigrants mobilized and suddenly started a revolt in a country at the same time at different locations? (currently the number of illegal aliens in SA by far outnumbers the combined forces of the army and police)

Through patient manipulation and clever coordination of these few centers of gravity, you can, in time, weave the downfall of even the most powerful nation, using its own citizens and systems to orchestrate the destruction. Other centres of gravity can be added like the deliberate stirring of labour unrest at strategic industries like mining. Eventually, mining houses cannot afford the loss of production and high wage demands and close the mines – easy pickings for any foreign investor (In Zimbabwe, a high tech military airbase was built by a foreign country right in the middle of a diamond belt)

The irony is that in just a few generations, the indoctrinated masses will be convinced this trail which has been shaped for them is truly the enlightened path for mankind and they will unwittingly look forward to the trip!  You have thus taken control of a country without firing a shot or spilling a drop of blood.

There is a saying:” When you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds follows”.

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On 7/17/2019 at 3:40 PM, Horsefly said:

Most posts on here are opinion.  It goes without saying 

You were the one arguing with us a few months ago about the use of the term “boy” in referring to a black man not being a racist term.  I don’t know if you ever understood although those of us with experience understood the reference and tried to explain.  Experience and the quality of that experience matters.  

People called you whitey and I’m sure you’ve been given the benefits of looking like one, whether you are or not.

"Boy" must be a north/south thing....It is true that around here, it is an insult if used to try to indicate immaturity in a man...

but more often it is mostly used in the likes of giving  "attaboy's"  or "that's my boy"....and  nothing to do with color.

In the Surfing culture, boy is not a derogatory...as in skaterboy or surferboy (also spelled as boi ). Yea boy.

So if you assume or take exception to every instance of the term as a racist one, then perhaps it is just you who are 'inexperienced'.

In either case it is patently wrong to assume what others mean without asking, if the term has multiple meanings for others and you find yourself offended.


And as far as any "benefits" you would have to list those....as statistics are no benefit to me....

I have already listed how affirmative action prevents equal opportunity in education and in the job market (which you refuse to address), so what 'benefits' do you claim are supposed to offset that.....so far as to be some kind of advantage (TODAY)?  You have shown nothing but meaningless statistics and conspiracy theory so far.....


BTW: Do you think it much easier for someone of "mixed skin color" to see the errors on both sides? 

I have always thought that the case....but I could be wrong...  

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19 minutes ago, Troll said:

"Boy" must be a north/south thing....It is true that around here, it is an insult if used to try to indicate immaturity in a man...

but more often it is mostly used in the likes of giving  "attaboy's"  or "that's my boy"....and  nothing to do with color.

In the Surfing culture, boy is not a derogatory...as in skaterboy or surferboy (also spelled as boi ).

So if you assume or take exception to every instance of the term as a racist one, then perhaps it is just you who are 'inexperienced'.

In either case it is patently wrong to assume what others mean without asking, if the term has multiple meanings for others and you find yourself offended.


And as far as any "benefits" you would have to list those....as statistics are no benefit to me....

I have already listed how affirmative action prevents equal opportunity in education and in the job market (which you refuse to address), so what 'benefits' do you claim are supposed to offset that.....so far as to be some kind of advantage?  You have shown nothing but meaningless statistics and conspiracy theory so far.....


BTW: Do you think it much easier for someone of "mixed skin color" to see the errors on both sides? 

I have always thought that the case....but I could be wrong...  

Really?  at work you had limited to no competition with the few minorities there.  My goodness you had an entire career working with and for whites the majority of the time.  So your work was based solely on your merit and not on a negative racial stereotype.  Imagine that. 

Have you ever been to a job interview where the leadership team met with you and warned you about the potential racism you’d encounter from some of the employees if you took the job?  And when you asked the president if he’d intervene with issues of race he said “no”?  Imagine that, having to deal with not only the stress of doing the work but having to navigate through racial tension too where top leadership said they wouldn’t intervene.  

Imagine being a young 1Lt and having your boss, a full colonel, tell you the military got worse when they allowed my kind in.  Imagine that.  Do you think he told the white officers that?  Or do you think race was not a general issue they needed to  navigate, just focus on merit 

imagine going into a college class and the professor holds up a paper bag and says anyone darker than this won’t pass his class.  Once again, can’t just focus on merit, color is a factor.

I have plenty other examples these are just a few of what happened to ME! 

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3 minutes ago, Mjd33 said:

Trump making the (crazy) squad the face of democrats is a smart move. 

...even if he does some nominal damage to himself, defining the other side is more valuable imo. 

Trump supporters are pretty hard to alienate.

That won’t happen once the left narrows down their pres candidates.  They’ll be the face and able to reshape the narrative from the 4. 

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2 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

That won’t happen once the left narrows down their pres candidates.  They’ll be the face and able to reshape the narrative from the 4. 


Every one of the cavalcade of clowns is kowtowing to the Idiot Squad and they will continue to do so. 


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Just now, concha said:


Every one of the cavalcade of clowns is kowtowing to the Idiot Squad and they will continue to do so. 


We’ll see.  

all they are doing is galvanizing their base.  You all know about that b/c cons are doing the same thing with the same issue.  Once the wounds are licked then the candidate will moderate their speech and be the voice of the party. I don’t think they’ll win, but that will be the effort 

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Just now, Horsefly said:

We’ll see.  

all they are doing is galvanizing their base.  You all know about that b/c cons are doing the same thing with the same issue.  Once the wounds are licked then the candidate will moderate their speech and be the voice of the party. I don’t think they’ll win, but that will be the effort 


The Four Idiots have no toleration for dissent. 

Any candidate who tries to pivot to the center will get crucified by them. 

The tail is wagging the dog. It's a dreadful but simple truth if you're a Dem. 


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First off, these 4 Apocalyptic Horsewomen of the U SA, do not have the power to overthrow America. They can scream and shout all they want but the true power lies in the people united together. 

Trump can make dumb statements, but you will never back him into the corner to get an apology. He ain't going to budge. You and the media should know that by now, and they do. They sell their agendas to all of us daily in the name of money. 

You can't reason with a mind that is made up. If you believe someone is racist and they're not, then what does that make you.

I said it from the begenning that I like Ben Carson, and yes, he is to soft for todays presidency, but I believe him when he says that Trump is not racist. I will not always have respect for every person I meet, but I will not disrespect anyone until  they earn my disrespect. 

My words will never matter as much as my actions do, and I know that so I try to live like it matters to me, and that I treat you like a human being even if I don't know you. 

Who of us have walked in a persons shoes that we don't like?

There is always a reason why people hate and are ugly to people they've never met. 

Confusion says; You brother is not your brother until you let him be. 

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On 7/17/2019 at 4:16 PM, Horsefly said:

Really?  at work you had limited to no competition with the few minorities there.  My goodness you had an entire career working with and for whites the majority of the time.  So your work was based solely on your merit and not on a negative racial stereotype.  Imagine that. 

Have you ever been to a job interview where the leadership team met with you and warned you about the potential racism you’d encounter from some of the employees if you took the job?  And when you asked the president if he’d intervene with issues of race he said “no”?  Imagine that, having to deal with not only the stress of doing the work but having to navigate through racial tension too where top leadership said they wouldn’t intervene.  

Imagine being a young 1Lt and having your boss, a full colonel, tell you the military got worse when they allowed my kind in.  Imagine that.  Do you think he told the white officers that?  Or do you think race was not a general issue they needed to  navigate, just focus on merit 

imagine going into a college class and the professor holds up a paper bag and says anyone darker than this won’t pass his class.  Once again, can’t just focus on merit, color is a factor.

I have plenty other examples these are just a few of what happened to ME! 

WOW you must be playing on tilt now....

Must be nice to assume everyone else had it any easier than you...

But you are forgetting, I worked in a corporate environment, at a time when quotas, racial tensions, and lawsuits caused all those corporations to favor and promote 'minorities' by rule, regardless of peoples opinions.

So me paying the "corrective price" for societies past historical transgressions is now somehow a benefit in your mind?

You can also imagine me in college, in those "racism and sexism" required courses, with a Nigerian teacher who played Farrakhan speeches every day....that was sure a blast getting a D for coursework that was certainly better than the average of the class...

Of course that is all History.....

And of course  your response is not one showing how there is any "white benefit" at all.....but only indicates how you felt you were adversely impacted.

So I guess you have no real "benefits to speak of" especially TODAY...….as it pertains to being so called "white"...

now do you... 



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15 minutes ago, Troll said:

WOW you must be playing on tilt now....

Must be nice to assume everyone else had it any easier than you...

But you are forgetting, I worked in a corporate environment, at a time when quotas, racial tensions, and lawsuits caused all those corporations to favor and promote 'minorities' by rule, regardless of peoples opinions.

So me paying the "corrective price" for societies past historical transgressions is now somehow a benefit in your mind?

You can also imagine me in college, in those "racism and sexism" required courses, with a Nigerian teacher who played Farrakhan speeches every day....that was sure a blast getting a D for coursework that was certainly better than the average of the class...

Of course that is all History.....

And of course  your response is not one showing how there is any "white benefit" at all.....but only indicates how you felt you were adversely impacted.

So I guess you have no real "benefits to speak of" especially TODAY...….as it pertains to being so called "white"...

now do you... 



We already had this conversation LAST week.  You stated you worked with minimal minorities with a select few on the board.  The majority were white and replacing white executives at the top. I believe you stated 10% of the employees at all levels were minorities, so what did that make the remaining 90%? I wager that vendors you worked with were majority white and probably male, sales teams, supplier, etc.  

It wasn’t just you taking the class but everyone else was in there too or did they single you out with all the other white students to take the class? 

I just gave you a benefit.  You only had to worry about the merit of your abilities on your job and not overcoming a negative stereotype.  All my examples were mine.  Not some bullshit stat affecting others in another place.  

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3 hours ago, Horsefly said:

He has no control, as the commander in chief, in using language that is uniting and not divisive?  

Do you actually think that about 20 people don't see his tweets before they go out? Liberals are too easy. To me it's the left who's divisive. Ever since Obama shoved political correctness, open borders, refugees that don't wanna assimilate AND hate America, socialized medicine, a war on cops (I could go on and on)….down our throats, and went on a world-wide apology tour, 50% (at least) of the population has been pissed. That's why Trump was elected. So there's that. And now there are a lot of people who like what he's doing. O predict a complete ass-kicking in '20.

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On 7/17/2019 at 5:03 PM, Horsefly said:

We already had this conversation LAST week.  You stated you worked with minimal minorities with a select few on the board.  The majority were white and replacing white executives at the top. I believe you stated 10% of the employees at all levels were minorities, so what did that make the remaining 90%? 

I just gave you a benefit.  You only had to worry about the merit of your abilities on your job and not overcoming a negative stereotype.  All my examples were mine.  Not some bullshit stat affecting others in another place.  

Wrong and wrong....

'At least 10%' on the 'board'....and the majority of my co-workers were minorities (Orientals and Indians) ….yes it was just last week remember?

and your 'benefit' of work being based on merit, is shattered with all those unwarranted promotions based on corporations not wanting to be sued for statistics, and having to "overlook" any merit I might have.

Do you see how entirely WRONG you are yet???? 


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15 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Do you actually think that about 20 people don't see his tweets before they go out? Liberals are too easy. To me it's the left who's divisive. Ever since Obama shoved political correctness, open borders, refugees that don't wanna assimilate AND hate America, socialized medicine, a war on cops (I could go on and on)….down our throats, and went on a world-wide apology tour, 50% (at least) of the population has been pissed. That's why Trump was elected. So there's that. And now there are a lot of people who like what he's doing. O predict a complete ass-kicking in '20.

Of course they see his tweets but he doesn’t care.  Why do you think there is high turnover? 

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